postaction={draw=gray,densely dashed,line width=14pt},
postaction={draw=black,double distance=8pt,line width=2pt},
postaction={draw=gray,densely dashed,line width=8pt},]
\draw[track] (-5,27) to[out= 0,in=180] ( 5,33)
to[out= 0,in= 90] ( 7,25)
to[out=270,in= 0] (-5,27);
\draw[track] (-4,10) to (0,10) to[out= 0,in=270] (4,16);
\draw[track] (12,10) to (8,10) to[out=180,in=270] (4,16) to (4,20);
\draw[track] (-4,0) to (12,0);
\draw[track] (0,0) to[out= 0,in=270] (3,2)
to[out= 90,in=270] (1,4)
to[out= 90,in=180] (4,6)
to[out= 0,in=120] (8,5)
to[out=300,in= 0] (4,0);
\documentclass[tikz, border=5]{standalone}
% Layers
\pgftransformreset% <- I think is possibly vital.
% Get bounding box of decorated path as a node.
% Must do it this way using basic layer.
\pgftransformshift{\pgfpointanchor{current path bounding box}{south west}}%
\pgftransformshift{\pgfpointanchor{current path bounding box}{north east}}%
\node [fit=(@1)(@2), inner sep=\railsep+2*\railwidth] (@@) {};
% Create a fading for the track.
\path[draw=transparent!0, line width=\railsep+2*\railwidth,
postaction={draw=transparent!100, line width=\railsep}]
\useasboundingbox (@@.south west) (@@.north east);
% Draw sleepers.
\draw [draw=\sleepercolor,line width=\sleeperlength, dash pattern=on \sleeperwidth off \sleepersep, every sleeper/.try]
% Draw the track
\fill [path fading=tracks, fit fading=false,
fading transform={shift=(@@.center)}, fill=\railcolor]
(@@.south west) rectangle (@@.north east);
decoration=tracks, decorate
rail sep/.store in=\railsep,
rail width/.store in=\railwidth,
rail color/.store in=\railcolor,
rail layer/.store in=\raillayer,
sleeper sep/.store in=\sleepersep,
sleeper width/.store in=\sleeperwidth,
sleeper length/.store in=\sleeperlength,
sleeper color/.store in=\sleepercolor,
sleeper layer/.store in=\sleeperlayer,
rail sep=4pt,
rail width=1pt,
rail color=black,
rail layer=rail,
sleeper sep=6pt,
sleeper width=1pt,
sleeper length=10pt,
sleeper color=gray,
sleeper layer=sleeper,
\draw [track] (-2,5) to (0,5) to[out= 0,in=270] (2,8);
\draw [track] (6,5) to (4,5) to[out=180,in=270] (2,8) to (2,10);
postaction={draw=gray,densely dashed,line width=14pt},
postaction={draw,decorate,decoration={curveto,raise=4pt},line width=2pt},
postaction={draw,decorate,decoration={curveto,raise=-4pt},line width=2pt}]
\path[track] (-5,27) to[out= 0,in=180] ( 5,33)
to[out= 0,in= 90] ( 7,25)
to[out=270,in= 0] (-5,27);
\path[track] (-4,10) to ( 0,10) to[out= 0,in=270] (4,16);
\path[track] (12,10) to ( 8,10) to[out=180,in=270] (4,16) to (4,20);
\path[track] (-4, 0) to (12, 0);
\path[track] ( 0, 0) to[out= 0,in=270] (3,2)
to[out= 90,in=270] (1,4)
to[out= 90,in=180] (4,6)
to[out= 0,in=120] (8,5)
to[out=300,in= 0] (4,0);
这是另一种使用的方法blend group
\path[save path=\cloud](0,0)..controls(5,5)..(10,0);
\path[save path=\hill](0,5)..controls(0,0)and(10,0)..(10,5);
\begin{scope}[blend group=darken]
\begin{scope}[dash pattern=on2off4,line width=12,darkgray]
\draw[use path=\cloud];
\draw[use path=\hill];
\begin{scope}[blend group=normal]
\draw[use path=\cloud][line width=8];
\draw[use path=\cloud][line width=6,white];
\begin{scope}[blend group=normal]
\draw[use path=\hill][line width=8];
\draw[use path=\hill][line width=6,white];