


\centering % used for centering table
\begin{tabular}{p{5cm} c c c c} 

Case & Entscheidungsbäume & Neuronale Netze & kNN & SVM \\ 
\hline\hline % inserts single horizontal line
Accuracy in general & ** & *** & ** & **** \\ \hline 
Speed of learning with 
respect to number of 
attributes and the number of 
instances  & *** &* & **** & * \\ \hline
Speed of classification  &**** & **** & * & ****  \\ \hline
Tolerance to missing values  & *** & * & * & **  \\ \hline
Tolerance to irrelevant 
attributes  & *** & * & ** & ****  \\ \hline
Tolerance to noise  & ** & ** & *& ** \\ \hline
\caption{Nonlinear Model Results} % title of Table
\label{table:nonlin} % is used to refer this table in the text
  • 我想要一条双粗线,而不是在顶部有一条双普通线,在底部有一条粗线。
  • 我希望每个单元格的中间都正好有星星。



\captionsetup{font = footnotesize, labelfont = sc}
\usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}
\usepackage[nomarginpar, showframe]{geometry} 
\newcommand*\stars[1]{\raisebox{-0.4\height}{\multido{\i = 1 + 1}{#1}{*}}}


\centering % used for centering table
\caption{Nonlinear Model Results} % title of Table
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{X c c c c}
Case & Entscheidungsbäume & Neuronale Netze & kNN & SVM \\
\toprule\toprule % inserts double horizontal line
Accuracy in general & \stars {2}& \stars{3} & \stars {2}& \stars{4} \\
Speed of learning with
respect to number of
attributes and the number of
instances & \stars{3} & \stars{1} & \stars{4} & \stars{1} \\
Speed of classification & \stars{4} & \stars{4} & \stars{1} & \stars{4} \\
Tolerance to missing values & \stars{1} & \stars{1} & \stars{1} & \stars {2} \\
Tolerance to irrelevant
attributes & \stars{3} & \stars{1} & \stars {2}& \stars{4} \\
Tolerance to noise & \stars {2}& \stars {2}& \stars {2}& \stars {2}\\
\label{table:nonlin} % is used to refer this table in the text





% You should add the following required packages to your document preamble:
% \usepackage{booktabs}

\centering % used for centering table
\begin{tabular}{p{5cm} c c c c} 

Case & Entscheidungsbäume & Neuronale Netze & kNN & SVM \\ 
\toprule \toprule % inserts double thick horizontal line on the top of table
Accuracy in general & ** & *** & ** & **** \\ \hline 
Speed of learning with 
respect to number of 
attributes and the number of 
instances  & *** &* & **** & * \\ \hline
Speed of classification  &**** & **** & * & ****  \\ \hline
Tolerance to missing values  & *** & * & * & **  \\ \hline
Tolerance to irrelevant 
attributes  & *** & * & ** & ****  \\ \hline
Tolerance to noise  & ** & ** & *& ** \\ \bottomrule % inserts single thick horizontal line on the bottom of table
\caption{Nonlinear Model Results} % title of Table
\label{table:nonlin} % is used to refer this table in the text
