当我更改文档类别时 TikZ 出现问题

当我更改文档类别时 TikZ 出现问题

article当我从文档类更改为mnthesis自定义文档类时,我遇到了与 TikZ 相关的问题mnthesis。文档类无法识别 tikz。请参阅下面的代码。首先是test1.tex带有article文档类的代码,然后mnthesis.cls是代码。谢谢。

\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{article}

\usepackage{pgfplots}  %pgfplots.sourceforge.net\pgfplots.pdf




    \caption{Flowchart of Zambian Modeled Economy}
\tikzstyle{demand} = [draw, rectangle, fill=blue!50, text width=29em, text centered, minimum height=10mm, node distance=4em]
\tikzstyle{market} = [draw, diamond, fill=blue!50, text width=2em, text centered, minimum height=12mm, node distance=4em]
\tikzstyle{stage} = [draw, rectangle, fill=blue!50, text width=5em, text centered, minimum height=8mm, node distance=4em]
\tikzstyle{sector}=[draw, circle, fill=red!50,minimum height=20mm, text width=4em, text centered]
\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -stealth, thick]



%Consumer Demand
\node [demand] (consdemand) {Consumer Demand\\$y_{m}$$\leq$$q_{m}$ \hspace{12mm}     $y_{s}$=$q_{s}$ \hspace{16mm}    $y_{r}$=$q_{r}$  \hspace{12mm}  $y_{d}$=$q_{d}$};

\node [market, below of=consdemand, yshift=-25, xshift=-40mm] (manfmkt) {Manf Market};
\node [stage, below of=manfmkt, yshift=-18mm] (MLK) {Labor and Capital};
\node [sector, below of=MLK, yshift=-104mm] (manuf) {Manu-facturing};
\node [stage, left of=manfmkt, xshift=-13mm,yshift=0mm] (imex2) {Imports, Exports};
\node [stage, left of=manuf, yshift=-15mm, xshift=-24mm] (factorinc) {HH Factor Income};

%Modern Food Channel
\node [market, below of=consdemand, yshift=-9mm, xshift=-14mm] (modfoodmkt) {Modern Food Mkt};
\node [stage, below of=modfoodmkt, yshift=-2mm] (modfoodret) {Modern Food Ret};
\node [stage, below of=modfoodret, yshift=-2mm] (MFLK) {Labor and Capital};
\node [market, below of=MFLK, yshift=-2mm] (WSfoodmkt) {WSale Output};
\node [stage, below of=WSfoodmkt, yshift=-2mm] (processors) {Processors};
\node [market, below of=processors, yshift=-2mm] (comfarmoutput) {Com Farm Output($Y_{c}$)};
\node [stage, below of=comfarmoutput, yshift=-2mm] (commfarms) {Labor and Capital};
\node [market, below of=commfarms, yshift=-2mm] (modlandmkt) {Modern Land Mkt};
\node [stage, below of=modlandmkt, yshift=-2mm] (commland) {Commercial Land ($H_{c}$)};
\node [sector, below of=commland, yshift=-6mm] (modfood) {Modern Food Channel};
\node [stage, left of=comfarmoutput, xshift=-39mm,yshift=0mm] (imex1) {Imports, Exports};

%Services Channel
\node [market, below of=consdemand, yshift=-9mm, xshift=13mm] (servicesmkt) {Services Market};
\node [stage, below of=servicesmkt, yshift=-18mm] (SLK) {Labor and Capital};
\node [sector, below of=SLK, yshift=-103mm] (serv) {Services};

%Traditional Food Channel
\node [market, below of=consdemand, yshift=-9mm, xshift=40mm] (tradfoodmkt) {Trad Food Mkt};
\node [stage, below of=tradfoodmkt, yshift=-2mm] (tradfoodret) {Traditional Food Ret};
\node [stage, below of=tradfoodret, yshift=-2mm] (TLK) {Labor and Capital};
\node [market, below of=TLK, yshift=-34mm] (tradfarmoutput) {Trad Farm Output($Y_{h}$)};
\node [stage, below of=tradfarmoutput, yshift=-2mm] (SHfarms) {Labor and Capital};
\node [market, below of=SHfarms, yshift=-2mm] (tradlandmkt) {Trad Land Mkt};
\node [stage, below of=tradlandmkt, yshift=-2mm] (smallholderland) {Smallholder Land ($H_{h}$)};
\node [sector, below of=smallholderland, yshift=-6mm] (tradfood) {Traditional Food Channel};

