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\title{\huge Student Attitudes and the Value of Foundation Degree Police Pre-Join Routes: An Investigation} % Poster title

\author{\textbf{Sean Butcher and Stuart Norton}} % Author(s)

\institute{Institute of Professional Policing

\textit{Buckinghamshire New University}} % Institution(s)


\newcommand{\leftfoot}{POLCON 5, Teeside University} % Left footer text

\newcommand{\rightfoot}{September 2014} % Right footer text



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\item The manifestation of a broad and significant police reform agenda (see Home Office, 2010) has both directly and indirectly presented opportunity for police organisations and education providers to define and design supplementary and additional routes in training and entry into the police service. One example of the recent diversification of pre-entry programmes is the development of the FdA Policing programme at Bucks New University, which has been designed in partnership with Thames Valley Police (TVP) to serve as a form of pre-entry into the service.
\item This poster presents the aims and initial findings of an associated project, designed as an exploratory and descriptive analysis of the candidate response to the programme. Specifically, the poster presents selected findings from a monitoring and mapping exercise of a specific candidate cohort.




\item Home Office (2010) \textit{Policing in the 21st Century: Reconnecting Police and the People}. London: HMSO.
\item Neyroud, P. (2011) \textit{Review of Police Leadership and Training: Volume One}. London: Home Office.
\item Punch, M. (2007) 'Cops with Honours: University Education and Police Culture', in O'Neill, M. Marks, M. Singh, A.M. (eds.) \textit{Police Occupational Culture}. Amsterdam: Elsveier.
\item Reiner, R. (2010) \textit{The Politics of the Police} (4th edn). Oxford: OUP.



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