我在使用 Texmaker 设置 MusixTeX 时遇到了很大麻烦。显然,缺少有关如何安装 MusixTeX 的文档以及有关如何使用它的教程。有人能帮我设置吗?
我想,你的意思是 MusiXTeX。尝试执行以下示例,Texmaker 希望安装所需的包:
\usepackage[top=1cm, bottom=1cm, left=1cm, right=1cm]{geometry}
\instrumentnumber{1} % a single instrument
\setname1{Piano} % whose name is Piano
\setstaffs1{2} % with two staffs
\generalmeter{\meterfrac44}% 4/4 meter chosen
\startextract % starting real score
\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\hl j\en
\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\ql l\sk\ql n\en
\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{dgf}|\qlp i\en
\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\hl j\en
\zendextract % terminate excerpt
\instrumentnumber{1} % a single instrument
\setname1{Piano} % whose name is Piano
\setstaffs1{2} % with two staffs
\generalmeter{\meterfrac44}% 4/4 meter chosen
\startextract % starting real score
\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\hl j\en
\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\ql l\sk\ql n\en
\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{dgf}|\qlp i\en
\Notes\ibu0f0\qb0{cge}\tbu0\qb0g|\hl j\en
\zendextract % terminate excerpt
\textbackslash ibu0f0 begins an upper beam, aligned on the f , reference number 0, slope 0\par
\textbackslash tbu0 terminates this beam before writing the second g by means of \textbackslash qb0g\par
\textbackslash qb.. indicates a note belonging to a beam.\par
\textbackslash sk sets a space between the two quarters in the right hand, so that the second one is aligned with the third eighth in the left hand.\par
\textbackslash qlp is a dotted quarter note.\par
\textbackslash ibbl1j3 begins a double beam, aligned on the C (j at this pitch) with slope 15 percent.\par
我从 MusiXTeX 手册中取出这个例子(做了一些改动)