- Gower AL, Destrade M, Ogden R (2013) 声弹性的反直觉结果。Wave Motion 50:1218–1228
- Golub GH,Van Loan CF (1996) 矩阵计算。约翰霍普金斯大学出版社,巴尔的摩
第一个是一篇文章,第二个是一本书。如果不了解 bibtex 代码的复杂性,我该如何做到这一点?
以下是您的操作方法!(无需像我一样受苦)。请注意,我的答案仅涵盖书籍和文章 bibtex 条目。
当你向 springer 提交稿件时,你应该使用他们的 tex class svjour3 found这里,但接下来的内容不需要它。现在下载 biblatex 并创建一个名为 biblatex.cfg 的文件,并将其放在与 .tex 文件相同的文件夹中。每次编译 latex 时都会自动读取此文件。稍后我将展示此文件的内容,但首先是 .tex 文件的最小示例:
author = {Peter Fox and Richard Rabbit and Franc Bird},
title = {Animals are the better humans},
journal = {Horse and Hound},
year = {2011},
volume = {10},
pages = {11--15}
title = {How to do all the typographic editing for free. },
publisher = {Open Access, University},
author = {Mathematician, D r},
year = {2012}
现在来看看 biblatex.cfg 中更令人痛苦的内容
% $Id: biblatex.cfg,v 1.7 2011/11/13 19:09:07 lehman stable $
\ExecuteBibliographyOptions{firstinits=true,terseinits=true, doi=false,url=false, isbn=false,maxbibnames=99}
\DeclareFieldFormat{journaltitle}{#1} %remove comma after title
\DeclareFieldFormat[article]{volume}{#1\addcolon} %add colon after volume
\renewcommand*\finentrypunct{} %Remove last full stop
\renewcommand*{\bibpagespunct}{% remove space before pages
%remove quotation marks from titles
\DeclareFieldFormat{pages}{#1}% no prefix for the `pages` field in the bibliography
\renewbibmacro{in:}{} %remove in: before journal title
% Add numeric label in the bibliography without brakets
% Change order to last name then first name abbreviate without a full stop at the end. This should be at the end!
%\ifblank{#2}{}{\addcomma\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamefirst{#2}\isdot}}% DELETED
\ifblank{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamefirst{#2}}}% NEW
% \ifblank{#2#3}{}{\addcomma}% DELETED
以下是运行 latex bibtex latex latex 的结果:
- Fox P, Rabbit R, Bird F (2011) 动物是更好的人类。《马与猎犬》10:11–15
- 数学家博士 (2012) 如何免费完成所有印刷编辑。开放获取,大学
根据 moewes 评论进行编辑:
这个答案改进了 Artur Gower 的答案(感谢您投入这项繁琐的工作!),因为它几乎满足了我的所有需求,但例如对 techreports 不起作用。最重要的变化是使用
删除各个字段的斜体和引号。星号版本还会覆盖特定条目的 FieldFormats,正如 moewe 指出的那样(谢谢!)
这是我的新版本的 biblatex.cfg:
% $Id: biblatex.cfg,v 1.7 2011/11/13 19:09:07 lehman stable $
\ExecuteBibliographyOptions{giveninits=true,terseinits=true, doi=false,url=false, isbn=false,maxbibnames=99}
\DeclareFieldFormat*{journaltitle}{#1} %remove comma after title
\DeclareFieldFormat*{pages}{#1}% no prefix for the `pages` field in the bibliography
\renewcommand*\finentrypunct{} %Remove last full stop
\renewcommand*{\bibpagespunct}{% remove space before pages
%remove quotation marks from titles
\renewbibmacro{in:}{} %remove in: before journal title
% Add numeric label in the bibliography without brakets
% Change order to last name then first name abbreviate without a full stop at the end. This should be at the end!
%\ifblank{#2}{}{\addcomma\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamefirst{#2}\isdot}}% DELETED
\ifblank{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamefirst{#2}}}% NEW
% \ifblank{#2#3}{}{\addcomma}% DELETED