尝试调整边距,但 csquote 不起作用

尝试调整边距,但 csquote 不起作用

我正在尝试使用论文模板写论文,但我在页边距方面遇到了麻烦。顶部边距非常大,底部边距截断了页码。另外,我似乎无法让 csquote 工作。我昨天花了 12 个小时试图弄清楚,但没有成功。当然,cls 文件很大,所以我附上了下面的链接。非常感谢您的帮助!


% Put your thesis title below.
\title{A Nation Divided: Assessing the Regional Effects of Institutional Capacity, Social Capital, and Civic Culture on Tax Morale in Italy}

% Put your name here.
% First one is the name you want to put on the cover.
% Second is the one you want to use in abstract.
\author{John D'Attoma}{D'Attoma, John}

% Put your Degree here.
% First is long title of degree (used on cover).
% Second is abbreviation for degree (used in abstract).
% Third is the month the degree was (will be) awarded (used on cover
% and abstract).
% Last is the year the degree was (wlll be) awarded (used on cover
% and abstract).
% The degree title for all doctoral candidates is ``Doctor of Philosophy.''
\wudegree{Doctor of Philosophy}{Ph.D.}{December}{2015}

% Put your advisor's name here.
\majorprof{Dr. Joyce Mushaben}

% List the names of the members of the committee here.
\committee{Dr. Joyce Mushaben, Chair\\Dr. Kenneth Thomas, Co-chair\\Dr. David Kimball\\Dr. Fred Cocozzelli}

% You may put your own abbreviation here.






该课程与 配合得很好latex,而不是pdflatex;尝试做

% set the pdf dimensions
% set the correct origin

% Put your thesis title below.
\title{A Nation Divided: Assessing the Regional Effects of Institutional Capacity, Social Capital, and Civic Culture on Tax Morale in Italy}

% Put your name here.
% First one is the name you want to put on the cover.
% Second is the one you want to use in abstract.
\author{John D'Attoma}{D'Attoma, John}

% Put your Degree here.
% First is long title of degree (used on cover).
% Second is abbreviation for degree (used in abstract).
% Third is the month the degree was (will be) awarded (used on cover
% and abstract).
% Last is the year the degree was (wlll be) awarded (used on cover
% and abstract).
% The degree title for all doctoral candidates is ``Doctor of Philosophy.''
\wudegree{Doctor of Philosophy}{Ph.D.}{December}{2015}

% Put your advisor's name here.
\majorprof{Dr. Joyce Mushaben}

% List the names of the members of the committee here.
\committee{Dr. Joyce Mushaben, Chair\\Dr. Kenneth Thomas, Co-chair\\Dr. David Kimball\\Dr. Fred Cocozzelli}

% You may put your own abbreviation here.


<... the rest of your document ...>

