重置词汇表 glsdisplayfirst

重置词汇表 glsdisplayfirst





\newglossaryentry{term}{name={Term}, text={term}, description={A term that obviously needs explaining in the glossary}}
\newacronym{test}{TIAT}{This Is A Test}


The first occurence of \gls{term} should be \textit{italic}. 
The second occurence of \gls{term} shouldn't, though. 

The full definition of \gls{test} should show just the first time, and the abbreviation afterwards, like this: \gls{test}.

The first occurence of \gls{term} should - again - be \textit{italic}. 
The rest of the occurences of \gls{term} throughout the rest of the document shouldn't, though. 

The full definition of \gls{test} should - again - show just the first time, and the abbreviation afterwards, like this: \gls{test}.





% arara: pdflatex
% arara: makeglossaries
% arara: pdflatex



\newglossaryentry{term}{name={Term}, text={term}, description={A term that obviously needs explaining in the glossary}}
\newacronym{test}{TIAT}{This Is A Test}

The first occurence of \gls{term} should be \textit{italic}. 
The second occurence of \gls{term} shouldn't, though. 

The full definition of \gls{test} should show just the first time, and the abbreviation afterwards, like this: \gls{test}.
The first occurence of \gls{term} should - again - be \textit{italic}. 
The rest of the occurences of \gls{term} throughout the rest of the document shouldn't, though. 

The full definition of \gls{test} should - again - show just the first time, and the abbreviation afterwards, like this: \gls{test}.

\section{Reset one}
You can also only reset the \gls{test} entry which should now display the full definition, the \gls{term} entry should not be affected.


