我可以使用 Tex4ht 将 LaTeX 文件转换为 HTML,同时保留 @michal.h21 提供的配置文件中的方程式https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/185802/52068
但是,当图像标题中有一个带有单个美元符号 ($equation$) 的方程式时,它就会失败。
TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=30000]
\caption{Teleportation: the system consists initially of two entangled electrons (2 and 3) with Alice and Bob, respectively, in the state $\ket{\Upsilon}$ (see text). Alice measures one of the Bell states, shown here as $\ket{\Phi^+}$, for example. She sends this outcome classically to Bob, who then corrects the entangled state, here using the identity operator, to put his electron into the state $\ket{\nearrow}$. }
不确定是否需要向配置文件中添加其他参数以便覆盖标题中的方程式,或者我的 LaTeX 文件有问题。