


我正在尝试用 latex 编写我的第一份报告,但出现了一个奇怪的错误,我的朋友都无法解决。我正在写一篇两栏文章。当我尝试在其中一个部分(简介)中包含一个图时,最后两三行会跳转到下一节。这里有完整的代码,以及我得到的 pdf 图像。

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\title{\textbf{Improving Generators' Interface to Support
\\LHEF V3 Format}}
\author{\Large ME
\\Universidad, Spain
\\ DESY Summer Student}
\date{September 11, 2014}


\twocolumn[ %Título, autor y abstract centrados y resto del documento en dos columnas
    \thispagestyle{empty}  %Por defecto numera la primera. Con esta orden lo evitamos.
    \vspace*{-0.8cm} %Acerca la línea superior a la fecha
    \begin{center}\rule{0.9\textwidth}{0.1mm} \end{center} %Añade separación al     abstract y lo separa del resto del documento con una línea horizontal
    The aim of the project was to modify the Les Houches Event File Interface in order to make it capable of reading the newest version of LHEF format. A partially modified version of the interface was used as an starting point. From there, some features where implemented until the software was fully functional.

    \begin{center}\rule{0.9\textwidth}{0.1mm} \end{center}
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%  \begin{figure}[t]
%     \begin{center}
%        \includegraphics[width=50pt]{pics/DESY.png}
%        \caption{\small Representation of the trajectories followed by the photoelectrons when they do not have enough energy to reach the collector}
%        \label{cutoff}
%     \end{center}
%        \begin{flushright}
%       \end{flushright}

This reports is giving a dedicated account of my project in the ATLAS group. The main purpose of the project was to implement new features for what is called Les Houches Event File (LHEF hereafter) interface. This interface is part of Athena, an ATLAS control framework for particle physics Monte Carlo simulation.
In particle physics Monte Carlo simulation we have four basic steps:
    \item Event Generation (Hard Process)
    \item Parton Showers
    \item Hadronization
    \item Underlying Event

In the next plot it is shown the steps asociated with each part of the event.

        \caption{\small \cite{Webber} MC simulations steps}

In the following sections this framework is going to be explained as well as some formats (HepMC and LHEF) that would be necessary to know for a full understanding of the project. After that, the modified interface will be presented.


As it is mentioned before, Athena is a control framework that is used to run the particle physics Monte Carlo simulation in ATLAS. The whole process can be done using this framework. 
Athena has six basic steps:
    \item Initialization: The settings and initial values can be introduced to the framework via the JobOptions. This JobOptions are written in Python.
    \item Call the generator via the interface and give it the settings
    \item Read the event data generated.
    \item Castilla y León.
    \item Castilla y León.
    \item Castilla y León.



 B. Webber, \textit{Monte Carlo Methods in Particle Physics}, University of Cambridge, IMPRS, Munich 19-23 November 2007.


我得到: 错误









作为临时解决方案,如果图像是 220p 而不是 240p,则一切正常。

