我使用 LaTeX 来生成合同和协议。在大多数情况下,它都能正常工作,但有时会导致分页问题;具体来说,如果我有太多子部分而没有明确的\newpage
这是一个大问题,因为每次我编辑或添加一个小节时,我最终都必须手动重新分页整个文档,这有点违背了使用 Latex 的目的。
以下 LaTeX 定义没有什么特别花哨的地方,但是,如果你编译它,你会注意到两个问题:
3.26 小节(正负)的内容过多
\usepackage[top=2.0cm, bottom=2.0cm, left=2.0cm, right=2.0cm]{geometry}
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\newcommand\blah{blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah}
\subsection {A registered company. Registration Number: "***********", and}
\subsection {Another registered company. Registration Number: \textbf{"(***************)"}}
\subsection {Statements pertaining to the agreement.}
\subsection {More statements pertaining to the agreement.}
\subsection {\blah{}.}
\subsection {\blah{}}
\subsubsection {\blah{}}
\subsubsection {\blah{}}
\subsubsection {\blah{}}
\subsubsection {\blah{}}
\subsection {\blah{}.}
\subsection {\blah{}.}
\subsection {\blah{}.}
\subsection {\blah{}.}
\subsection {DEFINITIONS}
\textbf{In this Agreement, unless clearly inconsistent with or otherwise indicated by the context :}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah{};}
\subsection {In this Agreement, unless clearly inconsistent with or otherwise indicated by the context:}
\subsubsection {Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa;}
\subsubsection {Any reference to natural persons includes legal persons and vice versa; and any reference to a gender includes the other gender;}
\subsubsection {Where appropriate, meanings ascribed to defined words and expressions in the above paragraph's, shall impose substantive obligations on the Parties;}
\subsubsection {The clause headings in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be taken into account in its interpretation;}
\subsubsection {Words and expressions defined in any sub-clause shall, for the purposes of the clause of which that sub-clause forms part, bear the meanings assigned to such words and expressions in that sub-clause;}
\subsubsection {This Agreement is governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Territory and shall be binding on successor in title;}
\subsubsection {Unless specifically otherwise provided, all amounts in this agreement are exclusive of value-added tax;}
我曾尝试摆弄 widow/orphan 控件和titlesec
参数中的 pageatnewline,但似乎没有什么可以阻止编译器将所有内容放在一页上。
您不觉得从语义上讲,您的子部分看起来就像列表中的项目吗?我建议使用 ,enumitem
其中 enumerate 或多或少(由您决定)模仿您的子部分。它允许轻松分页,并且添加标签后,您仍然可以交叉引用项目。
\usepackage[margin = 2.0cm]{geometry}
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\newcommand\blah{blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah}
\setlist[enumerate, 1]{label = \thesubsection.\arabic*,wide= 0pt, leftmargin=3.5em, align = left}
\subsection {A registered company. Registration Number: "***********", and}
\subsection {Another registered company. Registration Number: \textbf{"(***************)"}}
\subsection {Statements pertaining to the agreement.}
\subsection {More statements pertaining to the agreement.}
\subsection {\blah{}.}
\subsection {\blah{}}
\item \blah{}
\item \blah{}
\item \blah{}
\item \blah{}
\subsection {\blah{}.}
\subsection {\blah{}.}
\subsection {\blah{}.}
\subsection {\blah{}.}
\subsection {DEFINITIONS}
\textbf{In this Agreement, unless clearly inconsistent with or otherwise indicated by the context :}
\item{"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;}
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item "DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\item"DEFINITION" means whatever we want it to mean \blah;
\subsection {In this Agreement, unless clearly inconsistent with or otherwise indicated by the context:}
\item Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
\item Any reference to natural persons includes legal persons and vice versa; and any reference to a gender includes the other gender;
\item Where appropriate, meanings ascribed to defined words and expressions in the above paragraph's, shall impose substantive obligations on the Parties;
\item The clause headings in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be taken into account in its interpretation;
\item Words and expressions defined in any sub-clause shall, for the purposes of the clause of which that sub-clause forms part, bear the meanings assigned to such words and expressions in that sub-clause;
\item This Agreement is governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Territory and shall be binding on successor in title;
\item Unless specifically otherwise provided, all amounts in this agreement are exclusive of value-added tax;
非常感谢您的帮助 - 我没有意识到 enumitem 包如此强大。我前段时间试过它,但它总是搞乱编号,因为我试图在前面添加节号,而不是使用它的内部计数器(哎呀!)
