


问题:我在 LaTeX 模板中添加了一些脚注。除此以外,所有脚注均能正常工作。它显示如下 在此处输入图片描述



\volumn{ }
\doi{ }
\copynote{{\copyright} Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012}
\ratime{Received month dd, yyyy; accepted month dd, yyyy}
%% Title
\title{$\bm{Frontiers~ of~ Computer~ Science}$\\[2mm] Instruction for authors}
%% Authors
\author{Firstname LASTNAME \xff $^{1,2}$}
%% Addresses of authors
\address{{1\quad Higher Education Press, Beijing 100029, China}\\
{2\quad Acadcmic Journal Division, Beijing 100029, China}}

%% Running head
\markboth{Front. Comput. Sci.}{Firstname LASTNAME: please insert running head here}


 A short abstract of up to 300 words written in one paragraph

\Keywords{Up to 8 words separated by commas.}


\noindent Frontiers of Computer Science is an international
peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the Ministry of
Education of China. The journal is jointly published by Higher
Education Press of China and Springer on a bimonthly basis in
English. Online versions are available through both
http://www.springerlink.com/content/11704 and
% here is my line
For instance, \textit{@ActionID}\footnote{http://bits.netbeans.org/dev/javadoc/org-   openide-awt/org/openide/awt/ActionID.html, verified 24-07-14} taken from the NetBeans  FAQ\footnote{http://wiki.netbeans.org/DevFaqActionAddJavaPackage,verified 24-07-14} deals with the retention (how long annotations are to be retained in a system) and target of a code.





您可以使用文档中定义的宏,该宏允许您使用感叹号来表示允许的换行符。但是,如果将 url 样式设置为same(与文档的主罗马字体相同),则这不是必需的。



\usepackage[hyphens, allowmove]{url} %
\makeatletter \g@addto@macro\UrlSpecials{\do\!{\newline}}\makeatother

\volumn{ }
\doi{ }
\copynote{{\copyright} Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012}
\ratime{Received month dd, yyyy; accepted month dd, yyyy}
%% Title
\title{$\bm{Frontiers~ of~ Computer~ Science}$\\[2mm] Instruction for authors}
%% Authors
\author{Firstname LASTNAME \xff $^{1,2}$}
%% Addresses of authors
\address{{1\quad Higher Education Press, Beijing 100029, China}\\
{2\quad Academic Journal Division, Beijing 100029, China}}

%% Running head
\markboth{Front. Comput. Sci.}{Firstname LASTNAME: please insert running head here}


 A short abstract of up to 300 words written in one paragraph

\Keywords{Up to 8 words separated by commas.}


\noindent Frontiers of Computer Science is an international
peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the Ministry of
Education of China. The journal is jointly published by Higher
Education Press of China and Springer on a bimonthly basis in
English. Online versions are available through both
http://www.springerlink.com/content/11704 and
% here is my line\url{http://bits.netbeans.org/dev/javadoc/org- openide-awt/org/openide/awt/ActionID.html}
For instance, \textit{@ActionID}\footnote{\url{http://bits.netbeans.org/dev/javadoc/org-openide-awt/org/openide/awt/ActionID.html}, verified 24-07-14} taken from the NetBeans FAQ\footnote{\url{http://wiki.netbeans.org/DevFaqActionAddJavaPackage}, verified 24-07-14} deals with the retention (how long annotations are to be retained in a system) and target of a code.




正如 Barbara Benton 在她的评论中提到的,只需使用 url 包。它(使用 article 文档类 - 我不熟悉 fcd)给出了预期的结果。 在此处输入图片描述 我的 MWE:


Frontiers of Computer Science is an international peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China. The journal is jointly published by Higher Education Press of China and Springer on a bimonthly basis in English. Online versions are available through both
\url{http://www.springerlink.com/content/11704} and
% here is my line
For instance, \textit{@ActionID}%
verified 24-07-14} taken from the NetBeans  FAQ%
    \footnote{\url{http://wiki.netbeans.org/DevFaqActionAddJavaPackage}, verified 24-07-14}
deals with the retention (how long annotations are to be retained in a system) and target of a code.
