半透明 Tikz 节点

半透明 Tikz 节点






\begin{tabular}{l r}
\end{adjustbox} \\
 & \\ % extra row for vertical separation
for tree={
    draw=black, align=center, l sep=4ex, parent anchor=south, child anchor=north,
    node options={font=\scriptsize, minimum width=14em, minimum height=10ex, rounded corners=1ex},
    edge path={
        (!u.parent anchor) -- +(0,-2ex) -| (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
    where n children=0{
        child anchor=west,
        edge path={
            ([xshift=-6em]!u.parent anchor) |- (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
        for parent={
            parent anchor=south, l sep=-12em, grow'=east, calign=child edge%, draw=blue         
        } %,draw=red
    }{}, base=b,
    fill opacity=.75,
[\textbf{Aaaaaa  Aaaaa}\\
Aa. Aaaaaaaaaaaa \\aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\Aaaaaaaaaaa 
    [\textbf{Bbbbbb Bbbbbbb}\\
Bbbbbb Bbbbbbbbb Bbbbbbbb\\Bbbbbbbbbbb 
        [\textbf{Cc Cccccc}\\
Ccccccccc Ccccccccccccc Ccccccc\\Ccccccccccc 
,name=10003046,node options={dashed}
[,phantom, minimum height=1ex]
    [\textbf{Dddddd Ddddddd}\\
Ddddddddddddd Dddddddddd\\Ddddddddddd 
,name=10004047,node options={dashed}]
    [\textbf{Eeeeee Eeeee}\\
Eeeeeeeee Eeeeeeeeeee\\Eeeeeeeeeee 
,name=10004057,node options={dashed}[,phantom]]
\tikzset{every node/.style={font=\footnotesize, align=center, draw=black!20, minimum width=14em, minimum height=10ex, rounded corners=1ex}}
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\draw[->,dashed] (10004047) to (10004145);
\node[anchor=south,draw=black](10011144) at ([xshift=16em]10004145 |- 0,-18ex) {
\textbf{Fffffff Fffff}\\
Ffffffffff\\fff fff\\Ffffff Fffffffffffffff
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\draw[->,dashed] (10004145) to (10011144);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\draw[->,dashed] (10003046) to (10003863);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\draw[->,dashed] (10004057) to (10003863);
} \\

