no markers
, domain=-7.5:25.5
, samples=100
, ymin=0
, axis lines*=left
, xlabel=
, every axis y label/.style={at=(current axis.above origin),anchor=south}
, every axis x label/.style={at=(current axis.right of origin),anchor=west}
, height=5cm
, width=20cm
, xtick=\empty
, ytick=\empty
, enlargelimits=false
, clip=false
, axis on top
, grid = major
, hide y axis
, hide x axis
%\draw [help lines] (axis cs:-3.5, -0.4) grid (axis cs:3.5, 0.5);
% Normal Distribution 1
\addplot[blue, ultra thick] {gauss(x, 0, 1.75)};
\pgfmathsetmacro\valueA{gauss(0, 0, 1.75)}
\draw [dashed, thick, blue] (axis cs:0, 0) -- (axis cs:0, \valueA);
\node[below] at (axis cs:0, -0.02) {\Large \textcolor{blue}{$\mu_{1}$}};
\draw[thick, blue] (axis cs:-0.0, -0.01) -- (axis cs:0.0, 0.01);
% Normal Distribution 2
\addplot[green, ultra thick] {gauss(x, 9, 1.75)};
\draw [dashed, thick, green] (axis cs:9, 0) -- (axis cs:9, \valueA);
\node[below] at (axis cs:9, -0.02) {\Large \textcolor{green}{$\mu_{2}$}};
\draw[thick, green] (axis cs:9, -0.01) -- (axis cs:9, 0.01);
% Normal Distribution 3
\addplot[red, ultra thick] {gauss(x, 18, 1.75)};
\draw [dashed, thick, red] (axis cs:18, 0) -- (axis cs:18, \valueA);
\node[below] at (axis cs:18, -0.02) {\Large \textcolor{red}{$\mu_{3}$}};
\draw[thick, red] (axis cs:18, -0.01) -- (axis cs:18, 0.01);
您可以看到所有三个分布都覆盖了整个维度(参见 x 轴线)。我想知道如何限制分布不跨越它们的维度?任何帮助都将不胜感激。谢谢
您可以使用restrict x to domain
no markers
, domain=-7.5:25.5
, samples=100
, ymin=0
, axis lines*=left
, xlabel=
, every axis y label/.style={at=(current axis.above origin),anchor=south}
, every axis x label/.style={at=(current axis.right of origin),anchor=west}
, height=5cm
, width=20cm
, xtick=\empty
, ytick=\empty
, enlargelimits=false
, clip=false
, axis on top
, grid = major
, hide y axis
, hide x axis
%\draw [help lines] (axis cs:-3.5, -0.4) grid (axis cs:3.5, 0.5);
% Normal Distribution 1
\addplot[blue, ultra thick,restrict x to domain=-6:6] {gauss(x, 0, 1.75)};
\pgfmathsetmacro\valueA{gauss(0, 0, 1.75)}
\draw [dashed, thick, blue] (axis cs:0, 0) -- (axis cs:0, \valueA);
\node[below] at (axis cs:0, -0.02) {\Large \textcolor{blue}{$\mu_{1}$}};
\draw[thick, blue] (axis cs:-0.0, -0.01) -- (axis cs:0.0, 0.01);
% Normal Distribution 2
\addplot[green, ultra thick,restrict x to domain=3:15] {gauss(x, 9, 1.75)};
\draw [dashed, thick, green] (axis cs:9, 0) -- (axis cs:9, \valueA);
\node[below] at (axis cs:9, -0.02) {\Large \textcolor{green}{$\mu_{2}$}};
\draw[thick, green] (axis cs:9, -0.01) -- (axis cs:9, 0.01);
% Normal Distribution 3
\addplot[red, ultra thick,restrict x to domain=12:24] {gauss(x, 18, 1.75)};
\draw [dashed, thick, red] (axis cs:18, 0) -- (axis cs:18, \valueA);
\node[below] at (axis cs:18, -0.02) {\Large \textcolor{red}{$\mu_{3}$}};
\draw[thick, red] (axis cs:18, -0.01) -- (axis cs:18, 0.01);
正如 Jake 所说,最好使用domain
\psGauss[linecolor=blue, linewidth=2pt]{-2}{2}
\psline[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=blue](0,-0.02)(*0 {sqrt(2/Pi)})
\psGauss[linecolor=green, linewidth=2pt]{-2}{2}
\psline[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=green](0,-0.02)(*0 {sqrt(2/Pi)})
\psGauss[linecolor=red, linewidth=2pt]{-2}{2}
\psline[linestyle=dashed,linecolor=red](0,-0.02)(*0 {sqrt(2/Pi)})
来自@HarishKumar 的提示
no markers
, domain=-7.5:25.5
, samples=100
, ymin=0
, axis lines*=left
, xlabel=
, every axis y label/.style={at=(current axis.above origin),anchor=south}
, every axis x label/.style={at=(current axis.right of origin),anchor=west}
, height=5cm
, width=20cm
, xtick=\empty
, ytick=\empty
, enlargelimits=false
, clip=false
, axis on top
, grid = major
, hide y axis
, hide x axis
%\draw [help lines] (axis cs:-3.5, -0.4) grid (axis cs:3.5, 0.5);
% Normal Distribution 1
\addplot[blue, ultra thick,restrict x to domain=-6:6] {gauss(x, 0, 1.75)};
\pgfmathsetmacro\valueA{gauss(0, 0, 1.75)}
\draw [dashed, thick, blue] (axis cs:0, 0) -- (axis cs:0, \valueA);
\node[below] at (axis cs:0, -0.02) {\Large \textcolor{blue}{$\mu_{1}$}};
\draw[thick, blue] (axis cs:-5.5, 0) -- (axis cs:5.5, 0);
% Normal Distribution 2
\addplot[green, ultra thick,restrict x to domain=3:15] {gauss(x, 9, 1.75)};
\draw [dashed, thick, green] (axis cs:9, 0) -- (axis cs:9, \valueA);
\node[below] at (axis cs:9, -0.02) {\Large \textcolor{green}{$\mu_{2}$}};
\draw[thick, green] (axis cs:3.25, 0) -- (axis cs:14.5, 0);
% Normal Distribution 3
\addplot[red, ultra thick, restrict x to domain=12:24] {gauss(x, 18, 1.75)};
\draw [dashed, thick, red] (axis cs:18, 0) -- (axis cs:18, \valueA);
\node[below] at (axis cs:18, -0.02) {\Large \textcolor{red}{$\mu_{3}$}};
\draw[thick, red] (axis cs:12.5, 0) -- (axis cs:23.5, 0);