

我正在尝试添加附录五次论目录。附录和附录已经定义,但我无法将它们添加到目录中。我还想知道如何将我的表格交叉引用到我的图表列表和表格列表中。相应的 CLS、TEX 和 sty 如下。谢谢。

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% Put your thesis title below.
\title{Sample Thesis in Mathematics Department}

% Put your name here.
% First one is the name you want to put on the cover.
% Second is the one you want to use in abstract.
\author{Steven Xiao}{Xiao, Steven}

% Put your Degree here.
% First is long title of degree (used on cover).
% Second is abbreviation for degree (used in abstract).
% Third is the month the degree was (will be) awarded (used on cover
% and abstract).
% Last is the year the degree was (wlll be) awarded (used on cover
% and abstract).
% The degree title for all doctoral candidates is ``Doctor of Philosophy.''
\wudegree{Doctor of Philosophy}{Doctor of Philosophy}{December}{2006}

% Put your advisor's name here.
\majorprof{Cupples Liu}

% List the names of the members of the committee here.
\committee{Cupples Liu, Chair\\Daniel Scott Klazkin\\Jill Goldberg\\Joshua Glatt\\Willam Maas}

% You may put your own abbreviation here.










\chapter{First of Appendix}





\chapter{First of Appendix}