% Path Lines
\path [line][<->] (comfarmoutput) -- (imex1);
\path [line] [<->] (imex1) -- (imex2);
\path [line] [<->] (imex2) -- (manfmkt);
\path[line] (manfmkt) -- (consdemand);
\path[line] (modfoodmkt) -- (consdemand);
\path[line] (servicesmkt) -- (consdemand);
\path[line] (tradfoodmkt) -- (consdemand);
\path[line] (MLK) -- (manfmkt);
\path[line] (SLK) -- (servicesmkt);
\path[line] (MFLK) -- (modfoodret);
\path[line] (TLK) -- (tradfoodret);
\path[line] (tradfarmoutput) -- (TLK);
\path[line][->>,very thick] (manuf) |- (factorinc);
\path[line][->>,very thick] (modfood) |- (factorinc);
\path[line][->>,very thick] (serv) |- (factorinc);
\path[line][->>,very thick] (tradfood) |- (factorinc);
\path[line][->>,very thick] (factorinc) |- (consdemand);
%\draw[->] (manuf) -- (manuf -| consdemand);



% mnthesis.cls: mnthesis document class (Latex)
% Les Clowney ----- modified by K. Thorne for UofMinn
%  5/12/89   make version for University of Minnesota
%  11/23/89  modifications for 11-pt version for UofM
%  2/14/90   correct entries to table of contents
%  3/25/94   add in signature and abstract signature pages. -Jeff Nelson
%  5/4/2005  Modify to latex2e class format from old style format - BPS
%  5/24/2007 Fix the title and abstract page formatting. - BPS
% 11/17/2009 Fixed ordering of acknowledgments and abstract as required - PP
% 11/17/2009 'References' added to Table of Contents as required - PP
% 11/17/2009 Note: Table of content and list of Figures are ok in 'draft' format, not in 'final' (which is default) - PP
% 5/21/2010 Added Dedication - EB
% 5/24/2010 Added section to correctly give M.S. thesis or Ph.D. dissertation - EB
% 11/23/2010 Fixed the issue with restarting the numbering of pages if both Acknowledgement and Dedication pages are present
%            If Dedication page alone is present please uncomment line 406   - Sriram Doraiswamy
% 11/23/2010 Fixed the problem where additional pages of Acknowledgement were not correctly numbered - Sriram Doraiswamy
% 11/25/2010 Name of the advisor and Master of Arts or Science appears properly - Sriram Doraiswamy


% Summary of New Commands (many are not used outside of the style file)
%The following are primarily for the titlepage et al....
%\draft         (this invokes the macro \draftrue)
%\copyrightpage     (make a copyright page)
%\figurespage       (make a page for list of figures)
%\tablespage        (make a page for list of tables)
%\title{thesis title}   (this is defined by the report style)
%\author{author's name} (this is defined by the report style)
%\phd           (if invoked then \phdtrue is set.)
%\degree{degree type}   (Default "Master of Science")
%\words{words in abstract}
%\abstract{the body of the abstract}
%\acknowledgements{the body of the acknowledgments}
%\dedication{the body of the dedication}
%\director{the principal advisor's name}
%\submissionyear{year of submission to the Graduate School}
%\submissionmonth{month of submission to the Graduate School}
%(The default dates used will be those at which the document was prepared)
%\begin-end{vita}  (begin single spacing after this point for the vita)
%       ******* Booleans *******
%\ifpagestyletopright   (invoke \pagestyle{topright})
%\ifdraft       (Will do some things differently if draft. Set by \draft)
%\ifcopyright       (Add a copyright notice? (Set by \copyrightpage)
%\ifabstract        (set if command \abstract invoked)
%\ifpreface     (set if command \preface invoked)
%\ifextra       (set if command \extra invoked)
%\ifacknowledgements    (set by \acknowledgements)
%\ifabstract        (set by \abstract)
%\ifafterpreface (afterpreface sections pagenumber must be at topright
%               corner. If user has chosen a header then it must be overridden.)
%               (Produce a List of figures? The default is to do so.)
%               (Produce a List of tables?)
%\begin/end{descriptionlist} (Basically a modified  \description.)
%\fullpagefigure Creates a figure where the page is a vbox whose
%                height is \textheight.

