




\caption{Studies on Highway }



Optimization &  Methods &  References \\ \hline

\multirow{3}{*}{\begin{sideways} {Horizontal} \end{sideways}} 

                       & Calculus &  Howard  \\  \cline{2-3}
                       & Network  & Turner \\  \cline{2-3}
                       & Dynamic  &  Nicholson  \\ \cline{2-3}

\multirow{3}{*}{\begin{sideways} {Vertical alignment only} \end{sideways}} 

                  & Enumeration & Easa  \\  \cline{2-3}
                  & Dynamic & Puy \\  \cline{2-3}
                  & Linear  & Canale  \\  \cline{2-3}
                  & Numerical & Robinson \\   \cline{2-3} 
                  & Swarm intelligence & Kazemi \\ \hline








\caption{Studies on Highway Alignment Optimization divided by Optimization Element}
\label{tab:Studies on highway}

\multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries Methods} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\bfseries References} \\ 
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bfseries Horizontal alignment only} \\

Calculus of variation &
  Howard et al. (1968), Shaw \& Howard (1981 \& 1982), 
  Thomson and Sykes (1988), \& Wan (1995) \\

Network optimization &
  Turner \& Miles (1971), OECD (1973), Athanassoulis and Calogero (1973),
  Parker (1977), and Trietsch (1987a \& 1987b) \\

Dynamic programming &
  Hogan (1973) and Nicholson et al.\ (1976) \\

Genetic algorithms &
  Jong (1998) and Jong et al.\ (2000)\\

Neighbourhood search-heuristic with MIP &
 Yusin Lee and Liang Liu (2009)\\

Swarm intelligence &
  Jha (2004), Yousef (2013)\\ 


\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bfseries Vertical alignment only} \\

Enumeration &
  Easa (1988) \\

Dynamic programming &
  Puy Harte (1973), Murchland (1973),  Fwa (1989),
  Goktepe \& Altun (2005) \\

Linear programming &
  Chapra and Canale (1988) \& ReVelle et al.(1997),
  Weixing Li \& Songshan (2005), Goktepe \& Altun (2009),
  Warren \& Valentin (2011) \\

Numerical search &
  Hayman (1970) and Robinson (1973) \\ 

Swarm intelligence &
  Kazemi \& Shafahi (2013)\\  

\multicolumn{2}{l}{\bfseries Three-dimensional (3D) alignment} \\

Numerical search &
  Chew et al.\ (1989) \\

Network optimization &
  De Smith (2006) \\

Neighbourhood search-heuristic with MIP &
  Cheng and Lee (2006) \\

Numerical search &
  Hayman (1970) and Robinson (1973) \\ 

Genetic algorithms &
  Jong (1998), Jha (2000), Kim (2001), Jong \& Schonfeld (2003),
  Chan \& Fan (2003), Jha \& Schonfeld (2004), Jha et al.\ (2006),
  Kang \& Schonfeld (2009),Jha \& Maji (2009), Jha \& Maji (2011),
  Jha, Jong \& Schonfeld (2012), \&  Jha (2013) \\

Swarm intelligence &
  Yang, W. A. (2010), Yousef (2013) \\




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\caption{Studies on Highway Alignment Optimization}
 Optimization Element
\multirow{6}{*}{\begin{sideways} {Horizontal alignment only} \end{sideways}}   & Calculus of variation &  Howard et al. (1968), Shaw \& Howard (1981 \& 1982), Thomson and Sykes (1988), \& Wan (1995) \\

& Network optimization & Turner \& Miles (1971), OECD (1973), Athanassoulis and Calogero (1973), Parker (1977), and Trietsch (1987a \& 1987b) \\   \cline{2-3}

& Dynamic programming & Hogan (1973) and Nicholson et. al (1976) \\ \cline{2-3}

& Genetic algorithms & Jong (1998) and Jong et. al (2000)\\ \cline{2-3} 

& Neighbourhood search-heuristic with MIP & Yusin Lee and Liang Liu (2009)\\  \cline{2-3}

& Swarm intelligence & Jha (2004), Yousef (2013)\\ 
\multirow{5}{*}{\begin{sideways} {Vertical alignment only} \end{sideways}}   & Enumeration & Easa (1988) \\ \cline{2-3}
                  & Dynamic programming & Puy Harte (1973), Murchland (1973),  Fwa (1989), Goktepe \& Altun (2005) \\ \cline{2-3}
                  & Linear programming & Chapra and Canale (1988) \& ReVelle et al.(1997), Weixing Li \& Songshan (2005), Goktepe \& Altun (2009), Warren \& Valentin (2011) \\  \cline{2-3}
                  & Numerical search & Hayman (1970) and Robinson (1973)\\  \cline{2-3} 
                  & Swarm intelligence & Kazemi \& Shafahi (2013)\\  

\multirow{6}{*}{\begin{sideways}{Three-dimensional (3D) alignment} \end{sideways}}   & Numerical search & Chew et al. (1989) \\\cline{2-3}
                  & Network optimization & De Smith (2006) \\  \cline{2-3}
                  & Neighbourhood search-heuristic with MIP & Cheng and Lee (2006) \\  \cline{2-3}
                  & Numerical search & Hayman (1970) and Robinson (1973)\\  \cline{2-3} 
                  & Genetic algorithms & Jong (1998), Jha (2000), Kim (2001), Jong \& Schonfeld (2003), Chan \& Fan (2003), Jha \& Schonfeld (2004), \& Jha et al.(2006),Kang \& Schonfeld (2009),Jha \& Maji (2009), Jha \& Maji (2011), Jha, Jong \& Schonfeld (2012),  Jha (2013)\\  \cline{2-3}
                  & Swarm intelligence & Yang, W.A (2010), Yousef (2013)\\ 

\label{tab:Studies on highway}
