条形图、箱线图数据表 PGF 数学错误来自混合格式的内联数据

条形图、箱线图数据表 PGF 数学错误来自混合格式的内联数据

我编写的带有汇总箱线图的水平条形图代码正在整理中,但如果我尝试绘制箱线图值,则仍然存在一个困扰我的 PGF 数学问题,这些值已在代码底部注释掉:

! Package PGF Math Error: Could not parse input 'auto' as a floating point numb
er, sorry. The unreadable part was near 'auto'..

See the PGF Math package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.139 \end{tikzpicture}  }

我的 MikTeX 有 PGFPLOTS 1.10 并且正在使用它。我一直在查阅 PGFPLOTS 和 PGFPLOTSTABLE 的手册,以及这里的论坛,寻找并找到了很多有用的信息。我的代码如下:



\pgfplotsset{every axis/.append style={
             semithick,tick style={
             major tick length=4pt,thick,black}},
             discard if not/.style 2 args={
              x filter/.code={

\pgfkeys{/pgfplots/x axis shift up/.style={
    x axis line style={yshift=#1},
    xtick style={yshift=#1},
    xticklabel shift={#1}}}
\pgfkeys{/pgfplots/y axis shift left/.style={
    y axis line style={xshift=-#1},
    ytick style={xshift=-#1},
    yticklabel shift={#1}}}

Miles,   Ride, Bike,    rdate 
12.5,    1,    Yel-11,  {$\stackrel{\hbox{Yel-11}}{\hbox{\tiny 03/30/14}}$}
16.5,    2,    Fuji,    {$\stackrel{\hbox{Fuji}}{\hbox{\tiny 04/23/14}}$}
21.0,    3,    8000SHX, {$\stackrel{\hbox{8000SHX}}{\hbox{\tiny 05/18/14}}$}
24.2,    4,    Yel-11,  {$\stackrel{\hbox{Yel-11}}{\hbox{\tiny 05/24/14}}$}
23.4,    5,    YFoil,   {$\stackrel{\hbox{YFoil 77}}{\hbox{\tiny 05/29/14}}$}
21.1,    6,    Y-22,    {$\stackrel{\hbox{Y-22}}{\hbox{\tiny 05/30/14}}$}
23.9,    7,    YFoil,   {$\stackrel{\hbox{YFoil 77}}{\hbox{\tiny 06/01/14}}$}
32.5,    8,    Fuji,    {$\stackrel{\hbox{Fuji}}{\hbox{\tiny 06/05/14}}$}


\begin{axis}[clip=false, domain=0:50, unbounded coords=jump,
     xbar,/pgf/bar shift=0pt,
     title={\centering Bike Miles for 2014},
     title style={yshift=1cm, text width=0.90\linewidth,
     xmin=0, xmax=50, xticklabel pos=upper, 
     tick align=outside,
     xticklabel style={major tick length=20pt, 
                       color=black, tickwidth={10pt}}, 
     axis x line*=top, axis y line*=left, 
     y axis line style={opacity=0},
     xmajorgrids, major grid style=black, axis on top,
     separate axis lines, x axis shift up=15pt, 
     y axis shift left=10pt, enlarge y limits=0.0,
     ytick={0,...,\numberofticks}, y dir=reverse,
     y tick label style={align=right, major tick length=5pt},
     yticklabels from table={data.csv}{[index]3},
     nodes near coords, nodes near coords align=horizontal,

\addplot [draw,fill=blue!75!black, discard if not={Bike}{Fuji}] 
        table [x=Miles, y expr=\coordindex, col sep=comma]{data.csv};

\addplot [draw,fill=blue, discard if not={Bike}{YFoil}] 
        table [x=Miles, y expr=\coordindex, col sep=comma]{data.csv};

\addplot [draw,fill=yellow, discard if not={Bike}{Yel-11}] 
        table [x=Miles, y expr=\coordindex, col sep=comma]{data.csv};

\addplot [draw,fill=gray, discard if not={Bike}{8000SHX}] 
        table [x=Miles, y expr=\coordindex, col sep=comma]{data.csv};

\addplot [draw,fill=red, discard if not={Bike}{Y-22}] 
        table [x=Miles, y expr=\coordindex, col sep=comma]{data.csv};

\draw [red,dotted,thick] (axis cs:21.9,-0.5) -- (axis cs:21.9,\numberofrows);

\draw [black] (axis cs:12.5,-0.5) -- (axis cs:32.5,-0.5);
\draw [red,thick=4mm] (axis cs:17.9,-0.5) -- (axis cs:25.9,-0.5)
      node[anchor=north east] at (axis cs:21.9,-0.5){\small $ \mu$}
      node[anchor=north east] at (axis cs:17.9,-0.5){\small $-\sigma$}
      node[anchor=north west] at (axis cs:25.9,-0.5){\small $+\sigma$};

  boxplot prepared={ draw position=\numberofrows,
    lower whisker =12.50,
    lower quartile=19.88,
    upper quartile=23.98,
    upper whisker =32.50,
        box extend=0.75,  % height of box
    whisker extend=0.50,  % height of whiskers
    every box/.style={thick,dashed,draw=blue,fill=gray!50},
    every whisker/.style={black,thick},
    every median/.style={densely dotted,cyan,thick},
] coordinates{};
%%node[left] at
%%(boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{lower whisker},1)
%%{\pgfmathprintnumber{\boxplotvalue{lower whisker}}}
%%node[left] at
%%(boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{lower quartile},1)
%%{\pgfmathprintnumber{\boxplotvalue{lower quartile}}}
%%node[left] at
%%(boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{median},0.5)
%%node[right] at
%%(boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{average},0.5)
%%node at
%%(boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{upper quartile},1)
%%{\pgfmathprintnumber{\boxplotvalue{upper quartile}}}
%%node[right] at
%%(boxplot box cs: \boxplotvalue{upper whisker},0.5)
%%{\pgfmathprintnumber{\boxplotvalue{upper whisker}}};
\draw  node[anchor=center] at (axis cs:40.0,9) {\numberofrows\ rides for 175.1 miles as of 06/05/14};


\end{tikzpicture}  }%fbox


我尝试将手册和此处示例中的数据放入宏中,但这只会使情况恶化,而且不起作用。表格的读取方式肯定存在根本问题。我将添加到domain=0:50, unbounded coords=jump,轴选项中,并且不再有关于未绘制每条数据线、每次 addplot 调用的超出范围点的投诉。

NOTE: coordinate (12.5,0Y0.0e0]) has been dropped because it is unbounded (in x
). (see also unbounded coords=jump). 

似乎x=Miles, y expr=\coordindex有问题,尽管它仍绘制了条形图。无论哪种情况,尝试打印/标记(lw、q1、q2、q3、uw)的箱线图值都会导致编译崩溃(上述错误消息)。

另外,如何将主网格线沿 x 轴向上移动并阻止它们延伸到底部栏?它们通常是白色的,因此只能通过栏看到。

我正在尝试使用这个简单/示例数据集来学习 PGFPLOTS。我的 iPad 上的 iBooks 中有两本 PGF 手册,但 pdf 格式导致 iBooks 经常崩溃。iPad 的 LaTeX Writer 应用程序可以很好地运行 PGFPLOTS,尽管 PGFPLOTS 必须手动更新到 1.10 版。

