添加 tikz 样式的摘要标题

添加 tikz 样式的摘要标题

根据 MWE,我目前使用两种类型的部分标题栏:用于普通未编号部分(MWE 中的“osections”)的圆角灰色条和用于编号部分的“主题 N”(其中 N = 部分编号)

我想使用 tikz 节点添加另一种“类型”的标题栏,即“摘要”:



% MWE,按照http://glurl.co/dFH



\definecolor{topic}{rgb}{.125,.125,.500}    % 
\definecolor{info}{rgb}{.125,.125,.500} % 



\tikz[baseline,trim left=3.1cm,trim right=3.15cm] {
    \fill [black!15] (2.5cm,-1ex) rectangle (\textwidth+3.1cm,2.5ex);
    \node [fill=black!15!white,
        anchor= base east,
    rounded rectangle,
    minimum height=3.5ex] at (2.8cm,0.13) {};
    \node [fill=black!100!white,    anchor= base east,  rounded rectangle,
        minimum height=3.75ex] at (14cm,0.05) {
        \color{white}{Topic \thesection}};
\tikz[baseline,trim left=3.1cm,trim right=3.15cm] {
    \fill [black!15] (2.5cm,-1ex) rectangle (\textwidth+3.6cm,2.5ex);
    \node [fill=black!15!white, anchor= base east,  rounded rectangle,
        minimum height=3.5ex] at (2.8cm,0.13) {};
    \node [fill=black!15!white, anchor= base east,  rounded rectangle,
        minimum height=3.5ex] at (13.5cm,0.13) {};
\tikz[baseline,trim left=3.1cm,trim right=3.15cm] {
    \fill [black!15] (2.5cm,-1ex) rectangle (\textwidth+3.6cm,2.5ex);
    \node [fill=black!15!white, anchor= base east,  rounded rectangle,
        minimum height=3.5ex] at (2.8cm,0.13) {};
    \node [fill=black!100!white,    anchor= base east,  rounded rectangle,
        minimum height=3.5ex] at (14.0cm,0.03) {




\osection{Ordinary Section Header}
This is for ordinary sections.  

\section{Topical Section Header}
This is for topical sections

\ssection{Summary Section Header}
I'd like to replace this topical header with a similar tikz bar which has 'Summary' in the black node




  1. 基于 titlebar@@ 定义了一个新命令 stitlebar@@

    \newcommand\stitlebar@@{%ssections \tikz[baseline,trim left=3.1cm,trim right=3.15cm] { \fill [black!15] (2.5cm,-1ex) 矩形 (\textwidth+3.6cm,2.5ex); \node [fill=black!15!white, 锚点= base east, 圆角矩形, 最小高度=3.5ex] 位于 (2.8cm,0.13) {}; \node [fill=black!100!white, 锚点= base east, 圆角矩形, 最小高度=3.5ex] 位于 (14.0cm,0.03) { \color{white}{Summary}}; }}

  2. 定义了两个新命令,summary和ssection:

    \newcommand\summary{\stitlebar@@} \newcommand{\ssection}1{\section*{\summary#1}}

  3. 向 MWE 添加了部分内容(现已编辑以包含此版本)

  4. 结果:

