目前我使用 -sidewaystable-,但根据某些问题的答案,不可能在 -sidewaystable- 环境中跨越多个页面。因此,我尝试将我的 -sidewaystable- 转换为 -lscape- -longtable-,但我无法使其工作。
\setlength\tabcolsep{0.1pt} % default value: 6.0pt
\caption{Regression by Subperiods and Test of Difference in the corresponding Slope}
%\item M subtable-specific footnote \\
test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
{ @{\extracolsep{\fill}} l d{2.4} d{2.2} d{2.4} d{2.2} d{2.4} d{2.2} d{2.4} d{2.2} d{2.4} d{2.2} @{} }
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Pre-Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Post-Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Crisis vs Pre-Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Post-Crisis vs Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} \\
\cmidrule{2-3} \cmidrule{4-5} \cmidrule{6-7} \cmidrule{8-9} \cmidrule{10-11}
Variables & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} &\mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} &\mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\ [0.5ex]
\multicolumn{11}{l}{\textbf{Panel A.1:} Regression of CDS Return on adjusted DSUE1} \\ [0.5ex]
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0023$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.3$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0436$^{**}\hphantom{^{*}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}2.2$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0333$^{***}$} & -3.31 & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0413$^{*}\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}1.92$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0769$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3.57$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{$-$0.0009$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.07$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0337$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$1.12$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0061$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.34$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0328$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$1.01$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0398$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$1.20$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{$-$0.6482$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$6.6$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.7465$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$7.78$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$1.1101$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$12.43$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0983$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.81$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.3635$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3.50$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}21.0066$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}4.66$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}6.8143$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}1.42$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}7.4429$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3.73$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$14.1922$^{**}\hphantom{^{*}}$} & \mc{$-$2.17$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.6286$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.12$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0369$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.24$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.2296$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.86$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.4084$^{**}\hphantom{^{*}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}2.17$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.1927$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.63$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.1788$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.56$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{$-$0.0135$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.42$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0289$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.47$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0205$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.56$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0155$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.22$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0494$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.71$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0885$^{**}\hphantom{^{*}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}2.41$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0625$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.85$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0265$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}1.55$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.026$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.33$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0360$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.47$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{$-$3.9919$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$3.03$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$19.8533$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$10.61$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$2.9600$^{*}\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$1.67$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$15.8614$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$6.99$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$16.8934$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$6.78$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}4.0974$^{*}\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}1.65$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}10.5626$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}4.23$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$35.4071$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$12.47$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}6.4652$^{*}\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}1.76$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}45.9697$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}11.66$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
Time dummies
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}No$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}No$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}No$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & & & & \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3,284$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}2,246$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}4,284$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & & & & \\
Adj. R$^{2}$
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0813$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.1299$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.2432$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & & & & \\ [0.5ex]
\multicolumn{11}{l}{\textbf{Panel A.2:} Regression of Equity Return on adjusted DSUE1} \\ [0.5ex]
& \mc{$-$0.7399$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$3.24$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$2.6732$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$6.27$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.5289$^{**}\hphantom{^{*}}$} & \mc{$-$2.00$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$1.9333$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$4.21$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$2.1442$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$4.14$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3.0042$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}7.80$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}5.0330$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}6.77$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}1.4141$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3.01$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}2.0288$^{**}\hphantom{^{*}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}2.43$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3.6189$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}4.14$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
Time dummies
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}No$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}No$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}No$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & & & & \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}4,605$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3,069$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}5,673$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & & & & \\
Adj. R$^{2}$
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0117$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0185$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0020$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & & & & \\ [0.5ex]
\multicolumn{11}{l}{\textbf{Panel B.1:} Regression of CDS Return on adjusted DSUE2} \\ [0.5ex]
Intercept & 0.0031 & 0.39 & 0.0520*** & 2.68 & -0.0324*** & -2.95 & 0.0489** & 2.29 & 0.0843*** & 3.88 \\
DSUE & -0.0042 & -0.31 & -0.0510* & -1.77 & 0.0061 & 0.32 & -0.0468 & -1.47 & -0.0571* & -1.70 \\
BHAR & -0.6383*** & -6.46 & -0.7631*** & -7.83 & -1.1035*** & -12.55 & -0.1249 & -1.02 & 0.3404*** & 3.37 \\
DVOLA & 20.6975*** & 4.64 & 6.3294 & 1.35 & 7.6164*** & 3.85 & -14.3682** & -2.24 & -1.2870 & -0.25 \\
DLEVERAGE & 0.0051 & 0.03 & 0.2312 & 0.88 & 0.4389** & 2.34 & 0.2261 & 0.76 & -0.2078 & -0.66 \\
UPGRADE & -0.013 & -0.41 & -0.0285 & -0.47 & 0.0196 & 0.54 & -0.0156 & -0.22 & -0.0482 & -0.69 \\
DOWNGRADE & 0.0917** & 2.51 & 0.0708 & 1.01 & 0.0252 & 1.48 & -0.0209 & -0.27 & 0.0456 & 0.62 \\
DSPOT & -4.4481*** & -3.35 & -20.2957*** & -10.89 & -3.1137* & -1.76 & -15.8476*** & -6.91 & -17.1820*** & -6.93 \\
DSLOPE & 3.7413 & 1.53 & 10.4984*** & 4.21 & -35.0173*** & -12.35 & 6.7571* & 1.87 & 45.5157*** & 11.61 \\
Time dummies & No & & No & & No & & & & & \\
Observations & 3,291 & & 2,247 & & 4,283 & & & & & \\
Adjusted R-squared & 0.0799 & & 0.1349 & & 0.2429 & & & & & \\
\item[a] A subtable-specific footnote
test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
有没有办法将此环境“转换”为保留 -dcolumn- 属性的 -lscape- -longtable- 环境?或者您对在这种情况下如何进行还有其他建议吗?
\begin{TableNotes} %%% This should come before longtable and it is not tablenotes but TableNotes
\item[a] test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
\begin{longtable}{ @{}>{\raggedright} p{2.5cm} d{2.4} d{2.2} d{2.4} d{2.2} d{2.4} d{2.2} d{2.4} d{2.2} d{2.4} d{2.2} @{} }
\caption{Regression by Subperiods and Test of Difference in the corresponding Slope}
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Pre-Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Post-Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Crisis vs Pre-Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Post-Crisis vs Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} \\
\cmidrule{2-3} \cmidrule{4-5} \cmidrule{6-7} \cmidrule{8-9} \cmidrule{10-11}
Variables & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} &\mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} &\mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\ \midrule
\multicolumn{11}{c}{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous
& \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Pre-Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Post-Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Crisis vs Pre-Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\hphantom{$-$}Post-Crisis vs Crisis$\hphantom{^{***}}$} \\
\cmidrule{2-3} \cmidrule{4-5} \cmidrule{6-7} \cmidrule{8-9} \cmidrule{10-11}
Variables & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} &\mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} &\mc{\hphantom{$-$}Estimate$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}t$-$Value$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
\multicolumn{11}{r}{{Continued on next page}} \\
\insertTableNotes %% this added
\multicolumn{11}{l}{\textbf{Panel A.1:} Regression of CDS Return on adjusted DSUE1} \\ [0.5ex]
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0023$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.3$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0436$^{**}\hphantom{^{*}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}2.2$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0333$^{***}$} & -3.31 & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0413$^{*}\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}1.92$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0769$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3.57$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{$-$0.0009$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.07$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0337$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$1.12$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0061$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.34$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0328$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$1.01$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0398$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$1.20$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{$-$0.6482$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$6.6$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.7465$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$7.78$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$1.1101$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$12.43$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0983$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.81$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.3635$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3.50$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}21.0066$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}4.66$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}6.8143$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}1.42$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}7.4429$