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{\footnotesize Mathematics --- Differential Geometry}
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{\large \bfseries DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS \par
\Large Name of University \\[2pt]
\small Differential Geometry {(\small Code: Math-506)} \par}
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{\bfseries ABCDEF}\\
{\footnotesize \today}
\uline{Time: 3 hour \hfill \normalsize\emph{\underline{Term}} \hfill Maximum Marks: 60}
For a surface $\vec{r}= \vec{r} (u \cos v, u \sin v, f(u))$. Write down the first fundamental form of the surface. Show that the parametric curves are orthogonal.
Prove that necessary conditions for the curve $u = u(t), v = v(t)$ on a surface $\vec(r) = \vec(r)(u,v)$ to be geodesic is that \begin{equation}U \frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{v}} - V \frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{u}}\end{equation}
$$ U = \frac{d}{dt} \Big(\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{u}}\Big) - \frac{\partial T}{\partial u} = \frac{1}{2T}\frac{dT}{dt}\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{u}}$$
$$ V = \frac{d}{dt} \Big(\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{v}}\Big) - \frac{\partial T}{\partial v} = \frac{1}{2T}\frac{dT}{dt}\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{v}}$$
For the curve
x = a(3u - u^{3}),\qquad y = 3au^{2},\qquad z = a(3u + u^{3})
show that $$\uptau = k = \frac{1}{3a(1+u^{2})^{2}}$$
A curve is uniquely determined except as the position in space, when its curvature and torsion are given functions of its arc length.
Show that there exists an infinite family of involutes for a gives curve.
Give short answers of the following questions.
\item Define Helicoids?
\item Define spherical indicatrix?
\item Define the intrinsic equation?
\item Write the statement of existence theorem for space curve?
\item The normal curvature $k_{n}$ is equal to the what?
\item Prove that $L = -n_{1} \cdot r_{1}$ and $N = -n_{2} \cdot r_{2}$?
\item Define the geodesic?
\item Write down the equation of tangent plane?
\item If equation of the circle is $x^{2} + y^{2} = a^{2}$ then the parametric equations of circles are \xblackout{forty two}?
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\runningheader{\footnotesize Mathematics}
{\footnotesize Mathematics --- Differential Geometry}
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\includegraphics[width=1cm]{logo} \par
\underline{Name of the University}\par
\underline{Campus name} \par
\underline{Mid term examination -- Spring 2013} \par
Degree Program: Mathematics \par
Course Title: Differential Geometry \par
Date of Examination: 9.6.2014 \par
Teacher's name: ABCD \par
Student's name: \makebox[1.5in]{\hrulefill} \par
Course Code: Math-506
Class: BS \par
Semester: 2nd \par
Time duration: 3 hours \par
Total Marks: 60 \par
Roll No: \makebox[1in]{\hrulefill}
For a surface $\vec{r}= \vec{r} (u \cos v, u \sin v, f(u))$. Write down the first fundamental form of the surface. Show that the parametric curves are orthogonal.
Prove that necessary conditions for the curve $u = u(t), v = v(t)$ on a surface $\vec(r) = \vec(r)(u,v)$ to be geodesic is that \begin{equation}U \frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{v}} - V \frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{u}}\end{equation}
$$ U = \frac{d}{dt} \Big(\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{u}}\Big) - \frac{\partial T}{\partial u} = \frac{1}{2T}\frac{dT}{dt}\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{u}}$$
$$ V = \frac{d}{dt} \Big(\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{v}}\Big) - \frac{\partial T}{\partial v} = \frac{1}{2T}\frac{dT}{dt}\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{v}}$$
For the curve
x = a(3u - u^{3}),\qquad y = 3au^{2},\qquad z = a(3u + u^{3})
show that $$\uptau = k = \frac{1}{3a(1+u^{2})^{2}}$$
A curve is uniquely determined except as the position in space, when its curvature and torsion are given functions of its arc length.
Show that there exists an infinite family of involutes for a gives curve.
Give short answers of the following questions.
\item Define Helicoids?
\item Define spherical indicatrix?
\item Define the intrinsic equation?
\item Write the statement of existence theorem for space curve?
\item The normal curvature $k_{n}$ is equal to the what?
\item Prove that $L = -n_{1} \cdot r_{1}$ and $N = -n_{2} \cdot r_{2}$?
\item Define the geodesic?
\item Write down the equation of tangent plane?
\item If equation of the circle is $x^{2} + y^{2} = a^{2}$ then the parametric equations of circles are \xblackout{forty two}?
\noindent{\Large{\underline{\textbf{Cairo University}}}} \\
\underline{\textbf{Campus Name}} \\
\underline{\textbf{Mid Term Examination-spring 2013}} \\
Degree Program : Mathematics \par
Course Title : Differential Geometry \par
Date of Examination : \today \par
Teacher's name : Ahmed hussein hafez \par
Student's name :\makebox[1.5in]{\hrulefill} \par
Course Code : Aer-307\par
Class : Bs\par
Semester : 2nd\par
Time Duration : 3hours\par
Total Mark : 60\par
Roll NO $\#$:\makebox[1in]{\hrulefill}\par
\textbf{Q.1)} For a surface $\vec{r}$ = $\vec{r}$ (u$\cos v$ , u$\sin v$ , \textit{\textbf{f}}(u)). \textbf{Write down}the first fundamental form of the surface. \textbf{Show that} the parametric curves are orthogonal. \hfill 6-marks
\textbf{Q.2)} Prove that necessary conditions for the curve $\textbf{u=u(t)}$,$\textbf{v=v(t)}$ on a surface \\
$\vec{r}$ = $\vec{r}(u,v)$ to be geodesic is that $\displaystyle{U\frac{\partial T}{\partial v}-V\frac{\partial T}{\partial u}=0---\rightarrow(1)}$\hfill 10-marks\par
$\displaystyle{U=\frac{d}{dt}(\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{u}})-\frac{\partial T}{\partial
u} = \frac{1}{2T}\frac{dT}{dt}\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{u}}}$
$\displaystyle{V=\frac{d}{dt}(\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{v}})-\frac{\partial T}{\partial
v} = \frac{1}{2T}\frac{dT}{dt}\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{v}}}$
\textbf{Q.3)} For the curve \\
$x = a(3u-u^3),$
\end{center} \par
Show that $\tau$ = x = $\displaystyle{\frac{1}{3a(1+u^2)^2}}$\hfill 8-marks
\textbf{Q.4)} A curve is uniquely determined except as the position in space, when its curvature and torsion are given functions of its arc length \hfill 8-marks
\textbf{Q.5)} Show that there exists an infinite family of involutes for a gives curve\hfill 4-marks