使用 \nocite{bibtexkey} 创建参考文献列表。在 bibtex 文件中,我有包含 keyword=publications 的条目,在单个条目的附录中,我添加了命令 \printbibliography
之前有一个类似的问题回答过(使用 biblatex 生成带子书目的书目) 这需要创建一个自定义字段“usera”,其中包含 bibkeys 列表。是否可以使用关键字(例如referencesinarticle1、referencesinarticle2 等)来定义 article1 或 article2 之后的子书目内容。
或者传递一个命令,在 bib 文件的附录字段中打印子书目,列出用于创建子书目的关键字。
MWE 如下:
Title = {Changing trends in pediatric transplantation: 2001 Annual Report of the North American Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study.},
Author = {Benfield, Mark R. and McDonald, Ruth A. and Bartosh, Sharon and Ho, P. L. and Harmon, William},
Journal = {Pediatr Transplant},
Language = {eng},
Pages = {321--335},
Volume = {7},
Year = {2003},
Month = {Aug},
Number = {4},
Keyword = {publication},
Addendum = {\printbibliography[keyword=Benfield2004],title=Reference}
Title = {Changing trends in pediatric transplantation: 2001 Annual Report of the North American Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study.},
Author = {Benfield, Mark R. and McDonald, Ruth A. and Bartosh, Sharon and Ho, P. L. and Harmon, William},
Journal = {Pediatr Transplant},
Language = {eng},
Pages = {321--335},
Volume = {7},
Year = {2004},
Month = {Aug},
Number = {4},
Keyword = {Benfield2004}
The first citation.\nocite{Benfield2003}