词汇表包:删除 numberlist 和 seelist 之间的分隔符

词汇表包:删除 numberlist 和 seelist 之间的分隔符

我正在使用glossaries使用包makeidx(在手册中称为选项 2)。我的词汇表包含几个与其他术语有交叉引用的项目,其中一个定义的示例如下:

description={A mathematical process which is used to determine the similarity of two signals},


\newline \emph{#1} \glsseelist{#2}}

我遇到的问题是,seelist实际上是数字列表的一部分(如手册第 111 页所述glossaries),因此共享其分隔符标点。因此,上述示例的词汇表条目显示为:

互相关用来确定两个信号相似性的数学过程。26, 49,


我仔细查看了手册和文档代码,但找不到删除这个逗号的方法。我曾希望找到构建的命令,numberlist并假设会有一个与交叉引用列表相关的 if 语句。

完整 MWE:


%Setup see formatting of gloaary entries
\renewcommand*{\seename}{See also:}
\newline \emph{#1} \glsseelist{#2}}

%Enable glossaries

%Gloassry entries
    description={A planet capable of supporting life. It is not unheard of for bowls of petunias or indeed whales to fall towards them},
    description={A large object with a radius typically greater than $2000~\mathrm{km}$ which meets the following criteria: is in orbit around the Sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit}
    description={The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death}

Hello \gls{gls:world}! How is \gls{gls:life} on your \gls{gls:planet}?


pdflatex.exe example.tex
makeindex -s example.ist -t example.glg -o example.gls example.glo
makeindex -s example.ist -t example.alg -o example.acr example.acn
pdflatex.exe example.tex


MWE 输出


makeindex将交叉引用视为具有特定格式的位置,通常,格式化命令(\glsseeformat在本例中)会忽略该位置。如果这不符合您的要求,您可以将交叉引用存储在用户键之一中,而不是使用该see键。然后您需要编写使用此信息的词汇表样式。调整您的 MWE:


%Enable glossaries

%Glossary entries
    description={A planet capable of supporting life. It is not unheard of for bowls of petunias or indeed whales to fall towards them},
    description={A large object with a radius typically greater than $2000~\mathrm{km}$ which meets the following criteria: is in orbit around the Sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a hydrostatic equilibrium (nearly round) shape, and (c) has cleared the neighbourhood around its orbit}
    description={The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death}

{% base it on list (adapt as required)
     \glossentrydesc{##1}\glspostdescription\space ##2%
% check if the user1 key has been supplied:
    {% do cross-reference
      \glsseeformat[See also:]{\crossrefs}{}%

Hello \gls{gls:world}! How is \gls{gls:life} on your \gls{gls:planet}?



