






或者更好的是应该将单词的定义放在右边(2 列?)就像这样


我查看了标准脚注、bigfoot、footmise 和 multifoot,但没有找到满足要求的方法。


我验证了@Steven B. Segletes 的解决方案,因为它最接近我所要求的,并且极大地帮助我指出了要遵循的路径。我更新/修改了他给出的解决方案,添加了perpage和包括,manyfoot以便有两个独立的脚注流。



\usepackage{scrextend, perpage}



  \setbox0=\hbox{#2$^{\thefootnotemark}$:\ }%
  \deffootnote[\wd0]{0em}{1em}{#2$^{\thefootnotemark}$:\ }%


This is a test\footnote{this is a standard footnote} and 
another\footnote{Another footnote} of normal footnotes.
Now we wish to test the use of footnote definitions.
This is a \footdef{1}{test}{noun meaning of test} 
of the Emergency broadcast system in which ``test'' is used as a noun.
But we can also \footdef{2}{test}{verb meaning of test} the verb meaning
of the word.  I can repeat a \footdefmark{1}{test} of something already done.
I can choose a new \footdef{4}{word}{a sequence of letters with meaning}
and differentiate it from a \footdef{3}{word}{a grouping of $n$ bytes
forming the bit width of the processor} for the Z80 processor.
And this is back to\footnote{A Normal Footnote} a normal footnote.
This is a test\footnote{this is a standard footnote} and 
another\footnote{Another footnote} of normal footnotes.
Now we wish to test the use of footnote definitions.
This is a \footdefmark{1}{test}{noun meaning of test} 
of the Emergency broadcast system in which ``test'' is used as a noun.
But we can also \footdefmark{2}{test}{verb meaning of test} the verb meaning
of the word.  I can repeat a \footdefmark{1}{test} of something already done.
I can choose a new \footdefmark{4}{word}{a sequence of letters with meaning}
and differentiate it from a \footdefmark{3}{word}{a grouping of $n$ bytes
forming the bit width of the processor} for the Z80 processor.
And this is back to\footnote{A Normal Footnote} a normal footnote.




我使用了scrextend在这里第一次读到的包:文本和脚注中的脚注标记格式不同。它模仿了其他文档类别的 KOMA-Script 的功能,因此要阅读文档,可以查找 KOMA-Script,例如:http://texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/latex/koma-script/scrguien.pdf





这是我的 MWE。

\usepackage{scrextend, lipsum}
  \setbox0=\hbox{#2$^{\thefootnotemark}$:\ }%
  \deffootnote[\wd0]{0em}{1em}{#2$^{\thefootnotemark}$:\ }%
This is a test\footnote{this is a standard footnote} and 
another\footnote{Another footnote} of normal footnotes.

Now we wish to test the use of footnote definitions.
This is a \footdef{1}{test}{noun meaning of test} 
of the Emergency broadcast system in which ``test'' is used as a noun.
But we can also \footdef{2}{test}{verb meaning of test} the verb meaning
of the word.  I can repeat a \footdefmark{1}{test} of something already done.
I can choose a new \footdef{1}{word}{a sequence of letters with meaning}
and differentiate it from a \footdef{2}{word}{a grouping of $n$ bytes
forming the bit width of the processor} for the Z80 processor.

And this is back to\footnote{A Normal Footnote} a normal footnote.




\usepackage{scrlayer-notecolumn, scrlayer-scrpage, calc, perpage,

 \DeclareNewNoteColumn[font=\sffamily\footnotesize, width=3cm, 

\MakePerPage{Rnnr}% Counterreset every new page
% with package perpage, there also is zref-perpage
\renewcommand{\theRnnr}{\alph{Rnnr}}% print letters as anchors
\textsuperscript{\textit{\theRnnr}}% Anker im Text
  \makenote[randnot]{% Randnotiz
    \textsuperscript{\theRnnr}#1\xspace}} %%Randnotentext


  Video provides a powerful way to help you prove your point.
  When\Anm{when\textsuperscript{1}: first meaning of when}\label{rn:first-when} you click
  Online Video, you can paste in the embed code for the video you want
  to add. You can also type a keyword to search on line for the video
  that best fits your document. To make your document look
  professionally produced, Word provides\footnote{This is a standalone
    footnote} header, footer, cover page, and text box designs that
  complement each other.

  For example, you can add a matching\footnote{Footnote next} cover
  page, header, and sidebar. Click Insert and then choose the elements
  you want from the different galleries. Themes and styles also help
  keep your document coordinated. When\Anm{when\textsuperscript{3}: third meaning of
    when}\label{rn:third-when} you click Design and choose a new
  Theme, the pictures, charts, and SmartArt graphics change to match
  your new theme.

  When\textsuperscript{\ref{rn:first-when}} you apply styles, your
  headings change to match the new theme. Save time in Word with new
  buttons that show up where\Anm{where\textsuperscript{2}: second meaning of
    where}\label{rn:second-where} you need them. To change the way a
  picture fits in your document, click it and a button for layout
  options appears next to it. When\Anm{when\textsuperscript{2}: Second meaning of
    when}\label{rn:second-when} you work on a table, click
  where\textsuperscript{\ref{rn:second-where}} you want to add a row
  or a column, and then click the plus sign.  Reading is easier, too,
  in the new Reading view. You can collapse parts ofthe document and
  focus on the text you want.  If you need to stop reading before you
  reach the end, Word remembers
  where\textsuperscript{\ref{rn:second-where}} you left off - even on
  another device. Video provides a powerful way to help you prove your
  point\footnote{Last footnote}.



