,奇怪的数字不知何故出现在空白页的标题页下方。这些数字是:_033303333.27 04453.37 13713.48.
有人知道如何解决这个问题吗?我不是 LaTeX 专家。
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{report}
\title{Switching off the genes Llmg{\_}0333, Llmg{\_}0445 and Llmg{\_}1371 by using the >knock-out technique in \textit{Lactococcus lactis} strain MG1363.}
\author{Major report LABlab februari 2014\\
\textit{project ran at}\\
\textit{in cooperation with}\\
\textit{guided by}\\
用户 egreg 已经声明,问题在于\maketitle
出现在 之前\begin{document}
,可以通过输入 来实现下划线字符\_
,该命令需要强制的 gennumber 作为第二个参数,第一个参数是可选的,默认为Llgm
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{report}
\title{Switching off the genes \Gennum{0333}, \Gennum{0445} and \Gennum{1371} by using the \emph{knock-out} technique in \textit{Lactococcus lactis} strain MG1363.}
\author{Major report LABlab februari 2014\\
\textit{project ran at}\\
\textit{in cooperation with}\\
\textit{guided by}\\
(...)} % End of title
\chapter{I can only guess what comes here}