\usepackage[margin = 2.0cm]{geometry}
\newcommand\blah{blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah}
% \newlist{legal}{enumerate}{10}
% \setlist[legal]{label*=\arabic*.}
% \newcounter{theenumi}
% \setcounter{theenumi}{0}
% \setlist[enumerate]{label*=\arabic*.}
% newlist{procedureflow}{enumerate}{2}
% \setlist[procedureflow,1]{label*=\color{blue!80!black}\arabic*.,ref=\arabic*}
% \setlist[procedureflow,2]{label*=\color{green!80!black}\arabic*.,ref=\arabic{procedureflowi}.\arabic*}
\setlist[legal,1]{label* = \thesection.\arabic*.,wide= 0pt, leftmargin=3.5em, align = left}
\setlist[legal,2]{label* = \arabic*.,wide= 0pt, leftmargin=3.5em, align = left}
\setlist[legal,3]{label* = \arabic*.,wide= 0pt, leftmargin=3.5em, align = left}
\setlist[legal,4]{label* = \arabic*.,wide= 0pt, leftmargin=3.5em, align = left}
\section{A Section}
\item Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
\item Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
\item Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
\item Any reference to natural persons includes legal persons and vice versa; and any reference to a gender includes the other gender;
\item Where appropriate, meanings ascribed to defined words and expressions in the above paragraph's, shall impose substantive obligations on the Parties;
\item The clause headings in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be taken into account in its interpretation;
\item Words and expressions defined in any sub-clause shall, for the purposes of the clause of which that sub-clause forms part, bear the meanings assigned to such words and expressions in that sub-clause;
\item This Agreement is governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Territory and shall be binding on successor in title;
\item Unless specifically otherwise provided, all amounts in this agreement are exclusive of value-added tax;
\item Any reference to natural persons includes legal persons and vice versa; and any reference to a gender includes the other gender;
\item Where appropriate, meanings ascribed to defined words and expressions in the above paragraph's, shall impose substantive obligations on the Parties;
\item The clause headings in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be taken into account in its interpretation;
\item Words and expressions defined in any sub-clause shall, for the purposes of the clause of which that sub-clause forms part, bear the meanings assigned to such words and expressions in that sub-clause;
\item This Agreement is governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Territory and shall be binding on successor in title;
\item Unless specifically otherwise provided, all amounts in this agreement are exclusive of value-added tax;
\item Any reference to natural persons includes legal persons and vice versa; and any reference to a gender includes the other gender;
\item Where appropriate, meanings ascribed to defined words and expressions in the above paragraph's, shall impose substantive obligations on the Parties;
\item The clause headings in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be taken into account in its interpretation;
\item Words and expressions defined in any sub-clause shall, for the purposes of the clause of which that sub-clause forms part, bear the meanings assigned to such words and expressions in that sub-clause;
\item This Agreement is governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Territory and shall be binding on successor in title;
\item Unless specifically otherwise provided, all amounts in this agreement are exclusive of value-added tax;
\section{B Section}
\item Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
\item Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
\item Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
\item Any reference to natural persons includes legal persons and vice versa; and any reference to a gender includes the other gender;
\item Where appropriate, meanings ascribed to defined words and expressions in the above paragraph's, shall impose substantive obligations on the Parties;
\item The clause headings in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be taken into account in its interpretation;
\item Words and expressions defined in any sub-clause shall, for the purposes of the clause of which that sub-clause forms part, bear the meanings assigned to such words and expressions in that sub-clause;
\item This Agreement is governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Territory and shall be binding on successor in title;
\item Unless specifically otherwise provided, all amounts in this agreement are exclusive of value-added tax;
\item Any reference to natural persons includes legal persons and vice versa; and any reference to a gender includes the other gender;
\item Where appropriate, meanings ascribed to defined words and expressions in the above paragraph's, shall impose substantive obligations on the Parties;
\item The clause headings in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be taken into account in its interpretation;
\item Words and expressions defined in any sub-clause shall, for the purposes of the clause of which that sub-clause forms part, bear the meanings assigned to such words and expressions in that sub-clause;
\item This Agreement is governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Territory and shall be binding on successor in title;
\item Unless specifically otherwise provided, all amounts in this agreement are exclusive of value-added tax;
\item Any reference to natural persons includes legal persons and vice versa; and any reference to a gender includes the other gender;
\item Where appropriate, meanings ascribed to defined words and expressions in the above paragraph's, shall impose substantive obligations on the Parties;
\item The clause headings in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be taken into account in its interpretation;
\item Words and expressions defined in any sub-clause shall, for the purposes of the clause of which that sub-clause forms part, bear the meanings assigned to such words and expressions in that sub-clause;
\item This Agreement is governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Territory and shall be binding on successor in title;
\item Unless specifically otherwise provided, all amounts in this agreement are exclusive of value-added tax;
\section{C Section}
\item Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
\item Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
\item Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa;
\item Any reference to natural persons includes legal persons and vice versa; and any reference to a gender includes the other gender;
\item Where appropriate, meanings ascribed to defined words and expressions in the above paragraph's, shall impose substantive obligations on the Parties;
\item The clause headings in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be taken into account in its interpretation;
\item Words and expressions defined in any sub-clause shall, for the purposes of the clause of which that sub-clause forms part, bear the meanings assigned to such words and expressions in that sub-clause;
\item This Agreement is governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Territory and shall be binding on successor in title;
\item Unless specifically otherwise provided, all amounts in this agreement are exclusive of value-added tax;
\item Any reference to natural persons includes legal persons and vice versa; and any reference to a gender includes the other gender;
\item Where appropriate, meanings ascribed to defined words and expressions in the above paragraph's, shall impose substantive obligations on the Parties;
\item The clause headings in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be taken into account in its interpretation;
\item Words and expressions defined in any sub-clause shall, for the purposes of the clause of which that sub-clause forms part, bear the meanings assigned to such words and expressions in that sub-clause;
\item This Agreement is governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Territory and shall be binding on successor in title;
\item Unless specifically otherwise provided, all amounts in this agreement are exclusive of value-added tax;
\item Any reference to natural persons includes legal persons and vice versa; and any reference to a gender includes the other gender;
\item Where appropriate, meanings ascribed to defined words and expressions in the above paragraph's, shall impose substantive obligations on the Parties;
\item The clause headings in this Agreement have been inserted for convenience only and shall not be taken into account in its interpretation;
\item Words and expressions defined in any sub-clause shall, for the purposes of the clause of which that sub-clause forms part, bear the meanings assigned to such words and expressions in that sub-clause;
\item This Agreement is governed by and construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Territory and shall be binding on successor in title;
\item Unless specifically otherwise provided, all amounts in this agreement are exclusive of value-added tax;