如何生成“-分页符后的“继续”标题与 longtable 配合使用吗?

如何生成“-分页符后的“继续”标题与 longtable 配合使用吗?



我有一个长表 (至少) 超过两页。我想重新显示当前的节标题。我的问题是,长表与重新显示的节标题在同一行中继续。这是我使用的 latex 代码:

\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum
\usepackage{everyshi}% http://ctan.org/pkg/everyshi
\usepackage{etoolbox}% http://ctan.org/pkg/etoolbox
\usepackage{environ}% http://www.ctan.org/pkg/environ

\let\@section@title@\relax% Sectional heading storage
\patchcmd{\@sect}% <cmd>
  {\@xsect}% <search>
  {\gdef\@section@title@{% Store sectional heading
  {\noindent#6\@svsec#8\normalfont\ \smash{(continued)}}\par\bigskip}\@xsect}% <replace>
  {}{}% <success><failure>
\newif\if@sectionpage %Conditional to see if we are on the page where a section has been started
\newif\if@tab@pagebreak %Conditional to check if a table will cause a pagebreak
%Patching the tabular envionment
  \setbox0=\hbox{% measure the height of the tabular
  \currtabheight=\ht0 \advance\currtabheight by \dp0%
  \pt@saved=\the\pagetotal% store the current pagetotal value
  \advance\pt@saved by \currtabheight% add the height of the current tabular
  \ifdim\pt@saved>\pagegoal% the tabular will cause a pagebreak
  \ltx@tabular{#1}% printing the tabular
%Doing the old shipout trick with the addtional declared conditionals
%redefinition to make the sectionpage-switch work

\section{A section}


 \begin{longtable}{|l| l|}
 KILLED & LINE!!!! \kill
 \caption[An optional table caption ...]{A long table\label{long}}\\
 { This part appears at the top of the table}\\ \hline
 { This part appears at the top of every other page}\\ \hline\hline
 columns are specified& in the \\
 same way as in the tabular& environment.\\
 Lots of lines& like this.\\
Lots of lines& like this.\\         


\section{Second section}



如您所见,LaTeX 在标题连续行中开始长表的第二部分:

Longtable 的第二部分与重新显示的标题在同一行开始。

不幸的是,我对 LaTeX 了解不够,无法解决这个问题。有人能帮我吗?




分页后重新显示章节标题(使用 titlesec)




\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum




\section{A section}


 \begin{longtable}{|l| l|}
 KILLED & LINE!!!! \kill
 \caption[An optional table caption ...]{A long table\label{long}}\\
 { This part appears at the top of the table}\\ \hline
 { This part appears at the top of every other page}\\ \hline\hline
 columns are specified& in the \\
 same way as in the tabular& environment.\\
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
 Lots of lines& like this.\\   
Lots of lines& like this.\\         


\section{Second section}






更改 longtable(或其他“长表”包)中的运行头


我要感谢@Ulrike Fischer。她的评论让我再次审视了这个问题的解决方法。

