

我是一名博士生,目前正在用 Latex 编写我的论文。我的学校开发了一个自定义文档类,他们强烈建议使用该类以符合布局和格式标准。

在使用他们的文档类并使用 subfigure 包显示子图后,我在编译文档后发现了引用错误:当对由子图组成的图形进行索引时,连续的图形编号通常会增加 2,而不是 1。我相信这个问题已经在这里描述过了:subcaption 与 subfig:引用子图的最佳包

接下来,我测试了一个修复程序(此处建议:子字幕包:兼容性问题) 使用\captionsetup{compatibility=false}说明符覆盖 caption 包的文档类自定义。应用 subcaption 包和compatibility=false此处的选项确实纠正了索引问题。但是,正如警告的那样,标题不再按照文档类中指定的格式进行格式化。看来我陷入了进退维谷的境地……




根据要求,以下是上述索引问题的最小工作示例 (MWE)。后来我发现,如果我使用\documentclass [11pt, twoside] {book}而不是使用 调用的自定义论文模板编译以下代码,则图形编号正确\documentclass [11pt, twoside] {uwthesis}[2012/06/19]。了解这一点后,似乎索引问题的原因在于相应的文档类文件 中的某个地方,uwthesis.cls其中的一部分(包含图形标题的自定义)我已发布在下面。MWE 如下:

\documentclass [11pt, twoside] {uwthesis}[2012/06/19]
%\documentclass [11pt, twoside] {book}

\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}  % Print the chapter and sections to the toc

\usepackage{alltt}  %




% metafont font.  If logo not available, use the second form
% \font\mffont=logosl10 scaled\magstep1
% --- end-of-sample-stuff ---


% ==========      Text pages



% ================== figure 1, no subfigures
    \caption{Sample caption for figure 1.}

% ================= figure 2,  includes subfigures
        \caption{First subfigure sample.}
        %\subcaption{First subfigure sample.}
        \caption{Second subfigure sample.}
        %\subcaption{Second subfigure sample.}
    \caption{Sample composite caption for figure 2.}

% ================== figure 3, no subfigures
    \caption{Sample caption for figure 3.}



% Documentation is in the companion document (uwthesis.tex)


% footnote stuff for option processing


\newif\ifendnotes      % true if doing endnotes
\newif\ifchapternotes  % true if doing chapternotes

\DeclareOption{footnotes}% selects bottom-of-page notes (default)
\DeclareOption{chapternotes}% selects end-of-chapter notes
\DeclareOption{endnotes}% selects end-of-thesis notes

% ----  Timely loading of specific packages -----------------------------
\newif\if@natbib      % true if including natbib
\DeclareOption{natbib}% includes natbib package

% ----  Thesis is a modified (default 12pt) book style  -----------------



% ---- page sizes ----------------------------------------------
% margins are 1 inch (72pt) all around,
% except 1.5 inch (108pt) at the binding
% text size computed from paper size

\voffset -1in  % undo primitive default margins
\hoffset -1in

\topmargin 72\p@  
\headheight 12\p@
\headsep 36\p@
\oddsidemargin 108\p@ 
\evensidemargin 72\p@
\botmargin 72\p@
\marginparwidth 72\p@
\marginparsep 7\p@
\footskip \z@ % set later
\footnotesep 14\p@
\parindent 1.5em

  \advance\textheight by-\topmargin
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  \advance\textheight by-\headsep
  % \advance\textheight by-\footskip
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  \advance\textwidth by-\evensidemargin

% ---------------

\def\baselinestretch{1.5}    % not quite doublespaced

\setlength\floatsep    {18\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 4\p@}
\setlength\textfloatsep{30\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 4\p@}
\setlength\intextsep   {20\p@ \@plus 4\p@ \@minus 4\p@}
\let\@normalsize\normalsize  % retain old definition

%  ----  Footnotes  ------------------------------------------
% Footnote placement option
%   [endnotes] put the references at the thesis end
%   [chapternotes] put the references at the chapter end
%   [footnotes] put the references at the page bottom
%   When text is written to file (.not) the source linebreaks
%   are maintained.  This keeps the individual lines in the file short.
%   Control sequences in the note text are not expanded.



