尽管有 \newcommand 定义,但仍出现“未定义控制序列”错误!

尽管有 \newcommand 定义,但仍出现“未定义控制序列”错误!

我已经安装了 texlive 完整包:

我使用 TeXmaker,这是我想绘制网格的代码,就像在 tikzpicture 中一样。我只想调用\gridkar下面定义的函数。所以我在 中定义了它\newcommand。不幸的是,它返回了两个错误:

Undefined Control Sequence \gridkar

Package PGF Math Error: Unknown Function 'x' (in 'x')

\documentclass[12 pt]{exam}

\firstpageheader{Math110}{October 2}{Quiz 3}
        \draw[-] (x,-#2) -- (x,#2);
        \draw[-] (-#1,y) -- (#1,y);

\noindent Name:\hfill Section: 008
\noindent Directions: For each problem please show all your work in the space provided. Calculators are permitted; however, in order to receive partial or full credit on a problem you must show your work. You could use the blank side of this sheet too.\\

\textbf{Maximum Points: 6}\hspace*{\fill}\textbf{Time Limit: 10 minutes}

\question [2]\gridkar{7}{8}
\question [3]
\question [1]



您不需要 for 循环操作,TikZ 有自己的操作。我提供了一种可能性,但您也可以使用 TikZgrid键。我还提供了另一个示例。

\documentclass[12 pt]{exam}
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} % No need and deprecated -> color
\usepackage{enumerate} % % No need -> graphicx
\usepackage{tikz} % Tikz loads graphicx and xcolor

\firstpageheader{Math110}{October 2}{Quiz 3}
    \foreach\x in {-#1,...,#1}
        \draw[-] (\x,-#2) -- (\x,#2);
    \foreach\y in {-#2,...,#2}
        \draw[-] (-#1,\y) -- (#1,\y);

\noindent Name:\hfill Section: 008
\noindent Directions: For each problem please show all your work in the space provided. 
Calculators are permitted; however, in order to receive partial or full credit on a problem 
you must show your work. You could use the blank side of this sheet too.

\textbf{Maximum Points: 6}\hspace*{\fill}\textbf{Time Limit: 10 minutes}

\question [2]\gridkar{7}{8}
\question [3]\tikz[baseline,scale=0.4]\draw (-7,-8) grid[step=1] (7,8);
\question [1]




! Undefined control sequence.
\gridkar ...gin {tikzpicture}[scale=0.4] \forLoop 
                                                  {-#1}{#1}{x} { \draw [-] (...
l.40 \question [2]\gridkar{7}{8}

第一行说有未定义的控制序列。仅此而已。这里没有提到序列。第二行在问题的地方被打破了。它包括一部分宏体。左侧提到了当前正在处理哪个宏。问题在 的地方\forLoop。这意味着这是未定义的控制序列。

最后一行(以 为前缀l.40)表示在第 40 行读取输入文件时出现问题。此处显示此行的内容。
