这是一次尝试matrix of nodes
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, shapes, arrows,calc, positioning}
blockA/.style = {rectangle, draw, text width=6cm, align=left, rounded corners, minimum height=6.2cm,minimum width=6cm},
block/.style = {rectangle, draw, text width=6cm, align=left, rounded corners, minimum height=4em,minimum width=6cm},
line/.style = {draw, -stealth},
% Place nodes with matrix nodes
\matrix[matrix of nodes, column sep=1cm, row sep=1cm]{%
\node [blockA] (n1) {Field Tapes and observers log\\
(1) Pre processing\\
\item De .... can not read
\item Reformatting
\item Editting
\item Geometric spreading
\item Setup of field Geometry
\item Application of field statics
& \node [block] (n8) {DMO Correction};
\node [block,below=1cm of n8] (n9) {Inverse NMO Correction};
\node [block,below=1cm of n9] (n10) {Velocity Analysis}; \\
\node [block] (n2) {(2) Deconvolution and Trace };
&\node [block] (n11) {NMO correction};\\
\node [block] (n3) {(3) cmp sorting};
& \node [block] (n12) {Deconvolution};\\
\node [block] (n4) {(4) velocity analysis};
& \node [block] (n13) {Time-variant spectrum Whitening}; \\
\node [block] (n5) {(5) Residual statics corrections};
&\node [block] (n14) {Time-variant Filtering}; \\
\node [block] (n6) {(6) Velocity Analysis};
& \node [block] (n15) {Migration}; \\
\node [block] (n7) {(7) NMO Correction};
& \node [block] (n16) {Gain Application};\\
% Draw edges
\foreach \i/\j in {1/2,2/3,3/4,4/5,5/6,6/7}{
\path [line] (n\i) -- (n\j);}
\foreach \i/\j in {8/9,9/10,10/11,11/12,12/13,13/14,14/15,15/16}
\path [line] (n\i) -- (n\j);
\path [line] (n7.east) -- ++(0.5cm,0)coordinate(a) -- (a |- n8.north)-- ++(0,0.5cm) -| (n8.north);