





我认为,如果还有另一个与page(或chapter等)相关的计数器,比如totalpages(或totalchapters),当 发出 时也会自动增加\stepcounter{page},这样即使重置page计数器也不会对 产生任何影响,那就太好了totalpages。相关计数器最好\newtotcounters来自totcount包,但这不是强制性的。






% Some packages only for output and dummy pages




% This command defines a list for 
% #1 --> driver counter 
% #2 --> CSV list of other counters, that should be stepped, if the driver counter is stepped
\csgdef{@#1AssociatedList}{}%   Define some global list 

\newcommand{\stepassociatedcounter}[1]{%  A wrapper, if the list command has to be extended later on

  \LaTeXStandardStepCounter{#1}%   Traditional behaviour, since this is expected!
  \ifcsdef{@#1AssociatedList}{%    Check first, whether the list exists at all, 
    \forlistcsloop{\stepassociatedcounter}{@#1AssociatedList}%  March through the list
  }{% No list -> do nothing at all


& & & \tabularnewline 
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{totcount page values} \tabularnewline
Page & \textcolor{red}{#1} & \textcolor{blue}{#2} & \textcolor{gray}{#3} \tabularnewline
\thepage & \textcolor{red}{\number\totvalue{#1}} & \textcolor{blue}{\number\totvalue{#2}} & \textcolor{gray}{\number\totvalue{#3}} \tabularnewline
& & & \tabularnewline 
 & \multicolumn{3}{c}{totcount section values} \tabularnewline 
Section & \textcolor{red}{#4} & \textcolor{blue}{#5} \tabularnewline
\thesection & \textcolor{red}{\number\totvalue{#4}} & \textcolor{blue}{\number\totvalue{#5}} & \tabularnewline
&  & & \tabularnewline 

\regtotcounter{page} % Register a total value counter --> this will be the driver counter
\newtotcounter{totalpages}% 1st driven counter
\newtotcounter{anotherpagescounter}% 2nd driven counter 


\DeclareAssociatedCounters{page}{totalpages,anotherpagescounter}%  Register the driver and the driven counters
\DeclareAssociatedCounters{section}{totalsections}%  Register the driver and the driven counters for sections%


\chapter{The first chapter}%

\section{My first section}%

% Generate dummy output
\forloop{loopcounter}{1}{\value{loopcounter} < 11}{%

\newpage%  10 pages!

\section{My second section}%

% Generate dummy output, again ;-)

\forloop{loopcounter}{1}{\value{loopcounter} < 11}{%
\pagenumbering{arabic}%  -> pagenumber reset to zero , on purpose inside the loop

\newpage%  10 pages!

\pagenumbering{arabic}%  -> pagenumber reset to zero 

\chapter{First Appendix chapter}%

\section{My (only) appendix section}%

% Generate dummy output, again ;-)

\forloop{loopcounter}{1}{\value{loopcounter} < 11}{%

\newpage%  10 pages!


MWE 多次重置页码,以及部分计数\chapters等。该命令提供了与驱动程序计数器“绑定”的计数器列表。屏幕截图显示,即使重置驱动程序计数器也不会影响相关计数器的总值。在示例中,按设置有 30 页和 3 个部分,这些数字由应用于相关计数器的命令\DeclareAssociateCounters报告。\totvalue



我不认为aliascntH. Oberdiek 提出的那个包解决了同样的问题。







  \hupfer_declareassociatedcounters:nn { #1 } { #2 }
  \hupfer_addassociatedcounters:nn { #1 } { #2 }
  \hupfer_removeassociatedcounters:nn { #1 } { #2 }
  \hupfer_declareassociatedcounters:nn { #1 } { }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \hupfer_declareassociatedcounters:nn
  \clist_clear_new:c { g_hupfer_bound_counters_#1_clist }
  \hupfer_addassociatedcounters:nn { #1 } { #2 }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \hupfer_addassociatedcounters:nn
  \clist_gput_right:cn { g_hupfer_bound_counters_#1_clist } { #2 }
  % or a slower routine if we want to check the items are counter names
  %\clist_map_inline:nn { #2 }
  % {
  %  \cs_if_exist:cTF { c@##1 }
  %   {
  %    \clist_gput_right:cn { g_hupfer_bound_counters_#1_clist } { ##1 }
  %   }
  %   {
  %   }
  % }
  \clist_gremove_duplicates:c { g_hupfer_bound_counters_#1_clist }
  % remove accidental #1 from the list
  \clist_gremove_all:cn { g_hupfer_bound_counters_#1_clist } { #1 }

