

我有一张分布在多个页面上的长表,我使用 packagelongtable包对其进行了编码。我的代码示例如下:



\begin{longtable}{cccccccp{5cm}}   \hline
 Row & GO term & P-value & OR & Exp Count & Count & Size 
 \\  \hline
1 & GO:0009987 & 0.00 & 1.65 & 1811.17 & 2078 & 11765 & cellular process \\ 
2 & GO:0050794 & 0.00 & 1.57 & 648.88 & 857 & 4215 & regulation of cellular process \\ 
3 & GO:0080090 & 0.00 & 1.67 & 376.24 & 536 & 2444 & regulation of primary metabolic process \\ 
4 & GO:0009889 & 0.00 & 1.69 & 344.84 & 497 & 2240 & regulation of biosynthetic process \\ 
5 & GO:0051252 & 0.00 & 1.72 & 308.20 & 453 & 2002 & regulation of RNA metabolic process \\ 
6 & GO:0006355 & 0.00 & 1.71 & 306.35 & 449 & 1990 & regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent \\ 
7 & GO:2001141 & 0.00 & 1.71 & 306.35 & 449 & 1990 & regulation of RNA biosynthetic process \\ 
8 & GO:0031323 & 0.00 & 1.63 & 378.24 & 531 & 2457 & regulation of cellular metabolic process \\ 
9 & GO:0051171 & 0.00 & 1.66 & 332.52 & 476 & 2160 & regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process \\ 
10 & GO:0019219 & 0.00 & 1.66 & 328.52 & 469 & 2134 & regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process \\ 



表格在 MWE 中并没有“向右移动”。相反,MWE 的表格比 \textwidth(即文本块的宽度)更宽。这使得其内容突出到文本块的右侧。

假设文档的左侧和右侧边距实际上各为 1 英寸(2.54 厘米)宽,则可以使环境longtable(刚好!)适合文本块如果你还可以删除第一列左侧和最后一列右侧的空格,即,如果你指定



\begin{longtable}{@{} *{7}{c} p{5cm} @{}}


但是,使用此设置,列中的文本材料p将完全对齐,由于列宽只有 5 厘米,因此偶尔会出现很大的单词间隙。对于如此窄的列,最好将材料排版为右对齐,而不是完全对齐。因此,我建议您在序言中提供以下命令:

\usepackage{array}     % for "\newcolumntype" macro
\usepackage{ragged2e}  % for "\RaggedRight" macro


\begin{longtable}{@{} *{7}{c} P{5cm} @{}}




\begin{longtable}{@{} *{7}{c} P{5cm} @{}}   
Row & GO term & P-value & OR & Exp Count & Count & Size  \\  
1 & GO:0009987 & 0.00 & 1.65 & 1811.17 & 2078 & 11765 & cellular process \\ 
2 & GO:0050794 & 0.00 & 1.57 & 648.88 & 857 & 4215 & regulation of cellular process \\ 
3 & GO:0080090 & 0.00 & 1.67 & 376.24 & 536 & 2444 & regulation of primary metabolic process \\ 
4 & GO:0009889 & 0.00 & 1.69 & 344.84 & 497 & 2240 & regulation of biosynthetic process \\ 
5 & GO:0051252 & 0.00 & 1.72 & 308.20 & 453 & 2002 & regulation of RNA metabolic process \\ 
6 & GO:0006355 & 0.00 & 1.71 & 306.35 & 449 & 1990 & regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent \\ 
7 & GO:2001141 & 0.00 & 1.71 & 306.35 & 449 & 1990 & regulation of RNA biosynthetic process \\ 
8 & GO:0031323 & 0.00 & 1.63 & 378.24 & 531 & 2457 & regulation of cellular metabolic process \\ 
9 & GO:0051171 & 0.00 & 1.66 & 332.52 & 476 & 2160 & regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process \\ 
10 & GO:0019219 & 0.00 & 1.66 & 328.52 & 469 & 2134 & regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process \\ 