  \immediate \write\tf@not
      {\n@teitem{\note@label} #1\relax}%

\def\@startnotes{%  opens the .not file
  \immediate \openout\tf@not\jobname.not\relax
  \immediate \write\tf@not{\relax}

% chapternotes

  % \typeout{Doing chapternotes}
  \def\printchapternotes{% Prints the accumulated notes
      \begin{center} Notes to Chapter \arabic{chapter} \end{center}\par
          \numberline{}{Notes to Chapter \arabic{chapter}}}

% endnotes

  % \typeout{Doing endnotes}
  \def\printendnotes{% Prints the accumulated notes
    \@startnotes  % allows multiple endnotes

%  bottom-of-page footnotes format
%  full width line and hanging indent
 \hrule width \columnwidth \kern 2.6\p@}
\long\def\@makefntext#1{\parindent 1em\noindent \hangindent\parindent
 \hb@[email protected]{\hss\@makefnmark}#1}

%  ----  Text pages  ----------------------------------
%  In two-sided style Chapter 1 is right handed
\def\textofChapter#1{\gdef\@textofChapter{#1}}  \textofChapter{Chapter}
\def\textofAppendix#1{\gdef\@textofAppendix{#1}}  \textofAppendix{Appendix}

\def\textpages{% Start of text pages
     \advance\textheight by\footskip % has to be done before the clearpage


%  Parts
\def\@makeparthead#1{ \vspace*{2pc} {\centering
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 \vspace{10\p@} \fi 
  \large\bf \uppercase\expandafter{#1}\par
 \nobreak \vspace{20\p@}} }
\def\@makesparthead#1{ \vspace*{2pc} {\centering
 \large\bf \uppercase\expandafter{#1}\par
 \nobreak \vspace{20\p@}} }
   % \thispagestyle{empty}%
   % \let\\\relax
%  Complication is added here to allow line breaks
%  in the part titles (via \\).
  \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
  {\def\\{ }  % allow \\ in title
     \numberline{Part\ \thepart:}#1}}\else
  {\def\\{ }  % allow \\ in title
  \else \@makeparthead{#2}
  \@afterheading \fi}
\def\@spart#1{\if@twocolumn \@topnewpage[\@makesparthead{#1}]
  \else \@makesparthead{#1}

%  Chapter headings
\def\@makechapterhead#1{ \vspace*{2pc} {\centering
 \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne \large \@chapapp{} \Thechapter \par
 \vspace{10\p@} \fi 
  \large\bf \uppercase\expandafter{#1}\par
 \nobreak \vspace{20\p@}} }
\def\@makeschapterhead#1{ \vspace*{2pc} {\centering
 \large\bf \uppercase\expandafter{#1}\par
 \nobreak \vspace{20\p@}} }
   % \thispagestyle{empty}%
   % \let\\\relax
%  Complication is added here to allow line breaks
%  in the chapter titles (via \\).
  \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
  {\def\\{ }  % allow \\ in title
     \numberline{\@chapapp\ \thechapter:}#1}}\else
  {\def\\{ }  % allow \\ in title
  \else \@makechapterhead{#2}
  \@afterheading \fi}
\def\@schapter#1{\if@twocolumn \@topnewpage[\@makeschapterhead{#1}]
  \else \@makeschapterhead{#1}
%  Section headings
  \@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
       {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
       {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
       {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
       {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
       {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
       {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%

% part
  \ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne
    \vskip 1.0em \@plus\p@

%  Provide for `Chapter ' in the toc
%  (increase \@tempdima)
  \ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne
    \vskip 1.0em \@plus\p@

% extra space between toc entries
  \ifnum #1>\c@tocdepth \else
    \vskip -\baselineskip % \@plus.2\p@%
    \vskip 1.2\baselineskip
    {\leftskip #2\relax \rightskip \@tocrmarg \parfillskip -\rightskip
     \parindent #2\relax\@afterindenttrue
     \@tempdima #3\relax
     \advance\leftskip \@tempdima \null\nobreak\hskip -\leftskip
        \mkern \@dotsep mu\hbox{.}\mkern \@dotsep
     \hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hfil\normalfont \normalcolor #5}%

% ------ Special captions ---------------------
% \caption[]{text} produces normal caption and numbering
% \caption(-){(continued)} produces `(continued)' caption and 
%        same-as-last caption number
% \caption(x)[]{text} produces lettered caption.  1.1a, 1.1b, ...
%        If (x) is (a) or (A) then caption number is incremented,
%        else it is same numbered.



