使用 asboudingbox 和 determinedfigure 来对齐标题

使用 asboudingbox 和 determinedfigure 来对齐标题

useasboundingbox在 tikz 图片中使用 使它们光学居中。我希望标题与边界框的左边缘对齐。通常,这可以measuredfigure通过 的环境来完成threeparttable。在下面的代码中,它没有。我做错了什么?标题应该与 y 轴对齐,即边界框的左边缘。




\newlength\plotheight % Height of plotting area
\newlength\plotwidth % Width of plotting area
\newlength\axissep % Space between plotting area and axis
\newlength\tickl % Length of minor ticks
\newlength\ylabsep % space between plotting area and ylab 
\newlength\xlabsep % space between plotting area and ylab 

\caption{Some caption}


        , x=\plotwidth/(\maxx-\minx)]

\useasboundingbox (\miny-\axissep,\miny-\xlabsep)  
    rectangle (\maxx,\maxy);

% y-axis
\draw (\minx-\axissep,\miny) -- (\minx-\axissep,\maxy);
% y-ticks
\foreach \x/\l in {\miny,10,...,\maxy} 
    {\draw (\minx,\x) ++ (-\axissep,0) -- ++ (-\tickl,0)
% y-ticklabels    
        node[anchor=east] {\l};}
% y-label
    \path  (\minx-\ylabsep, {(\miny+\maxy)/2}) node[rotate=90 ,anchor=south] {\ylab};

% x-axis
\draw (\minx,\miny) ++ (0,-\axissep) -- ++ (\maxx,0);

% x-ticks
\foreach \x in {0,10,...,\maxx} 
    \draw (\x, \miny) ++ (0,-\axissep) -- ++ (0, -\tickl)
% x-ticklabels
        node [anchor=north] {\x};
% x-label
    \path ({(\minx+\maxx)/2},\miny) ++ (0, -\xlabsep)
    node[anchor=north] {\xlab};









\newlength\plotheight % Height of plotting area
\newlength\plotwidth % Width of plotting area
\newlength\axissep % Space between plotting area and axis
\newlength\tickl % Length of minor ticks
\newlength\ylabsep % space between plotting area and ylab 
\newlength\xlabsep % space between plotting area and ylab 

  \centering% <- added code
    \caption{Some caption}%
            , x=\plotwidth/(\maxx-\minx)]
      % bounding box
        rectangle (\maxx,\maxy);
      % y-axis
      \draw (\minx-\axissep,\miny) -- (\minx-\axissep,\maxy);
      % y-ticks
      \foreach \x/\l in {\miny,10,...,\maxy} 
          {\draw (\minx,\x) ++ (-\axissep,0) -- ++ (-\tickl,0)
      % y-ticklabels    
              node[anchor=east] {\l};}
      % y-label
          \path  (\minx-\ylabsep, {(\miny+\maxy)/2}) node[rotate=90 ,anchor=south] {\ylab};
      % x-axis
      \draw (\minx,\miny) ++ (0,-\axissep) -- ++ (\maxx,0);
      % x-ticks
      \foreach \x in {0,10,...,\maxx} 
          \draw (\x, \miny) ++ (0,-\axissep) -- ++ (0, -\tickl)
      % x-ticklabels
              node [anchor=north] {\x};
      % x-label
          \path ({(\minx+\maxx)/2},\miny) ++ (0, -\xlabsep)
          node[anchor=north] {\xlab};
      % drawing the bounding box
      \draw[red](current bounding box.south west)
        rectangle(current bounding box.north east);


