如何在回忆录课中使用 LaTeX 中的 leftmark

如何在回忆录课中使用 LaTeX 中的 leftmark

我正在使用文档类memoir。我也想用\leftmark它将节标题显示为标题。你能给出一个小示例程序说明如何\leftmark在 LaTeX 中使用吗memoir?我读了手册,但不明白。以下是程序

  \createmark{section}{both}{shownumber}{}{. \ }



 same moment it is produced. When you flip a switch, the electric power is there. Behind the scenes, state electricity board employees are hard at work operating and maintaining the comwhich I have learnt at GNDTP 1 in this report. Additional help has been taken from internet which has 




  \createmark{section}{both}{shownumber}{}{. \ }
\usepackage{kantlipsum} % provides sample text