\def\@normalcaption{\refstepcounter\@captype \@dblarg{\@caption\@captype}}

    the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}%
    \normalsize  % UW grad school doesn't allow \footnotesize
    \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname
        \thecaptionletter}{\ignorespaces #3}\par

\def\@listI{\leftmargin\leftmargini \parsep 7\p@ plus 3\p@ minus 1\p@\topsep
 12\p@ plus 5\p@ minus 6\p@\itemsep 7\p@ plus 3\p@ minus 1\p@}

%  ----  Facing pages and double-page figures and tables
%  \begin{fullpage} ... \end{fullpage}
%  \begin{leftfullpage} ... \end{leftfullpage}
%  \begin{xtrafullpage} ... \end{xtrafullpage}

\newif\if@LP \@LPfalse
\newif\if@XP \@XPfalse

   \vbox to\textheight{\vss\unvbox\@@wholepage\vss}}
   \vbox to\textheight{\vss\unvbox\@@wholepage\vss}\global\@LPtrue}

   \typeout{Formatting for twoside printing.}
   \typeout{Formatting for oneside printing.}
      \vbox to\textheight{\vss\unvbox\@@wholepage\vss}\global\@XPtrue}

  \else \global\@namedef{LP:\expandafter\string\@currbox}{z}%
  \else \global\@namedef{XP:\expandafter\string\@currbox}{z}%


% reject a left-side float that appears on an odd page
 \def\@xtryfc #1{%
   \expandafter\if\csname LP:\string#1\endcsname L%
      % \typeout{facing page in xtryfc}%
          \typeout{I moved a leftpage float from page \the\count0.}%
    \old@xtryfc #1}



% flip a facing page caption
 \def\@wtryfc #1{%
  \expandafter\if\csname LP:\string#1\endcsname L\gdef\LP@page{}%
      \typeout{Encountered a facing page.}%
  \expandafter\if\csname XP:\string#1\endcsname X\gdef\XP@page{}%
      \typeout{Encountered an extra page.}%
   \@oldwtryfc #1}

     {\let\@themargin\oddsidemargin \let\@thehead\@oddhead}
     {\let\@themargin\evensidemargin \let\@thehead\@evenhead
       \typeout{Printing a left-hand one-side page.}%
     {\let\@thehead\@empty \let\@thefoot\@empty
       \typeout{Printing an extra page.}%

%  ----  Preliminary pages  ---------------------------
\def\prelimpages{ % sets page numbering for the preliminary pages
   \pagestyle{empty} % will be {plain} at start of toc
   \footskip 30\p@ % allowance for the roman page numbers
    \advance\textheight by-\footskip  
%      (The following macros are used once and discarded)
%  Title page
%  (Defaults are for dissertation.  See \MasterThesis below.)
\def\Year#1{\gdef\@Year{#1}}  \Year{\year}
\def\Degree#1{\gdef\@Degree{#1}} \Degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\def\Program#1{\gdef\@Program{#1}} \Program{your program here}
\def\School#1{\gdef\@School{#1}} \School{University of Washington}
\def\GSchool#1{\gdef\@GSchool{#1}} \GSchool{Graduate School}
  \Degreetext{A dissertation\\ submitted in partial fulfillment of the\\requirements for the degree of}
       \Programtext{Program Authorized to Offer Degree: }

       \textofCommittee{Reading Committee: }
\def\textofDate#1{\gdef\@textofDate{#1}}  \textofDate{Date}