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3.73$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$14.1922$^{**}\hphantom{^{*}}$} & \mc{$-$2.17$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.6286$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.12$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0369$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.24$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.2296$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.86$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.4084$^{**}\hphantom{^{*}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}2.17$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.1927$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.63$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.1788$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.56$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{$-$0.0135$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.42$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0289$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.47$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0205$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.56$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0155$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.22$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.0494$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.71$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0885$^{**}\hphantom{^{*}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}2.41$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0625$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.85$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0265$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}1.55$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.026$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{$-$0.33$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0360$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.47$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{$-$3.9919$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$3.03$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$19.8533$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$10.61$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$2.9600$^{*}\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$1.67$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$15.8614$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$6.99$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$16.8934$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$6.78$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}4.0974$^{*}\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}1.65$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}10.5626$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}4.23$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$35.4071$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$12.47$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}6.4652$^{*}\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}1.76$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}45.9697$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}11.66$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
Time dummies
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}No$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}No$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}No$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & & & & \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3,284$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}2,246$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}4,284$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & & & & \\
Adj. R$^{2}$
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0813$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.1299$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.2432$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & & & & \\ [0.5ex]
\multicolumn{11}{l}{\textbf{Panel A.2:} Regression of Equity Return on adjusted DSUE1} \\ [0.5ex]
& \mc{$-$0.7399$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$3.24$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$2.6732$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$6.27$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$0.5289$^{**}\hphantom{^{*}}$} & \mc{$-$2.00$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$1.9333$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$4.21$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{$-$2.1442$^{***}$} & \mc{$-$4.14$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3.0042$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}7.80$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}5.0330$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}6.77$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}1.4141$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3.01$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}2.0288$^{**}\hphantom{^{*}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}2.43$\hphantom{^{**}}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3.6189$^{***}$} & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}4.14$\hphantom{^{**}}$} \\
Time dummies
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}No$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}No$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}No$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & & & & \\
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}4,605$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}3,069$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}5,673$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & & & & \\
Adj. R$^{2}$
& \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0117$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0185$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & \mc{\hphantom{$-$}0.0020$\hphantom{^{***}}$} & & & & & \\ [0.5ex]
\multicolumn{11}{l}{\textbf{Panel B.1:} Regression of CDS Return on adjusted DSUE2} \\ [0.5ex]
Intercept & 0.0031 & 0.39 & 0.0520*** & 2.68 & -0.0324*** & -2.95 & 0.0489** & 2.29 & 0.0843*** & 3.88 \\
DSUE & -0.0042 & -0.31 & -0.0510* & -1.77 & 0.0061 & 0.32 & -0.0468 & -1.47 & -0.0571* & -1.70 \\
BHAR & -0.6383*** & -6.46 & -0.7631*** & -7.83 & -1.1035*** & -12.55 & -0.1249 & -1.02 & 0.3404*** & 3.37 \\
DVOLA & 20.6975*** & 4.64 & 6.3294 & 1.35 & 7.6164*** & 3.85 & -14.3682** & -2.24 & -1.2870 & -0.25 \\
DLEVERAGE & 0.0051 & 0.03 & 0.2312 & 0.88 & 0.4389** & 2.34 & 0.2261 & 0.76 & -0.2078 & -0.66 \\
UPGRADE & -0.013 & -0.41 & -0.0285 & -0.47 & 0.0196 & 0.54 & -0.0156 & -0.22 & -0.0482 & -0.69 \\
DOWNGRADE & 0.0917** & 2.51 & 0.0708 & 1.01 & 0.0252 & 1.48 & -0.0209 & -0.27 & 0.0456 & 0.62 \\
DSPOT & -4.4481*** & -3.35 & -20.2957*** & -10.89 & -3.1137* & -1.76 & -15.8476*** & -6.91 & -17.1820*** & -6.93 \\
DSLOPE & 3.7413 & 1.53 & 10.4984*** & 4.21 & -35.0173*** & -12.35 & 6.7571* & 1.87 & 45.5157*** & 11.61 \\
Time dummies & No & & No & & No & & & & & \\
Observations & 3,291 & & 2,247 & & 4,283 & & & & & \\
Adjusted R-squared & 0.0799 & & 0.1349 & & 0.2429 & & & & & \\