这是以 jfbu 为模型的 MWE吉富布工作。
% Override action when frame title is encountered:
% Similar to \hrule but above the base line
\def\Hrulefill{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule height 0.8ex depth -0.6ex\hfill\kern0pt}
\footnotesize \mdseries
\typeout{after defs}\relax
\typeout{after hrule}\relax
\typeout{after title}\relax
\typeout{after hrulefill}\relax
\typeout{after par no indent}\relax
\makeatletter % cf etoc manual "another compatibility mode"
{\typeout{prefix in section}}
{\typeout{item is section}\orig@lsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
(\Yossi frames)}{\etocpage}}
{\typeout{begin of SUBSECTION}}
{\typeout{prefix in subsection}}
{\typeout{item in susection}\orig@lsubsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
\typeout{before frames count}(\Yossi frames)}{\etocpage}}
{\typeout{end of SUBSECTION}}
{\typeout{Begin SUBSUBSECTION}}
{\typeout{prefix sub sub section}}
\typeout{item in sub sub section}\relax
{\etocname{} (\Yossi frames)}{\etocpage}
{\typeout{End SUBSUBSECTION}}
\etocsetstyle {subparagraph}
{\typeout{END SUBPARAGRAPH}\xdef\yossic{\yossic{\arabic{parinsubsubsection}}}}
\newcommand\yossia {}
\newcommand\yossib {}
\newcommand\yossic {}
\newcommand\Yossi {\expandafter\Yossi@ \yossia\@nil}
\def\Yossi@ #1#2\@nil {\gdef\yossia{#2}#1 }
\begingroup % first pass
\etocsetstyle {section}
\etocsetstyle {subsection}
\etocsetstyle {subsubsection}
\etocsettocstyle {}{}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {subparagraph}%
\typeout{before counting}\relax
\typeout{after counting}\relax
\typeout{after set next toc depth}\relax
\typeout{after toc}\relax
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent Contents:\par}{}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent Contents:\par}{}%
\etocsetlevel {subparagraph}{2}%
\etocsetlevel {subsubsection}{1}%
\etocsetlevel {subsection}{6}%
\etocsetlevel {section}{6}%
\etocsetlevel {paragraph}{6}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent\emph{Frames:}}{}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {subparagraph}%
\etocsetlevel {subparagraph}{3}%
\etocsetlevel {subsubsection}{2}%
\etocsetlevel {subsection}{1}%
\etocsetlevel {subsection}{6}%
\etocsetlevel {section}{6}%
\etocsetlevel {paragraph}{6}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent\emph{Frames:}\par}{}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {subparagraph}%
\etocsettocdepth {subparagraph}
\section{My First Section}\SectionTOC
\begin{frame}{My First Frame} has a bit of contents \end{frame}
\subsection{Subsection [A] in My First Section}
\begin{frame}{My 2nd Frame} has another bit of contents \end{frame}
\subsection{Sububsection [I] in subsection [A] in My First Section}
\begin{frame}{My THIRD Frame} has one bit and another bit of contents in it \end{frame}
% Override action when frame title is encountered: (Code by Yossi Gil)
\makeatletter % cf etoc manual "another compatibility mode"
{\orig@lsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
(\Yossi frames)}{\etocpage}}
{\orig@lsubsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
(\Yossi frames)}{\etocpage}}
{\orig@lsubsubsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
(\Yossi frames)}{\etocpage}}
\etocsetstyle {paragraph}
\newcommand\yossia {}
\newcommand\yossib {}
\newcommand\yossic {}
\newcommand\Yossi {\expandafter\Yossi@ \yossia\@nil}
\def\Yossi@ #1#2\@nil {\gdef\yossia{#2}#1 }
\begingroup % first pass
\etocsetstyle {section}
\etocsetstyle {subsection}
\etocsetstyle {subsubsection}
\etocsettocstyle {}{}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {paragraph}%
% to suppress subsubsections:
% \etocsetstyle{subsubsection}{}{}{\setbox0\hbox{\Yossi}}{}%
% to also suppress subsections
% \etocsetstyle{subsection}{}{}{\setbox0\hbox{\Yossi}}{}%
% to suppress subsubsections:
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent Contents:\par}{}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent Contents:\par}{}%
\etocsetlevel {paragraph}{2}%
\etocsetlevel {subsubsection}{1}%
\etocsetlevel {subsection}{6}%
\etocsetlevel {section}{6}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent List of frames in this subsubsection\par}{}%
%\etocsetnexttocdepth {paragraph}%
\etocsettocdepth {paragraph}
\section{Some frames}
\subsection {first subsection}
\subsubsection{first subsubsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Ah Ah
\subsubsection{second subsubsection}
Oh Oh
\subsection {second subsection}
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Ah Ah
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
\section{More frames}
\subsection {third subsection}
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Ah Ah
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
\subsection {fourth subsection}
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Ah Ah
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Oh Oh
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
% section=1, subsection=2, subsubsection=3
\etocsettocdepth {all}
