我需要画一个有 n 条腿的圆和一个有 n+2 条腿的圆。通常我会用锚点将腿连接到圆上。但是北、东北、西北等……简单还不够。看起来很奇怪……
\usepackage{tikz} %For Drawing with pdflatex
\usetikzlibrary{decorations.markings} % For Arrow heads in the middle
\usetikzlibrary{decorations.text} % For text along path
\usetikzlibrary{positioning} % For relative positioning
\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds} % For background layer
\usetikzlibrary{fit} % To make background fit
\usetikzlibrary{calc} % To calculate e.g. the distance between nodes
\usetikzlibrary{shapes} % more shapes
\resizebox{0.8 \linewidth}{!}{
\node[draw,circle, minimum size=1cm] (c1) {1L};
\node [above right=.5cm of c1.north east] (l1c1) {\tiny 1}
edge [thick] node [] {} (c1.north east) ;
\node [above left=.5cm of c1.north west] (lnc1) {\tiny n}
edge [thick] node [] {} (c1.north west) ;
\path [postaction={decorate,decoration={text along path, text=.....,text align/left indent={3cm}}}] (c1) circle (.7cm) ;
\node [right =.2cm of c1.east] (eq) {=} ;
\node[right=.2cm of eq.east,draw,circle, minimum size=1cm] (c2) {0L};
\node [above right=.5cm of c2.north east] (l1c2) {\tiny 1}
edge [thick] node [] {} (c2.north east) ;
\node [above left=.5cm of c2.north west] (lnc2) {\tiny n}
edge [thick] node [] {} (c2.north west) ;
\node [above left=.5cm of c2.north] (ll1c2) {\tiny $l_1$}
edge [thick] node [] {} (c2.north) ;
\node [above right=.5cm of c2.north] (ll2c2) {\tiny $l_2$}
edge [thick] node [] {} (c2.north) ;
\path [postaction={decorate,decoration={text along path, text=.....,text align/left indent={3cm}}}] (c2) circle (.7cm) ;
\caption{The Ansatz for $A_n^+$}
或north west
等于 0 度。角度按逆时针方向定义。
% arara: pdflatex
\resizebox{0.8 \linewidth}{!}{
\node[draw,circle, minimum size=1cm] (c1) {1L};
\node [above right=.5cm of c1.north east] (l1c1) {\tiny 1}
edge [thick] node [] {} (c1.north east) ;
\node [above left=.5cm of c1.north west] (lnc1) {\tiny n}
edge [thick] node [] {} (c1.north west) ;
\path [postaction={decorate,decoration={text along path, text=.....,text align/left indent={3cm}}}] (c1) circle (.7cm) ;
\node [right =.2cm of c1.east] (eq) {=} ;
\node[right=.2cm of eq.east,draw,circle, minimum size=1cm] (c2) {0L};
\node [above right=.5cm of c2.north east] (l1c2) {\tiny 1}
edge [thick] node [] {} (c2.north east) ;
\node [above left=.5cm of c2.north west] (lnc2) {\tiny n}
edge [thick] node [] {} (c2.north west) ;
\node [above left=.5cm of c2.north] (ll1c2) {\tiny $l_1$}
edge [thick] node [] {} (c2.95); % adapt angle to your needs!
\node [above right=.5cm of c2.north] (ll2c2) {\tiny $l_2$}
edge [thick] node [] {} (c2.85); % adapt angle to your needs!
\path [postaction={decorate,decoration={text along path, text=.....,text align/left indent={3cm}}}] (c2) circle (.7cm) ;
\caption{The Ansatz for $A_n^+$}
第二种可能性是手动移动锚点。虽然不是很美观,但在某些情况下还是不错的(对于圆形节点来说不是那么好......)。这可能看起来像edge [thick] node [] {} ([xshift=-1.4mm, yshift=-3mm]c1.north west);