% Redefine the way that LaTeX starts up so that its simpler to use.

% We need 1" (~72pt) margins except on binding edge, where it is 1 1/2".
% They are a bit larger to handle lines with overfull boxes.

% My Definitions

%\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{1.937cm}  % default -> 2.0 cm odd side
%\setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.55in} % final version to grad school
\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.1in} % default -> 3.4 cm even side
%\setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.1in} % default -> 3.4 cm even side





% Documentstyle Modifications
\brokenpenalty=10000 % Do not break pages at hyphens.

% use baselinestretch of 2.0 for 10 pt
% use baselinestretch of 1.6 for 11 pt

\@addtoreset{equation}{chapter} % Set things up so that the equation,
% thefigure, and thetable counters are reset by incrementing
% thechapter. (The others are correct in the report style.)

% use Table of Contents rather than default of Contents
%\def\tableofcontents {
%  \@restonecolfalse
%  \if@twocolumn
%    \@restonecoltrue\onecolumn
%  \fi
%  \chapter*{Table of Contents\@mkboth{TABLE OF CONTENTS}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}}
%  \@starttoc{toc}
%  \if@restonecol
%    \twocolumn
%  \fi

% single space bibliography, quotations and verse.
\renewenvironment{thebibliography}[1] {
  \list{\@biblabel{\@arabic\c@enumiv}} {
  \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
} {
  \def\@noitemerr {
    \@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography` environment}

% This pageheadings will place numbers at top righthand corners
\def\ps@topright {

%  ***** Verbatim listing macro ****
%  Code from the TeXbook for inputting a file and listing it verbatim in
%  \tt mode. Will not properly handle tabs.  This code hasn't been
%  rigorously tested so it should be used cautiously.  Note that the
%  left quote. "`", is redefined when the macro is finally used or `
%  isn't properly handled.
\def\uncatcodespecials{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 }\dospecials}
\def\setupverbatim {
  \tt \def\par{\leavevmode\endgraf}\catcode`\`=\active
  \obeylines \uncatcodespecials \obeyspaces
} {
  \obeyspaces\global\let =\

% This is in limbo right now...make heading and subheading as in Scribe.
  {-3.25ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}{1.5ex plus .2ex}

% Single Space Figures, Tables, and Footnotes
% Redefine the macro used for floats (including figures and tables) so
% that single spacing is used.  (Note \def\figure{\@float{figure}set
% single spacing} doesn't work because figure has an optional argument)
\def\@xfloat#1[#2] {
    \@bsphack\@floatpenalty -\@Mii
  \else\@next\@currbox\@freelist {
    \@tempcnta\csname ftype@#1\endcsname
    \@tfor \@tempa :=#2\do {
      \if\@tempa h\advance\@tempcnta \@ne\fi
      \if\@tempa t\advance\@tempcnta \tw@\fi
      \if\@tempa b\advance\@tempcnta 4\relax\fi
      \if\@tempa p\advance\@tempcnta 8\relax\fi
  } \@fltovf\fi

% leave captions indented, I hope
% \hsize\columnwidth

% Single space footnotes.
    \splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
    \hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore
    \edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark}
    \@makefntext {

% User commands
  \phdtrue\def\@degree{Doctor Of Philosophy}
  \phdfalse\def\@degree{Master Of Science}


% defaults
\def\@degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\def\@campus{University of Minnesota}
  January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi

% conditionals and defaults
\newif\ifdraft          \draftfalse
\newif\ifafterpreface       \afterprefacefalse
\newif\ifcopyright      \copyrightfalse
\newif\iffigures        \figuresfalse
\newif\iftables         \tablesfalse
\newif\ifabstract       \abstractfalse
\newif\ifpreface        \prefacefalse
\newif\ifextra          \extrafalse
\newif\ifacknowledgements   \acknowledgementsfalse
\newif\ifdedication     \dedicationfalse
\newif\ifabbreviationspage  \abbreviationspagefalse
\newif\ifphd            \phdfalse
\newif\ifpagestyletopright  \pagestyletoprighttrue

