新版本的 XeLaTeX 和 fontspec 中的章节标题出现括号错误

新版本的 XeLaTeX 和 fontspec 中的章节标题出现括号错误

以下 MWE 使用版本XeTeX和版本正确编译:3.1415926-2.5-0.9999.3TeX Live 2013fontspec2.3c

    \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}





但是,使用XeTeX版本和版本时3.14159265-2.6-0.99991,我收到以下错误:TeX Live 2014fontspec2.4a

! Argument of \@sect has an extra }.
<inserted text> 
l.9 \section{Wo{\foobar}rd}

我不知道这是否是由XeTeX或 的新版本引起的fontspec。但我该如何修复它?



Change history

- v2.4a (2014/06/21)

    * No longer load fixltx2e.sty -- this package should really be loaded before \documentclass.


% >Number:         3816
% >Category:       latex
% >Synopsis:       Argument of \@sect has an extra }.
% >Arrival-Date:   Sat Oct 22 23:11:01 +0200 2005
% >Originator:     [email protected] (Susanne Wunsch)
% Use of a \raisebox in \section{} produces the error message
% mentioned in the subject.
% PR latex/1738 descriped a similar problem, which has been solved
% 10 years ago. Protecting the \raisebox with \protect solved my
% problem as well, but wouldn't it make sense to have a similar fix
% as in the PR?
% It is particulary confusing, that an unprotected \raisebox in a
% \section*-environment works fine, while in a \section-environment
% produces error.
% While not technically a bug, in this day and age there are few
% reasons why commands taking optional arguments should not be robust.
% \subsubsection{Notes on the implementation strategy}
% Rather than changing the kernel macros to be robust, we have decided
% to add the macro \DescribeMacro{\MakeRobust}|\MakeRobust| in
% \Lpack{fixltx2e} so that users can easily turn fragile macros into
% robust ones. A macro |\foo| is made robust by doing the simple
% |\MakeRobust{\foo}|. \Lpack{fixltx2e} makes the following kernel
% macros robust: |\(|, |\)|, |\[|, |\]|, |\makebox|, |\savebox|,
% |\framebox|, |\parbox|, |\rule| and |\raisebox|.


    \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}





    \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O}




另见LaTeX 维基百科书籍脆弱命令和坚固命令之间有什么区别?