\cs_new_protected:Nn \hupfer_removeassociatedcounters:nn
  \clist_map_inline:nn { #2 }
    \clist_gremove_all:cn { g_hupfer_bound_counters_#1_clist } { ##1 }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \hupfer_stepcounter:n #1
  \hupfer_orig_stepcounter:n { #1 }
  \clist_if_exist:cT { g_hupfer_bound_counters_#1_clist }
    \clist_map_inline:cn { g_hupfer_bound_counters_#1_clist }
      \hupfer_orig_stepcounter:n { ##1 }

  % save a copy of \stepcounter
  \cs_set_eq:NN \hupfer_orig_stepcounter:n \stepcounter
  % use the new one
  \cs_set_eq:NN \stepcounter \hupfer_stepcounter:n


  & & & \\
  & \multicolumn{3}{c}{totcount page values} \\
  Page & \textcolor{red}{#1} & \textcolor{blue}{#2} & \textcolor{gray}{#3} \\
  \thepage & \textcolor{red}{\number\totvalue{#1}} &
    \textcolor{blue}{\number\totvalue{#2}} & \textcolor{gray}{\number\totvalue{#3}} \\
  & & & \\
  & \multicolumn{3}{c}{totcount section values} \\
  Section & \textcolor{red}{#4} & \textcolor{blue}{#5} \\
  \thesection & \textcolor{red}{\number\totvalue{#4}} &
    \textcolor{blue}{\number\totvalue{#5}} & \\
  & & & \\

  \prg_replicate:nn { #1 }
    \pagenumbering{arabic}%  -> pagenumber reset to zero , on purpose inside the loop
    \newpage%  some pages

\regtotcounter{page} % Register a total value counter --> this will be the driver counter
\newtotcounter{totalpages}% 1st driven counter
\newtotcounter{anotherpagescounter}% 2nd driven counter 
\newtotcounter{yetanotherpagescounter}% 3rd driven counter 


\DeclareAssociatedCounters{page}{totalpages,anotherpagescounter}%  Register the driver and the driven counters
\DeclareAssociatedCounters{section}{section,totalsections}%  Register the driver and the driven counters for sections%
\AddAssociatedCounters{page}{yetanotherpagescounter}%  Register the driver and the driven counters


\chapter{The first chapter}

\section{My first section}

% Generate dummy output

\section{My second section}


\pagenumbering{arabic}%  -> pagenumber reset to zero 


\chapter{First Appendix chapter}

\section{My (only) appendix section}

% Generate dummy output, again ;-)

% Clear the list of counters associated to page

% Not necessary, only for removing some counters from list
% Readd the counter totalpages to the list --> in this context,
% It acts, as if it has not been removed at all





更新 2017/03/05assoccnt软件包已被取代,xassoccnt并可作为1.3CTAN 上的版本使用——该软件包比 更强大assoccnt——请不要assoccnt再使用并切换到xassoccnt

正如 egreg 所说:LaTeX 内核不提供这样的功能,也许有其他软件包具有此功能,所以我决定提供一个小包,上传到 CTAN 并可能很快就会推出。


\ProvidesPackage{assoccnt}[2014/08/13 v0.2 -- Associate counters stepping]%
%% License: LaTeX Project Public License
%% Copyright (2014) Dr. Christian Hupfer 
%% Author: Christian Hupfer [email protected]
%%% Some options later on

\RequirePackage{etoolbox}[2011/01/03 2.2]%



% Just for a quick suffix

%%% Internal macro to generate the name of the list of associated counters
% #1 Name of the driver counter

      % Do nothing, since counter is already in the list
    % Nothing in here

% This command defines a list of counters, that should be stepped also if the driver counter
% is `\stepcounter`ed. 
% A self - association is not possible, as this would lead to inconsistent counting
% #1 --> driver counter 
% #2 --> CSV list of other counters, that should be stepped, if the driver counter is stepped
    %  % Nothing to be done --> List already exists
    \GenericWarning{}{Warning: List of associated counters for counter #1 already exists}%
    \csgdef{\@@assoccnt@@generatelistname{#1}}{}%   Define some global list 
  % Now add the counter names from #2 to the list 
  % Note: Currently, it is not checked whether a counter is already added!
  % Now remove an accidental self-association

%%% A generic macro, that removes a list entry from the list by
%%% defining a temporary list and omitting the 
% #1 list name
% #2 element to be removed
        % Later one some success routine etc. ???
    % The list is not defined at all, can't remove something from something not existing...

