LateX 没有显示我想要的方程式;F(x)= exp[-exp(\frac{x - \mu}{\sigma})]。它如下图所示。
此外,我的 \begin{cases} .... \end{cases} 无法运行。这是我的代码:-
\newcommand*{\rom}[1]{\expandafter\@slowromancap\romannumeral #1@}
\frametitle{1.2.1 Gumbel Distribution}
\item a.k.a the Extreme Value Type \rom{1} distribution is bounded and has the
following probability density function $$F(x)= exp [- exp(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})]$$
%repair this
where, \\
$\mu$ is the location parameter,\\
$\sigma$ is the scale parameter, ($\sigma$>0).\\
The shape of the Gumbel model does not depend on he distribution parameters.
F(x) = \begin{cases}
0, $ \text{$x>\mu$} \\
exp[-{$\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}}$], & $x \geq \mu$
$$ \\
where \\
$\xi$ is the shape parameter, \\
$\mu$ is the location parameter, \\
$\sigma$ is the scale parameter, ($\sigma$ > 0) [2]
% \usepackage{comicsans}
% \usepackage[inline]{enumitem}
\newcommand*{\rom}[1]{\expandafter\@slowromancap\romannumeral #1@}
\frametitle{1.2.1 Gumbel Distribution}
\item a.k.a the Extreme Value Type \rom{1} distribution is bounded and has the
following probability density function
F(x)= \exp [- \exp(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})]
%repair this
where, \\
$\mu$ is the location parameter,\\
$\sigma$ is the scale parameter, ($\sigma>0$).\\
The shape of the Gumbel model does not depend on he distribution parameters.
F(x) = \begin{cases}
0, &\text{$x>\mu$} \\
exp[-{\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}}], & x \geq \mu
where \\
$\xi$ is the shape parameter, \\
$\mu$ is the location parameter, \\
$\sigma$ is the scale parameter, ($\sigma > 0$) [2]