

我正在寻找一种方法来自动获取以下法语“连续 guillemets”布局,这种布局在旧印刷术中用于当引用包含另一个跨越多行的引用时(好吧,乍一看这可能看起来很奇怪):

,今年 10 岁。我

我想使用 XeLaTeX 自动执行此操作。LaTeX 代码可能如下所示:

« When Bill arrived at the door, he saw him. The boy said: \continuousguil{Hello, I'm John and I'm 10 years old. I live with my parents in town. What do you want?} Bill was surprised but answered the boy. »

这几乎是 David 在这篇文章中给出的精彩回答: 环境在每行输出的开头打印相同的字符

但是还是存在一些差异,我无法自己调整代码...事实上,David 的环境必须从新行开始(而我可能希望从一行的中间开始),结尾处也是如此:我希望能够在同一行继续...

当我尝试修改代码时,遇到一个错误:“不正确的 \prevdepth”。




当我尝试您的解决方案时,我得到了如下结果: 嵌套引用示例


为了完整起见,我应该提到我»用 替换了代码中的“前缀” \nospace{»}\hspace{.25em},其中nospace命令禁用了 polyglossia 包的自动法语间距。以下是完整代码(我几乎没有对 David 的代码进行任何更改;\phantom{}命令开头的 是一个丑陋的 hack,以便在 guillemet 之后有适当的间距):

\documentclass[12pt]{article} % Essai de guillemets continus

\setmainfont[Ligatures={TeX}, Numbers={OldStyle}]{Adobe Garamond Pro}




% Enlever espace avant ponctuation

% Commande guilcont


% The code for the start of  environment
% save the depth of the previous line (Normally
% TeX uses this automatically but would lose the
% informatiom due to the boxing/reboxing)
% Save the prefix text from `#1` in box 0.
% In this version make it red, probably real code
% should not do that and should just have `#1` you
% could always add colour or font changes in the argument.
% start saving the paragraph in box 2
% by resetting the prevdepth to the saved value
% Tex will automatically insert glue to maintain even spacing
% before the first line.
% Reduce the width for line breaking by the width of box 0 to allow for
% the insertion of the prefix string later.
% end of begin environment code
\noindent\vadjust{\penalty123}\kern\dimen1 #1%
% close off the saving of box 2 started above.
% So at those point box 2 contains the body of the environment
% with lines broken to a short line length.
% Clear box 1 ready to start collecting the modified lines
% Use unbox box2 (onto itself)
% at this point we are at the end of box 2 now
% loop backwards up the vertical list copying glue and penalties
% but modifying boxes to add the prefix.
% an e-tex primitive that reports the last item in the vertical list.
% type 1 is a box, so remove the box (a line of text) and then
% put into box 1 a box that is this box together with the prefix which
% was saved in box 0
% type 11 is glue so remove it from this list and add
% equivalent glue to box 1
% same for penalty
\global\setbox1\vbox{\penalty\count0 \unvbox1}%
% other node types are not handled here: either they won't happen
% or they can't be removed anyway so would break the loop \special
% for example would be bad.
% -1 means the vertical list is empty: we have reached the top of the box.
% Tip the modified box back onto the main list for the page, unbox
% it so that page breaking may still happen (if it could happen in the
% original context).
\noindent\nospace{»}\hspace{.25em}\unhbox5\unskip\unskip\ »%


«Il y a huit ans que je suis avec vous, n'est-ce pas? Eh bien, dès le premier
jour, je me suis dit : \guilcont{Dès que j'aurai amassé cinq mille francs, je
  m'en retournerai là-bas; j'achèterai la maison à Lagache, et je vivrai bien
  heureuse…} C'est une promesse que je me suis faite, vous comprenez.»






\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}% not for xetex
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% not for xetex

% The code for the start of  environment
\def\continuousguil#1{ «%
% save the depth of the previous line (Normally
% TeX uses this automatically but would lose the
% informatiom due to the boxing/reboxing)
% Save the prefix text from `#1` in box 0.
% In this version make it red, probably real code
% should not do that and should just have `#1` you
% could always add colour or font changes in the argument.
\setbox0\hbox{» }%
% start saving the paragraph in box 2
% by resetting the prevdepth to the saved value
% Tex will automatically insert glue to maintain even spacing
% before the first line.
% Reduce the width for line breaking by the width of box 0 to allow for
% the insertion of the prefix string later.
% end of begin environment code
\noindent\vadjust{\penalty123}\kern\dimen1 #1%
% close off the saving of box 2 started above.
% So at those point box 2 contains the body of the environment
% with lines broken to a short line length.
% Clear box 1 ready to start collecting the modified lines
% Use unbox box2 (onto itself)
% at this point we are at the end of box 2 now
% loop backwards up the vertical list copying glue and penalties
% but modifying boxes to add the prefix.
% an e-tex primitive that reports the last item in the vertical list.
% type 1 is a box, so remove the box (a line of text) and then
% put into box 1 a box that is this box together with the prefix which
% was saved in box 0
% type 11 is glue so remove it from this list and add
% equivalent glue to box 1
% same for penalty
\global\setbox1\vbox{\penalty\count0 \unvbox1}%
% other node types are not handled here: either they won't happen
% or they can't be removed anyway so would break the loop \special
% for example would be bad.
% -1 means the vertical list is empty: we have reached the top of the box.
% Tip the modified box back onto the main list for the page, unbox
% it so that page breaking may still happen (if it could happen in the
% original context).
\noindent » \unhbox5\unskip\unskip\ »


« When Bill arrived at the door, he saw him. The boy said:
\continuousguil{Hello, I'm John and I'm 10 years old. I live with my
  parents in town. What do you want?} Bill was surprised but answered
the boy. »





\def\guilpar#1\par{\bgroup \frenchspacing \hyphenpenalty=10000
   \rightskip=-\fontdimen2\the\font plus-\fontdimen3\the\font minus-\fontdimen4\the\font
   \guilparA#1 {}
\def\guilparA #1 #2 {#1\ifx\end#2\end \guilparE\else \guilparB \expandafter\guilparA \fi #2 }
\def\guilparB{\nobreak\space\penalty0 }

   {\let\guilparE=\ignorespaces \let\guilparB=\guilparC \guilparA «#1~» {} }}

\guilpar \noindent
« When Bill arrived at door, he saw him. The boy said:
\continuousguil{Hello, I'm John and I'm 10 years old. I live with my
parents in   town. What do you want?} Bill was surprised but answered
the boy. »



  • 必须\frenchspacing在段落中使用(但我希望这不是真正的问题,因为这是针对法语的)。
  • 此类段落中的连字符必须关闭。

代码说明:段落中的每个空格\guilpar都由 -- 替换\nobreak\space\penalty0,换行已完成空间, 没有空格。包括\rightskip每行最后一个空格的补偿。参数\nobreak\space\discretionary中的每个空格都被替换为\continuousguil