%% Remove a particular counter from the list 
% #1 arg: driver counter
% #2 arg: counter name to be removed

%% Remove a CSV list of counters from the list of associated counters 

% #1 arg: driver counter
% #2 arg: CSV list of counters to be removed

%% Remove all associated counters from the list 
% #1 arg: driver counter

%% Test if a counter is an associated counter of driver counter 
% #1 arg: driver counter
% #2 arg: (possibly) associated counter
% #3 arg: Code for execution on true branch
% #4 arg: Code for execution on false branch
  }{% List does not exist, so it's not associated

%%% The stepcounter wrapper for the standard stepcounter command
%%% This is just for convenience, if the command as to be improved/extended later on in future

%%% Not needed so far

%%%% Redefinition of the \stepcounter command 
  \@@assoccnt@standardstepcounter{#1}%   Traditional behaviour, since this is expected!
  \ifcsdef{\@@assoccnt@@generatelistname{#1}}{%    Check first, whether the list exists at all, 
    \forlistcsloop{\@@assoccnt@stepcounter}{\@@assoccnt@@generatelistname{#1}}%  March through the list
    %No list -> do nothing at all

%%%% Redefinition of the \stepcounter command 
  \@@assoccnt@standardstepcounter{#1}%   Traditional behaviour, since this is expected!
  {\csname p@#1\endcsname\csname the#1\endcsname}%
  \ifcsdef{\@@assoccnt@@generatelistname{#1}}{%    Check first, whether the list exists at all, 
    \forlistcsloop{\@@assoccnt@stepcounter}{\@@assoccnt@@generatelistname{#1}}%  March through the list
    %No list -> do nothing at all





% Some packages only for output and dummy pages


& & & \tabularnewline 
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{totcount page values} \tabularnewline
Page & \textcolor{red}{#1} & \textcolor{blue}{#2} & \textcolor{gray}{#3} \tabularnewline
\thepage & \textcolor{red}{\number\totvalue{#1}} & \textcolor{blue}{\number\totvalue{#2}} & \textcolor{gray}{\number\totvalue{#3}} \tabularnewline
& & & \tabularnewline 
 & \multicolumn{3}{c}{totcount section values} \tabularnewline 
Section & \textcolor{red}{#4} & \textcolor{blue}{#5} \tabularnewline
\thesection & \textcolor{red}{\number\totvalue{#4}} & \textcolor{blue}{\number\totvalue{#5}} & \tabularnewline
&  & & \tabularnewline 

\forloop{loopcounter}{1}{\value{loopcounter} < \numexpr #1+1}{%
\pagenumbering{arabic}%  -> pagenumber reset to zero , on purpose inside the loop
\newpage%  some pages

\regtotcounter{page} % Register a total value counter --> this will be the driver counter
\newtotcounter{totalpages}% 1st driven counter
\newtotcounter{anotherpagescounter}% 2nd driven counter 
\newtotcounter{yetanotherpagescounter}% 3rd driven counter 


\DeclareAssociatedCounters{page}{totalpages,anotherpagescounter}%  Register the driver and the driven counters
\DeclareAssociatedCounters{section}{section,totalsections}%  Register the driver and the driven counters for sections%
\DeclareAssociatedCounters{page}{yetanotherpagescounter}%  Register the driver and the driven counters


\chapter{The first chapter}%

\section{My first section}%

% Generate dummy output

\section{My second section}%


\pagenumbering{arabic}%  -> pagenumber reset to zero 


\chapter{First Appendix chapter}%

\section{My (only) appendix section}%

% Generate dummy output, again ;-)

% Clear the list of counters associated to page

% Not necessary, only for removing some counters from list
% Readd the counter totalpages to the list --> in this context,
% It acts, as if it has not been removed at all





  • 目前还没有测试这几个命令的参数是否完全是计数器(名称)
  • 没有测试可以证明两个(或更多)关联计数器不是相互关联的计数器。

