使用 foreach 写入数字并绘制矩形

使用 foreach 写入数字并绘制矩形


我正在尝试为自己绘制下图。我已经能够使用绘制矩形,\foreach 但是我无法在框下方写上数字,如图所示。有人可以帮我绘制这样的图表吗?

这是我的代码,它是 IEEE Tran 的代码。另外,请注意,我手动添加了从 1 到 n 的数字,我想使用\foreach命令来完成。请不要投反对票,因为我是 Tikz 和这个论坛的新手。

请再回答一个问题 - 有没有办法我可以初始化xy坐标作为x = 1Tikzy = 1图形的开始,然后使用参考坐标绘制所有块/矩形?




\hyphenation{op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor}


\title{Bare Demo of IEEEtran.cls for Conferences}



I wish you the best of success.

%Can I give a reference coordinate such as x = 0 and y = 0 and then draw figures
%based on that reference points through out the picture?

\draw [rounded corners](0,0) rectangle +(9,6);

\draw [rounded corners](0.15,0.5) node[above right, font =\small,align=center,text width = 2cm]{YYYY} rectangle +(2.25,5);

\foreach \x in {2.5}
    \foreach \y in {0.5,3,4.5}
    \draw [rounded corners] (\x,\y) rectangle +(6.35,1);


\foreach \x in {2.75,4.25,5.75,7.25}
    \foreach \y in {0.9,3.4,4.9}
    \draw [rounded corners] (\x, \y) node[above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {XXX} rectangle +(1.2,0.5);
\node at (2.75,4.5) [above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {1} ;
\node at (2.75,3) [above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {2} ;
\node at (2.75,0.5) [above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {n} ;

\node at (4.25,4.5) [above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {n+1} ;
\node at (4.25,3) [above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {n+2} ;
\node at (4.25,0.5) [above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {2n} ;

\node at (5.75,4.5) [above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {2n+1} ;
\node at (5.75,3) [above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {2n+2} ;
\node at (5.75,0.5) [above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {3n} ;

\node at (7.25,4.5) [above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {3n+1} ;
\node at (7.25,3) [above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {3n+2} ;
\node at (7.25,0.5) [above right, font=\scriptsize,text width = 1.8cm] {4n} ;








    rect/.style={rectangle,rounded corners,fill=green,draw=black,text width=.5cm,text height=.25cm},
    none/.style={rectangle,rounded corners,fill=green!10,draw=gray!20,text width=.5cm,text height=.25cm},


\foreach \y in {1,...,3} {
  \foreach \x in {1,...,4} {
      \node[rect] at (\x,-\y) {};
      \node[nmbr] at (\x,-\y) {\ifthenelse{\x=1}{\y} {
      \node[none] at (\x,-\y) {};
      \node[rect] at (\x,-\y-1) {};
      \node[nmbr] at (\x,-\y-1) {\ifthenelse{\x=1}{n}{\arabic{n}n}}; 





PSTricks 解决方案:


\usepackage[margin = 4cm]{geometry} % to avoid `Overfull \hbox' warning

\newcommand*\widthTotal{\fpeval{2*\distHoriInnerStart+\boxesInEachRow*\widthInner+(\boxesInEachRow-1)*\distHoriInner} }

%%% parameters %%%
% spacing
% size of boxes
% number of boxes in each row


  \multido{\r = 0+\vertDistOuter}{3}{%
      fillstyle = solid,
      fillcolor = blue!60
  \multido{\rA = \distHoriInnerStart+\horiDistInner}{\boxesInEachRow}{%
    \multido{\rB = \vertDistInner+\vertDistOuter}{3}{%
        fillstyle = solid,
        fillcolor = green!70!black
  \multido{\i = 2+1, \r = \horiDistInnerTwo{2}+\horiDistInner}{\fpeval{\boxesInEachRow-2}}{\rput(\r,\vertDistOuterTwo{2}){$\i n+1$}}
  \multido{\i = 2+1, \r = \horiDistInnerTwo{2}+\horiDistInner}{\fpeval{\boxesInEachRow-2}}{\rput(\r,\vertDistOuterTwo{1}){$\i n+2$}}
  \multido{\i = 2+1, \r = \horiDistInnerTwo{1}+\horiDistInner}{\fpeval{\boxesInEachRow-1}}{\rput(\r,\vertDistOuterTwo{0}){$\i n$}}



