


x=1, f(x)=1/15;
x=2, f(x)=2/15;
x=3, f(x)=1/5;
x=4, f(x)=4/15;
x=5, f(x)=1/3



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\textsc{ XXX}  \\ [20pt]
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\huge Problem Set 1 \\ % The assignment title
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\maketitle % Print the title


1. Let X be a discrete random variable with density function

\[ P(x) = \left\{ 
  \begin{array}{l l}
    cx & \quad \text{for $x$ =1, 2, 3, 4, 5}\\
    0 & \quad \text{otherwise}
  \end{array} \right.\]
 \\ The discrete probability density function (PDF) of a discrete random variable $X$ provides the probabilities P($X=x$) for all possible values of $x$. In our case, \\

P($x$=1)=$1\times c$,\\
P($x$=2)=$2\times c$,\\
P($x$=3)=$3\times c$,\\
P($x$=4)=$4\times c$,\\
P($x$=5)=$5\times c$, $0$ otherwise\\

$1\times c +   2\times c +3\times c +4\times c +5\times c=1 \rightarrow c=\dfrac{1}{15}$

  The probability density function for $X$ is:\\

\begin{tabular*}{1\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill} } | c | c | c | c | c | c |} 
   x & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4& 5 \\ [1ex]
  \raisebox{2ex}f(x)& $1\times \dfrac{1}{15}=\dfrac{1}{15}$  & $2\times \dfrac{1}{15}=\dfrac{2}{15}$   & $3\times\dfrac{1}{15} =\dfrac{1}{5}$  & $4\times \dfrac{1}{15}=\dfrac{4}{15}$  & $5\times \dfrac{1}{15} =\dfrac{1}{3}$ \\ [1.5ex]

 A. What is $c$? \\\\
 $c=\dfrac{1}{15}$ \\\\

 B. Find P($X$ is odd).\\\\
 P($X$ is odd)$= P($X$ =1)+ P($X$ =3)+ P($X$ =5)=\dfrac{1}{15}+\dfrac{1}{5}+\dfrac{1}{3}=\dfrac{9}{15}$ \\\\

 C. What is the cumulative distribution function for X? Plot the function.\\\\






    jump mark left,
    xmin=0, xmax=6,
    every axis plot/.style={very thick},
    table/create on use/cumulative distribution/.style={
        create col/expr={\pgfmathaccuma + \thisrow{f(x)}}   
\addplot [red] table [y=cumulative distribution]{
x f(x)
0 0
1 1/15
2 2/15
3 1/5
4 4/15
5 1/3
6 0



\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}


    scatter/@pre marker code/.code={
                \tikzset{options/.style={mark=*, fill=white}}
                \draw [densely dashed] (marker-|0,0) -- (0,0);
                \draw plot [mark=*] coordinates {(marker-|0,0)};
        \coordinate (marker) at (0,0);
    scatter/@post marker code/.code={\end{scope}}


C. What is the cumulative distribution function for X? Plot the function.

P(X\leq1) &= \dfrac{1}{15}\\
P(X\leq2) &= \dfrac{1}{15}+\dfrac{2}{15}=\dfrac{1}{5}\\
P(X\leq3) &= \dfrac{1}{15}+\dfrac{2}{15}+\dfrac{1}{5}=\dfrac{6}{15}\\
P(X\leq4) &= \dfrac{1}{15}+\dfrac{2}{15}+\dfrac{1}{5}+\dfrac{4}{15}=\dfrac{2}{3}\\
P(X\leq5) &= \dfrac{1}{15}+\dfrac{2}{15}+\dfrac{1}{5}+\dfrac{4}{15}+\dfrac{1}{3}=1

    jump mark left,
    xmin=0, xmax=5,
    every axis plot/.style={very thick},
    table/create on use/cumulative distribution/.style={
        create col/expr={\pgfmathaccuma + \thisrow{f(x)}}   
\addplot [red] table [y=cumulative distribution]{
x f(x)
0 1/15
1 2/15
2 1/5
3 4/15
4 1/3
5 0

要使图像居中,您可以将\begin{tikzpicture} ... \end{tikzpicture}块包裹在

