定理风格类似(1.1 定理)和自定义定理类似(1.2 中值定理)

定理风格类似(1.1 定理)和自定义定理类似(1.2 中值定理)





\begin{thm}[Rational Zeros Theorem]


  1. 将数字和定理互换
  2. 在定理或定义的开头后面有一个换行符
  3. 用粗体代替斜体显示“证明。”并在其后添加换行符
  4. 如果证明以列表开头,则也会有换行符

我已经在尝试实现 1、2 和 3,如果您有兴趣,可以在 github 上找到它:https://github.com/kasperpeulen/Ross-Theorem-Style

我还没有解决 4,但是我在这里找到了一些其他帖子,所以我想我可以自己解决这个问题,但是当然,任何帮助都会受到赞赏。


好的,我现在可以工作了,感谢这个网站上的其他帖子,以及聊天中 percusse 的帮助:


以下是代码,您也可以在这里找到: https://github.com/kasperpeulen/Ross-Theorem-Style

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsthm}

\newtheoremstyle{theorem}% name
  {}%         Space above, empty = `usual value'
  {}%         Space below
  {\itshape}% Body font
  {}%         Indent amount 
  {\bfseries}% Head font
  {.}%        Punctuation after head
  {\newline}% Space after head: \newline = linebreak
   {\def\temp{#3}\ifx\temp\empty\thmnumber{#2 }\thmname{#1}\else\thmnumber{#2}\thmnote{ #3}\fi}%         Head spec


\newtheoremstyle{definition}% name
  {}%         Space above, empty = `usual value'
  {}%         Space below
  {}% Body font
  {}%         Indent amount
  {\bfseries}% Head font
  {.}%        Punctuation after thm head
  {\newline}% Space after head: \newline = linebreak
  {}%         Head spec


%Makes "Proof." boldface
\renewenvironment{proof}[1][\proofname] {\par\pushQED{\qed}\normalfont\topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax\trivlist\item[\hskip\labelsep\bfseries#1\@addpunct{.}]\mbox{}\\*}{\popQED\endtrivlist\@endpefalse}

%Fix if theorem starts with a list
 \noindent \par\nobreak\vskip-\baselineskip\hrule\@height\z@


 \noindent \par\nobreak\vskip-\baselineskip\hrule\@height\z@

\section{Some examples}

Here is a definition of \emph{something}.

\begin{thm}[Intermediate Value Theorem]
This is a theorem with a name and with a number.

This is a theorem without name and with a number.

Here is the proof.

\item Theorem that starts with a list.
\item Which seems to work.

\item Theorem that starts with a list.
\item Which seems to work.



这是一个简单的解决方案ntheorem– 它的优点是可以自动放置end-of-proof(可定制的)符号,即使证明以显示(组)方程式结束:


\usepackage{mathtools, nccmath}
\usepackage[thmmarks, thref, amsmath]{ntheorem}

  {\item[\rlap{\vbox{\hbox{\hskip\labelsep \theorem@headerfont
          ##2\ ##1\theorem@separator}\hbox{\strut}}}]}%
  {\item[\rlap{\vbox{\hbox{\hskip\labelsep \theorem@headerfont
          ##2\ ##3\theorem@separator}\hbox{\strut}}}]}

\theoremseparator{. }




\section{A First Section}

 A numbered, unnamed theorem.

\begin{thm}[Rational Zeros Theorem]
Suppose $ c_0 ,c_1 ,\dots, c_n $ be integers and $ r $ a rational number satisfying the polynomial equation.
  c_n xⁿ + c_{n-1} x^{n-1} + ... +c_1 x + c_0 =0
where $ n ≥ 1$, $ c_{n} \ne 0$ and $ c_0 \ne 0 $. Let $ r = \mfrac{c}{d}$, where $ c, d $ are integers having no common factors and $ d \ne 0 $. Then $ c $ divides $ c_0 $ and $ d $ divides $ c_n $.

\begin{itemize}[wide = 0pt]
  \item[\em First proof.]
Left as an exercise.

  \item[\em Second proof.] We deduce from the hypothesis that
   & c_{n}cⁿ + c_{n-1}c^{n-1}d + ... + c_1 cd^{n-1} + c_0 dⁿ = 0, \\
\intertext{which we may rewrite as}
   & c(c_{n}c^{n-2} + c_{n-1}c^{n-2}d + ... + c_1 d^{n-1}) = -c_0 dⁿ\\
 & d(c_{n-1}c^{n-1} + ... + c_1 cd^{n-2} + c_0 d^{n-1}) = -c_{n}cⁿ.

  A \textbf{rational function} is the quotient of two polynomial functions.