%Override action when frame title is encountered: (Code by Yossi Gil)
\newcounter {mycountofframes}
\newcommand {\listofsubsectionswithframecount}{\begingroup
%%%%% count frames by executing an invisible table of contents
\setcounter {mycountofframes}{0}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {paragraph}%
\etocsetstyle {subsection}{}{}{}{}%
\etocsetstyle {paragraph}{}{\stepcounter{mycountofframes}}{}{}%
\etocsettocstyle {}{}%
\localtableofcontents % invisible, just to count paragraphs (=frames)
%%%%% now list subsections
{\noindent Dear reader, there are in total \arabic{mycountofframes}
frames in this section.\par\medskip }
\etocsetnexttocdepth {subsection}%
\etocstandardlines % undoes the \etocsetstyle above,
% switches to class default for TOC lines
\localtableofcontents % Print the table of contents
\newcommand {\listofframesinthissubsection}{\begingroup
%%%%% count frames by executing an invisible table of contents
\setcounter {mycountofframes}{0}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {paragraph}%
\etocsetstyle {paragraph}{}{\stepcounter{mycountofframes}}{}{}%
\etocnopar % says not to do \par, but doesn't matter here
\etocsettocstyle {}{}%
\localtableofcontents % just to count paragraphs (=frames)
%%%%% now list the paragraphs
\etocsetlevel {subsection}{1}% artificially pretending subsections are
% sections one up the level
\etocsetlevel {paragraph}{2}% pretending paragraphs are subsections
\etocdefaultlines % undoes the \etocsetstyle above, switches to package
% default for the TOC lines
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent The \arabic{mycountofframes}
frames in this subsection:\par\smallskip}{}%
\etocsetnexttocdepth {paragraph}%
\endgroup % undo all our mess
\etocsetnexttocdepth {subsection}
\section{Some frames}
\subsection {first subsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
\subsection {second subsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
\section{More frames}
\subsection {third subsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
\subsection {fourth subsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
% % Override action when frame title is encountered: (Code by Yossi Gil)
{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule height 0.8ex depth -0.6ex\hfill\kern0pt }
\footnotesize \mdseries
% Similar to \hrule but above the base line
\makeatletter % cf etoc manual "another compatibility mode"
{\orig@lsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
{\orig@lsubsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
{\orig@lsubsubsection {\numberline{\etocnumber}\etocname{}
\etocsetstyle {paragraph}
\newcommand\yossia {}
\newcommand\yossib {}
\newcommand\yossic {}
\newcommand\Yossi {\expandafter\Yossi@ \yossia\@nil}
\def\Yossi@ #1#2\@nil {\gdef\yossia{#2}\begingroup\color{blue}%
\ifcase #1
no frame%
1 frame%
\else #1 frames%
\begingroup % first pass
\etocsetstyle {section}
{\edef\yossia{\yossia% earlier sec, sub and subsub
\arabic{parinsection}% add previous
% section
\yossib % and all sub and subsub therein
{\edef\yossia{\yossia% earlier sec, sub and subsub
\arabic{parinsection}% add last
% section
\yossib % and all sub and subsub therein
\etocsetstyle {subsection}
{\edef\yossib{\yossib% previous sub and subsub
\arabic{parinsubsection}% add previous
% subsection
\yossic % and all subsub therein
{\edef\yossib{\yossib% previous sub and subsub
\arabic{parinsubsection}% add last
% subsection
\yossic % and all subsub therein
\etocsetstyle {subsubsection}
\etocsettocstyle {}{\global\let\yossia\yossia
\etocsetnexttocdepth {paragraph}%
% to suppress subsubsections:
% \etocsetstyle{subsubsection}{}{}{\setbox0\hbox{\Yossi}}{}%
% to also suppress subsections
% \etocsetstyle{subsection}{}{}{\setbox0\hbox{\Yossi}}{}%
% this is to suppress listing subsubsections in the Section TOC:
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent Contents:\par}{}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent Contents:\par}{}%
\etocsetlevel {paragraph}{2}%
\etocsetlevel {subsubsection}{1}%
\etocsetlevel {subsection}{6}%
\etocsetlevel {section}{6}%
\etocsettocstyle {\noindent List of frames in this subsubsection\par}{}%
\etocsettocdepth {paragraph}
\section{Section A}
\subsection {subsection}
% \Listofframes % don't use \listofframes in a subsubsection
No frames here.
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
\subsection {subsection with no subsubsection}
There are no subsubsections here.
\section{Section B}
\subsection {subsection}
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
Ah Ah
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
No frames here.
\subsection {subsection with no subsubsection}
Nothing here.
\subsection {subsection}
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Ah Ah
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
No frames here.
\subsubsection {subsubsection}
Oh Oh
Ah Ah
Oh Oh
\subsection {subsection}
\subsubsection {subsubsection }
No frame.
\subsubsection {subsubsection }
No frame.