我想在 algorithm2e 的算法环境中对齐注释,以便多行注释的每一行都左对齐。
请参阅以下 MWE。在此 MWE 中,注释的第二行和第三行与算法的伪代码左对齐。我想将它们与注释的第一行对齐,因此单词“in”和“algorithm”应与第一行的单词“One”对齐。
$a \gets (a+1)^a$\tcp*{One long comment line which should be aligned in such a way that the comment shouldn't go into the algorithm}
编辑: 针对 Steven B. Segletes 的回答进行的编辑。如果注释行嵌套在循环中,则对齐会出现问题。此外,由于 parbox,还会发出水平框未满的警告。
\ForEach{$a \in A$}{
\algolines{$a \gets (a+1)^a$}{One long comment line which should be aligned in such a way that the comment shouldn't go into the algorithm}
我在这里重新列出了原来的非自动化方法,因为自动化方法(见下文)显示出了缺陷。使用手动方法,注释被放置在 中\parbox
,但用户必须指定它的宽度。OP 提到的未满框可以通过明确注释 来补救\raggedright
$a \gets (a+1)^a$\tcp*{\parbox[t]{3.3in}{\raggedright One long comment line which should
be aligned in such a way that the comment shouldn't go into the algorithm}}
.EDITED 中执行此操作以自动计算 的宽度\parbox
\algolines{$a \gets (a+1)^a$}{One long comment line which should be aligned in such a way that the comment shouldn't go into the algorithm}
\algolines{$a \gets (a+1)^a (b+1)^b$}{One long comment line which should be aligned in such a way that the comment shouldn't go into the algorithm}