

我已经在 latex 模板中添加了引用。问题如下图所示。



这是 MWE


\volumn{ }
\doi{ }
\copynote{{\copyright} Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012}
\ratime{Received month dd, yyyy; accepted month dd, yyyy}
\title{$\bm{Frontiers~ of~ Computer~ Science}$\\[2mm] Instruction for authors}
\author{Firstname LASTNAME \xff $^{1,2}$}
\address{{1\quad Higher Education Press, Beijing 100029, China}\\
{2\quad Acadcmic Journal Division, Beijing 100029, China}}

\markboth{Front. Comput. Sci.}{Firstname LASTNAME: please insert running head here}


A short abstract of up to 300 words written in one
paragraph, clearly indicating the object and scope of the paper as
well as the results achieved, should appear on the first page. It
should be written using the abstract environment.

\Keywords{Up to 8 words separated by commas.}


\noindent Frontiers of Computer Science is an international
peer-reviewed academic journal sponsored by the Ministry of
Education of China. The journal is jointly published by Higher
Education Press of China and Springer on a bimonthly basis in
English. Online versions are available through both
http://www.springerlink.com/content/11704 and

In-text citations must agree with the references in either numbering
or names and year. The references should be presented completely and
without mistakes, and should be the original publication. We use the
citation-sequence system, that is to number the citations according
to sequence of their first appearance. Journal names should be
spelled out in full. Examples are given in     \cite{KargerD,Mastroianni,SchlessingerD,ZhugeH}.

\Acknowledgements{The ``Acknowledgement section'' is the general
term for the list of contributions etc}

\bibitem{Mastroianni} Verta O. Mastroianni C, Talia D. A super-peer model for resource
discovery services in large-scale grids. Future Generation Computer
Systems, 2005, 21(8): 1235--1248

\bibitem{ZhugeH} Zhuge H. The Knowledge Grid. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing   Co., 2004

Schlessinger D. Schaechter M. Bacterial toxins. In: Schaechter M,
Medoff G, Eisenstein BI, eds. Mechanisms of microbial disease. 2nd
ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1993, 162--175

Karger D. Ruhl M. Simple efficient load balancing algorithms for
peer-to-peer systems. In: Proceedings of Sixteenth Annual ACM
Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithm and Architectures. 2004,

%% \Biography{#1}{#2}
%% #1 is the file name of photo,
%% #2 is author's biography
\Biography{fcs-2}{Please provide each author's biography here with no
more than 120 words. The photo can be informal. Our journal prefers
to exhibit an encouraging atmosphere. Please use a one that best
suits our journal.}  


它也出现在以下情况下 1) 如果没有传记 2) 即使以这种方式添加了书目\bibliographystyle{unsrt} \bibliography{oo} 经过大量研发后,我了解到这可能是一个模板问题。有什么方法可以解决它。

以下是截图 在此处输入图片描述 不管结尾是什么,无论是传记还是参考,都会出现这个问题。

FCS latex模板可以在以下网址下载:journal.hep.com.cn/fcs/EN/column/column11258.shtml



更新 27/2/2016

正如@boutinma 的另一个回答所指出的那样,flushend由 加载的包fcs有一个新选项keeplastbox可以修复此问题。不,您可以直接写




\volumn{ }
\doi{ }
\copynote{{\copyright} Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg 2012} 
\ratime{Received month dd, yyyy; accepted month dd, yyyy}
\title{$\bm{Frontiers~ of~ Computer~ Science}$\\[2mm] Instruction for authors}
\author{Firstname LASTNAME \xff $^{1,2}$}
\address{{1\quad Higher Education Press, Beijing 100029, China}\\
{2\quad Acadcmic Journal Division, Beijing 100029, China}}

\markboth{Front. Comput. Sci.}{Firstname LASTNAME: please insert
running head here} 



A short abstract of up to 300 words written in one
paragraph, clearly indicating the object and scope of the paper as
well as the results achieved, should appear on the first page. It
should be written using the abstract environment.

\Keywords{Up to 8 words separated by commas.}


Examples are given in

\Acknowledgements{The ``Acknowledgement section'' is the general
term for the list of contributions etc}

\bibitem{Mastroianni} Verta O. Mastroianni C, Talia D. A super-peer
  model for resource discovery services in large-scale grids. Future
  Generation Computer Systems, 2005, 21(8): 1235--1248

\bibitem{ZhugeH} Zhuge H. The Knowledge Grid. Singapore: World
  Scientific Publishing Co., 2004

\bibitem{SchlessingerD} Schlessinger D. Schaechter M. Bacterial
  toxins. In: Schaechter M, Medoff G, Eisenstein BI, eds. Mechanisms
  of microbial disease. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1993,

\bibitem{KargerD} Karger D. Ruhl M. Simple efficient load balancing
  algorithms for peer-to-peer systems. In: Proceedings of Sixteenth
  Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithm and
  Architectures. 2004, 36--40








\volumn{ }
\doi{ }
\copynote{{\copyright} Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg 2012} 
\ratime{Received month dd, yyyy; accepted month dd, yyyy}
\title{$\bm{Frontiers~ of~ Computer~ Science}$\\[2mm] Instruction for authors}
\author{Firstname LASTNAME \xff $^{1,2}$}
\address{{1\quad Higher Education Press, Beijing 100029, China}\\
{2\quad Acadcmic Journal Division, Beijing 100029, China}}

\markboth{Front. Comput. Sci.}{Firstname LASTNAME: please insert
running head here} 


A short abstract of up to 300 words written in one
paragraph, clearly indicating the object and scope of the paper as
well as the results achieved, should appear on the first page. It
should be written using the abstract environment.

\Keywords{Up to 8 words separated by commas.}


Examples are given in

\Acknowledgements{The ``Acknowledgement section'' is the general
term for the list of contributions etc}

\bibitem{Mastroianni} Verta O. Mastroianni C, Talia D. A super-peer
  model for resource discovery services in large-scale grids. Future
  Generation Computer Systems, 2005, 21(8): 1235--1248

\bibitem{ZhugeH} Zhuge H. The Knowledge Grid. Singapore: World
  Scientific Publishing Co., 2004

\bibitem{SchlessingerD} Schlessinger D. Schaechter M. Bacterial
  toxins. In: Schaechter M, Medoff G, Eisenstein BI, eds. Mechanisms
  of microbial disease. 2nd ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1993,

\bibitem{KargerD} Karger D. Ruhl M. Simple efficient load balancing
  algorithms for peer-to-peer systems. In: Proceedings of Sixteenth
  Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithm and
  Architectures. 2004, 36--40








