我正在尝试用 制作书封底pstricks
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
% load the necessary packages
% begin the document and suppress page numbers
% set up the picture environment
% set up the fonts we use
% put the publisherӳ logo on the spine
\rput[b](6.65,-1.00){\color{white}{\fbox{\Logo ASD}}}
% Create a Box containing the text for the back cover
This booklet contains
% And position the box
% Then we close all open environments
\sbox\Authorbox{\includegraphics[width=0.5in, height=0.5in]{Agri1.jpg}}
% now place the picture
% create a savebx for the biography. The width has been adjusted so
% that the right margin matches with that of the book blurb
AB \LaTeX{}. Contact him
by at [email protected]
% and put it where it belongs