       \textofChair{Chair of the Supervisory Committee: }

\newcount\@Chair \@Chair0
  \ifnum\@Chair>0\textofChair{Co-Chairs of the Supervisory Committee:}\fi
  \global\advance\@Chair by1}

  \global\advance\@Sign by1}

\def\copyrightpage{                   % Prints the copyright page
      \par\vskip\z@ plus4fill\relax
      \copyright Copyright \@Year
      \par\vskip\z@ plus2fill\relax

\def\titlepage{                   % Prints the title page
      \lineskip 3ex
      \par\vskip\z@ plus4fill\relax
      \par\vskip\z@ plus4fill\relax
      \par\vskip\z@ plus2fill\relax
      \par\vskip\z@ plus2fill\relax
      \par\vskip\z@ plus1fill\relax
      \par\vskip\z@ plus4fill\relax

      % signers
      \@textofCommittee \par 
      \@whilenum \count1<\@Chair \do
       {\vskip12\p@ \baselineskip12pt
        \csname C:\the\count1\endcsname, Chair
        \advance\count1 by1}
      \@whilenum \count1<\@Sign \do
       {\vskip12\p@ \baselineskip12pt
        \csname S:\the\count1\endcsname
        \advance\count1 by1}

      \par\vskip\z@ plus4fill\relax
      \@Programtext \par \@Program\par}
      \par\vskip\z@ plus1fill\relax

%   Abstract
%  normal parameters
\def\textofAbstract#1{\gdef\@textofAbstract{#1}}  \textofAbstract{Abstract}

\newsavebox\abs@savebox% (\abs@savebox compliments of [email protected])
      {\def\baselinestretch{1.0}\normalfont \@Title \par}
      \@whilenum \count1<\@Chair \do
       {% \vskip12\p@ \baselineskip12pt
        \csname T:\the\count1\endcsname\ \csname C:\the\count1\endcsname
        \par \csname D:\the\count1\endcsname\par\vskip6\p@
        \advance\count1 by1}
    \begingroup % have to set multiple abstract pages 1-sided
    \def\@blankpage{\if\@@blankpage B
            \global\advance\count\z@ by1\fi
%   Table of contents (right side page) (always page `i')
\def\textofToC#1{\gdef\@textofToC{#1}}  \textofToC{Table of Contents}
   \hbox to\textwidth{\hfill Page}
   {\let\footnotemark\relax  % in case one is in the title
%   List of figures

\def\textofLoF#1{\gdef\@textofLoF{#1}}  \textofLoF{List of Figures}
   \hbox to\textwidth{Figure Number \hfill Page}
   {\let\footnotemark\relax  % in case one is in the title
%   List of tables
\def\textofLoT#1{\gdef\@textofLoT{#1}}  \textofLoT{List of Tables}
   \hbox to\textwidth{Table Number \hfill Page}
   {\let\footnotemark\relax  % in case one is in the title
%  Bibliography
\def\textofBIB#1{\gdef\@textofBIB{#1}}  \textofBIB{Bibliography}
 \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}

%   Acknowledgments
\def\textofAck#1{\gdef\@textofAck{#1}}  \textofAck{Acknowledgments}

%   Dedication
\def\textofDed#1{\gdef\@textofDed{#1}}  \textofDed{Dedication}

%   Vita
\def\textofVita#1{\gdef\@textofVita{#1}}  \textofVita{Vita}

%   Gratis definition of a glossary environment

% End of the thesis style




\documentclass [11pt, twoside] {uwthesis}[2012/06/19]

\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}  % Print the chapter and sections to the toc

\usepackage{alltt}  %





% metafont font.  If logo not available, use the second form
% \font\mffont=logosl10 scaled\magstep1
% --- end-of-sample-stuff ---


% ==========      Text pages



% ================== figure 1, no subfigures
    \caption{Sample caption for figure 1.}

% ================= figure 2,  includes subfigures
  \subfloat[First subfigure sample.]{%
  \subfloat[Second subfigure sample.]{%
  \caption{Sample composite caption for figure 2.}

% ================== figure 3, no subfigures
    \caption{Sample caption for figure 3.}





