

我附上了一份工作求职信的代码,以及编译后的 pdf 图片。有人能帮我完成以下事情吗:

  • 如何让我的Name节目在左侧显示并在上方留出一定的空间hline
  • 如何使我的address显示在右侧并且在 下方留出一定的美观email空间?phone numberhline
  • 我如何将其放置在那里phone number并使其之间保持一定的垂直空间date,因为我觉得它在那里太挤了。
  • 任何其他修改或建议也非常欢迎。例如,font正文段落的 怎么样?line space每行之间的 怎么样?
  • 原谅我没有把我的真实申请放在这里body paragraph
  • 只要帮助我使这封求职信看起来漂亮而且时尚就行。


   \documentclass[11pt]{letter} % Default font size of the document, change to 10pt to fit more text

    \usepackage{newcent} % Default font is the New Century Schoolbook PostScript font 
    %\usepackage{helvet} % Uncomment this (while commenting the above line) to use the Helvetica font

    % Margins
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    \oddsidemargin=-10pt % Position of the left margin, can be negative or positive if you want more or less room
    \textwidth=6.5in % Total width of the text, increase this if the left margin was decreased and vice-versa

    \let\raggedleft\raggedright % Pushes the date (at the top) to the left, comment this line to have the date on the right



    \begin{letter}{Jesse O'Dell and Eilene Powell \\
    TOP Coordinators \\
    Office of Instructional Development\\
    70 Powell Library, Box 951515\\
    Los Angeles, CA 90095-1515 } 


    \large\bf David Harris \\ % Your name
    \hrule height 1pt % If you would like a horizontal line separating the name from the address, uncomment the line to the left of this text
    Springfield 500 \\ Los Angeles, California 99999 \\ 111-111-1111 % Your address and phone number

    \signature{David Harris} % Your name for the signature at the bottom


    \opening{Dear Coordinators Jesse O'Dell and Eilene Powell:} 
    As Livy states in The Rise of Rome about his purpose of writing history, “My wish is that each reader will pay the closest attention to the following: how men lived, what their moral principles were … then let him follow in his mind how, as discipline broke down bit by bit, morality at first foundered” (Livy, preface). Although Livy never steps forward to articulate the specific “moral principles” in the preface, he does, afterwards, demonstrate the “right” Roman values for Roman citizens to emulate, which especially focus on women’s gender roles. Indeed, by highlighting Lucretia’s dedication to her domestic duties and honoring her unhesitant suicide in the face of having been raped, Livy establishes a positive role model for Roman women, which dictates conjugal obligations and female chastity. \\\\
    By awarding Lucretia universal praise for her diligent household service even at the absence of her husband, Livy promotes and justifies his feminine ideal that as men’s property women must fulfill their marital duties, such as staying at home and obeying their husbands. According to Collatia, “Though the evening was late, they found Lucretia still in the main hall of her home, bent over her spinning and surrounded by her maids as they worked by lamplight. Lucretia was the clear winner of the contest” (Livy, 1.57). The fact that it is not Lucretia but her male counterparts who judge her loyalty displays Livy’s objectification of women. Instead of granting women freedom to value themselves, men, in Livy’s opinion, should govern women’s daily lives and evaluate their morals based on male standards. Most notably, the word “clear” illustrates how the male judgment of wifely virtues applies to Lucretia; Collatia and his companions act collectively and unanimously to select Lucretia as the most virtuous woman among their wives. Furthermore, Livy’s emphasis on the young princes’ royal status solidifies his notion of conjugal duties. Since the upper-class men prefer women with affinity to household service and conformity to their husbands, the same principle probably applies to the lower-class males as well. By integrating his view of women’s duties into the whole society from his narrative of Lucretia, Livy successfully answers and justifies one part of his “moral principles”—martial obligation—which requires women to submit to their male counterparts. \\\\
    By lauding the suicide of Lucretia and the subsequent overthrow of the monarchy, Livy identifies and reinforces another aspect of his female model—chastity. In the story, although Lucretia considers herself innocent of fault, she cannot “absolve herself from punishment” (Livy, 1.58). She claims, “Let no unchaste woman hereafter continue to live because of the precedent of Lucretia” (Livy, 1.58). The unavoidability of Lucretia’s death shows Livy’s ideal for women that purity takes precedence over any virtue. By glorifying Lucretia’s suicide as an honorable, heroic act, Livy further justifies the high value he places on women’s chastity. Moreover, Livy strengthens the notion of purity from his narrative about the destruction of Roman monarchy. Upon Lucretia’s collapse into his chest, Collatia vows, “By this blood, so pure before defilement by prince Tarquin, I hereby swear that I will drive out Lucius Tarquinius Superbus and all his progeny with sword, fire, and whatever force I can muster” (Livy, 1.58). Collatia’s vengeance for Lucretia’s unchaste body symbolizes men’s defense on women’s chastity. As a matter of fact, Livy aims at elevating female purity to such a high position that it deserves relentless protection from Roman citizens even at the cost of the collapse of government. In this way, Livy not only establishes, but also solidifies the seriousness of preserving female chastity.
    \closing{Sincerely yours,}






\usepackage{newcent} % Default font is the New Century Schoolbook PostScript font
\usepackage{lipsum}% Just for this example

\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}% No paragraph indent



  \large\bfseries David Harris \par % Your name
    Springfield 500 \\ Los Angeles, California 99999 \\ 111-111-1111 % Your address and phone number





  Jesse O'Dell and Eilene Powell \\
  TOP Coordinators \\
  Office of Instructional Development \\
  70 Powell Library, Box 951515 \\
  Los Angeles, CA 90095-1515



Dear Coordinators Jesse O'Dell and Eilene Powell:




Sincerely yours,


David Harris% Your name for the signature at the bottom


所有的\vspaces 都可以修改来满足您的需要。