\newcommand\titlep {
  \vbox to \textheight {
    \null\nobreak\vskip 10bp {
    \vskip 4ex plus 2ex minus 2ex {
      \ifdraft {
        DRAFT VERSION CREATED ON \uppercase\expandafter{\today}\\
        A \ifphd{DISSERTATION}\else{THESIS}\fi\ \\
        BY \\
% probably want to add space.
% \vskip 36bp minus 36bp
        \vskip 2ex plus 2ex minus 2ex
        \vskip 2ex plus 2ex minus 2ex
%       \ifphd{Doctor of Philosophy}\else{Master of Science}\fi\ \\
        \ifphd{Doctor of Philosophy}\else \@degree          \fi\ \\
        \vskip 1ex plus 1ex minus 1ex
        \vskip 1ex plus 1ex minus 1ex
        \@month, \@year\\
      \fi %close ifdraft
}% end titlep

\newcommand\copyrightp {
  \bf\large\copyright\ \@author\ \ \@year\ \\

\def\descriptionlist#1 {
  \list{} {

\def\unnumberedsection#1 {

% The signature, title, copywrite, and abstract pages
\newcommand\beforepreface {
%  \ifabstract {
  \ifacknowledgements {  
    \c@page1 % set page counter so that next is 1

% Title page

% Copywrite page




%    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Acknowledgements}
%    \null\vskip -20bp
%    \begin{center} {
%    }
%    \large\bf\
%    Acknowledgements
%    \end{center}
%    \vskip 8bp



% \pagenumbering{roman}     


%    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Dedication}
%    \null\vskip -20bp
%    \begin{center} {
%    }
%    \large\bf\
%    Dedication
%    \end{center}
%    \vskip 8bp


% An abstract to be bound into the thesis
%    \pagestyle{plain}
%    \pagenumbering{roman}
%    \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Abstract}
%    \null\vskip -20bp
%    \begin{center} {
%      \large\bf\expandafter{\@title} \large
%      \vskip 8bp
%      by \@author \\
%      %Under the supervision of \@director
%      \vskip 8bp
%    }
%    \large\bf\
%    Abstract
%    \end{center}
%    \vskip 8bp
%    \@abstract
%  } \fi
%  \typeout{Abstract}
%  %\eject

\newcommand\afterpreface {
% Insert all of the text between the title (and copyright) pages and the main
% body of the thesis.
%  \pagenumbering{roman}
%  \ifpreface {
%    \unnumberedsection{Preface}
%    \@preface
%  } \fi
%  \ifacknowledgements
%    \unnumberedsection{Acknowledgements}
%    \@acknowledgements
%  \fi
%  \ifdedication 
%    \unnumberedsection{Dedication}
%    \@dedication
%   \fi

%    \pagenumbering{roman}
    \ifabstract {
    \null\vskip -20bp
    \begin{center} {
    \vskip 8bp



  \ifabbreviationspage {
    \unnumberedsection{List of Abbreviations}
  } \fi
  \ifextra {
%   \chapter*{}
  } \fi
  \c@page0 % set page counter so that next is 1

\def\vita {


% Fullpage floats:
\def\fullpagefigure {
  \vbox to \textheight

\def\fullpagetable {
  \vbox to \textheight

% Redefine appendix to print Appendix []. ... page # in table of contents.
  \hbox{Appendix #1. }

\renewcommand\appendix {
% Redefine @chapter  so that appnumberline (ratherline) is used.
  \def\@chapter[##1]##2 {
    \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
      {\protect \appnumberline{\thechapter}##1}
% Don't add extra space to lists of figures and tables after chapters.

\renewcommand\listoffigures {
  \chapter* {
    List of Figures
  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}

\renewcommand\listoftables {
  \chapter* {
    List of Tables
  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}

      \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
       {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%


根据内核中某个相当老的版本(可能是 LaTeX 2.09 版)mnthesis.cls重新定义。因此它与 TikZ 以及所有其他使用颜色的软件包不兼容。\@xfloat


% save a copy of the kernel's \@xfloat

% load the mnthesis class

% fix floats to use single spacing


