我已经尝试了一个多小时,但还是没能将一个方程式居中。为什么这个方程式没有居中 - 即左边有那么多空白??
$$\frac{dX_{SS}}{dt}=\Lambda-\mu X_{SS}-\frac{\beta\bigg(X_{HS}+X_{HT}+X_{H+{T_T^{(1)}}}+X_{H+T_T^{(2)}}
我已经尝试过 flalign、raggedleft、raggedright、amsmath 包等等......
I have tried for over one hour now, in vain, on centering one equation. Why in the world is the equation not centered - i.e., so much margin on the left??
\frac{dX_{SS}}{dt} &= \Lambda - \mu X_{SS} & & -\frac{β \big(X_{HS}+X_{HT}+X_{H+{T_T^{(1)}}}+X_{H+T_T^{(2)}}+X_{H+T_T^{(3)}}\big)}{N} \\
& & & -\frac{τ(X_{ST}+X_{HT})X_{SS}}{N}
I have tried for over one hour now, in vain, on centering one equation. Why in the world is
the equation not centered---i.e., so much margin on the left?
\frac{dX_{SS}}{dt}=\Lambda-\mu X_{SS}
I have tried for over one hour now, in vain, on centering one equation. Why in the world is
the equation not centered---i.e., so much margin on the left?
\frac{dX_{SS}}{dt}=\Lambda-\mu X_{SS}
I have tried for over one hour now, in vain, on centering one equation. Why in the world is
the equation not centered---i.e., so much margin on the left?
\frac{dX_{SS}}{dt}=\Lambda-\mu X_{SS}
I have tried for over one hour now, in vain, on centering one equation. Why in the world is
the equation not centered---i.e., so much margin on the left?
\frac{dX_{SS}}{dt}=\Lambda-\mu X_{SS}\\
I have tried for over one hour now, in vain, on centering one equation. Why in the world is
the equation not centered---i.e., so much margin on the left?
从放大的版本中可以看出,方程比 长\textwidth
LaTeX(或其他结构),而不是 TeX 。参见\[...\]
为什么 \[ ... \] 比 $$ ... $$ 更可取?
I have tried for over one hour now, in vain, on centering one equation. Why in the world is the equation not centered - i.e., so much margin on the left??
$$\frac{dX_{SS}}{dt}=\Lambda-\mu X_{SS}-\frac{\beta\bigg(X_{HS}+X_{HT}+X_{H+{T_T^{(1)}}}+X_{H+T_T^{(2)}}
I have tried for over one hour now, in vain, on centering one equation. Why in the world is the equation not centered - i.e., so much margin on the left??
I have tried for over one hour now, in vain, on centering one equation. Why in the world is the equation not centered - i.e., so much margin on the left??
\frac{dX_{SS}}{dt}&=\Lambda-\mu X_{SS}-\frac{\beta\bigg(X_{HS}+X_{HT}+X_{H+{T_T^{(1)}}}+X_{H+T_T^{(2)}}
I have tried for over one hour now, in vain, on centering one equation. Why in the world is the equation not centered - i.e., so much margin on the left??