基于 的解决方案tabularx。我还使用array包,因为它的*{n}{}>{…}构造可以节省输入,并booktabs改善表格的外观。该siunitx包用于对齐数字列。最后,我实现了行编号和GO:标签的自动化。

\usepackage{array, booktabs, siunitx}
\sisetup{table-number-alignment = center, parse-numbers = false}



\mbox{}\vskip 2cm
    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{>{\refstepcounter{rowcnt}}c >{GO:}cccS[table-format=4.2]S[table-format=4.0]S[table-format=5.0]X}%
     \multicolumn{1}{c}{Row} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{GO term} & P-value & OR & {Exp Count} & {Count} & {Size} \\
    1 & 0009987 & 0.00 & 1.65 & 1811.17 & 2078 & 11765 & cellular process \\
    2 & 0050794 & 0.00 & 1.57 & 648.88 & 857 & 4215 & regulation of cellular process \\
    3 & 0080090 & 0.00 & 1.67 & 376.24 & 536 & 2444 & regulation of primary metabolic process \\
    4 & 0009889 & 0.00 & 1.69 & 344.84 & 497 & 2240 & regulation of biosynthetic process \\
    5 & 0051252 & 0.00 & 1.72 & 308.20 & 453 & 2002 & regulation of RNA metabolic process \\
    6 & 0006355 & 0.00 & 1.71 & 306.35 & 449 & 1990 & regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent \\
    7 & 2001141 & 0.00 & 1.71 & 306.35 & 449 & 1990 & regulation of RNA biosynthetic process \\
    8 & 0031323 & 0.00 & 1.63 & 378.24 & 531 & 2457 & regulation of cellular metabolic process \\
    9 & 0051171 & 0.00 & 1.66 & 332.52 & 476 & 2160 & regulation of nitrogen compound metabolic process \\
    10 & 0019219 & 0.00 & 1.66 & 328.52 & 469 & 2134 & regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process \\








\begin{longtable}{cccccccp{5cm}}   \hline
 Row & GO term & P-value & OR & Exp Count & Count & Size 
 \\  \hline
1 & GO:0009987 & 0.00 & 1.65 & 1811.17 & 2078 & 11765 & cellular process \\ 
2 & GO:0050794 & 0.00 & 1.57 & 648.88 & 857 & 4215 & regulation of cellular process \\ 
3 & GO:0080090 & 0.00 & 1.67 & 376.24 & 536 & 2444 & regulation of primary metabolic process \\ 
4 & GO:0009889 & 0.00 & 1.69 & 344.84 & 497 & 2240 & regulation of biosynthetic process \\ 
5 & GO:0051252 & 0.00 & 1.72 & 308.20 & 453 & 2002 & regulation of RNA metabolic process \\ 
6 & GO:0006355 & 0.00 & 1.71 & 306.35 & 449 & 1990 & regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent \\ 
7 & GO:2001141 & 0.00 & 1.71 & 306.35 & 449 & 1990 & regulation of RNA biosynthetic process \\ 



  1. 桌子较小或
  2. 更改页面布局(边距) - 查看所提到的goemetry包。


正如 Manuel Kuehner 所说,您的桌子比 更宽\textwidth。您可以

  1. \textwidth只需通过\usepackage[cm]{fullpage}或(如上所述)使用即可放大geometry
  2. 在表格左侧手动添加负空间,如下:


\begin{longtable}{cccccccp{5cm}}   \hline
Row & GO term & P-value & OR & Exp Count & Count & Size  \\  \hline
1 & GO:0009987 & 0.00 & 1.65 & 1811.17 & 2078 & 11765 & cellular process

\hspace*{-3cm}\begin{minipage}{5cm}\begin{longtable}{cccccccp{5cm}}   \hline
 Row & GO term & P-value & OR & Exp Count & Count & Size  \\  \hline
1 & GO:0009987 & 0.00 & 1.65 & 1811.17 & 2078 & 11765 & cellular process


