我尝试使用 natbib 和 chicago 样式嵌入引文,但总是出错。我收到的错误包括:“Cite 不应与 natbib 一起使用。请改用 Sort;Latex 错误:有些错误,可能是缺少项目。我正在使用吴论文模板我对其进行了一些修改,因此命名为 umslthesis.cls。下面是 CLS 和 Tex 文件,以及 bib 文件。谢谢。
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{\Large\bf University of Missouri-St. Louis\\}
{\large Political Science }
\vskip 0.4truein
{ Dissertation Examination Committee:\\
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A dissertation presented to the \\ Graduate School of Arts and Sciences\\ of the University of Missouri-St. Louis in\\ partial fulfillment of the\\
requirements for the degree\\
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St. Louis, Missouri
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% set the correct origin
% Put your thesis title below.
\title{A Nation Divided: Assessing the Regional Effects of Institutional Capacity, Social Capital, and Civic Culture on Tax Morale in Italy}
% Put your name here.
% First one is the name you want to put on the cover.
% Second is the one you want to use in abstract.
\author{John D'Attoma}{D'Attoma, John}
% Put your Degree here.
% First is long title of degree (used on cover).
% Second is abbreviation for degree (used in abstract).
% Third is the month the degree was (will be) awarded (used on cover
% and abstract).
% Last is the year the degree was (wlll be) awarded (used on cover
% and abstract).
% The degree title for all doctoral candidates is ``Doctor of Philosophy.''
\wudegree{Doctor of Philosophy}{Ph.D.}{December}{2015}
% Put your advisor's name here.
\majorprof{Dr. Joyce Mushaben}
% List the names of the members of the committee here.
\committee{Dr. Joyce Mushaben, Chair\\Dr. Kenneth Thomas, Co-chair\\Dr. David Kimball\\Dr. Fred Cocozzelli}
% You may put your own abbreviation here.
Author = {Putnam, Robert D},
Date-Added = {2014-06-07T03:24:23GMT},
Date-Modified = {2014-06-07T03:24:24GMT},
Isbn = {0743219031},
Language = {English},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {Simon and Schuster},
Rating = {0},
Read = {Yes},
Title = {{Bowling Alone}},
Year = {2001}}
如果我指定“chicago”作为文档类,则以下 MWE 可以很好地编译(请记住再运行 LaTeX、BibTeX 和 LaTeX 两次以传播所有更改)。特别是,参考书目页面如下所示:
\title{A Nation Divided: Assessing the Regional Effects of Institutional Capacity, Social Capital, and Civic Culture on Tax Morale in Italy}
\wudegree{Doctor of Philosophy}{Ph.D.}{December}{2015}
\majorprof{Dr.\ Joyce Mushaben}
\committee{Dr.\ Joyce Mushaben, Chair\\
Dr.\ Kenneth Thomas, Co-chair\\
Dr.\ David Kimball\\
Dr.\ Fred Cocozzelli}
Author = {Putnam, Robert D},
Date-Added = {2014-06-07T03:24:23GMT},
Date-Modified = {2014-06-07T03:24:24GMT},
Isbn = {0743219031},
Language = {English},
Month = aug,
Publisher = {Simon and Schuster},
Rating = {0},
Read = {Yes},
Title = {Bowling Alone},
Year = {2001}