将 eps 文件插入 Quantitiave Finance 的文档类

将 eps 文件插入 Quantitiave Finance 的文档类



请参阅第 2 部分:样式指南/Latex 模板

他们使用自己的文档类和一些所需的 sty 文件。

我在下面附上了一个最小版本的模板文件(我保留了与包含 eps 文件有关的所有部分)。如果您编译它,您会发现带有 eps 文件的图形不起作用。Latex 编译器返回“未知图形扩展名:.eps”

我已经包含了模板附带的所有 .sty 文件,包括 graphicx.sty 和 subfigure.sty,但它仍然不起作用。

复制问题时,请包含可在上面链接中找到的所有.sty 文件。

\usepackage{subfigure}% Support for small, `sub' figures and tables

\theoremstyle{plain}% Theorem-like structures




 \subsection{Submission of \LaTeX\ articles to the journal}\label{S1.2}

Authors who wish to incorporate Encapsulated PostScript artwork directly in their articles can do so by using
Tomas~Rokicki's {\tt EPSF} macros (which are supplied with the DVIPS PostScript driver). See Section~\ref{eps},
which also demonstrates how to treat landscape pages. Please remember to supply any additional figure macros you
use with your article in the preamble before \verb"\begin{document}". Authors should not attempt to use
implementation-specific \verb"\special"s directly.

\subsection{Illustrations (figures)}

The \textit{rQUF} class file will cope with most positioning of your illustrations and you should not normally need to use the optional placement specifiers of the \texttt{figure} environment. See `Instructions for Authors' in the journal's homepage on the Taylor \& Francis website  for how to submit artwork (note that requests to supply figures and tables separately from text are for the benefit of authors using Microsoft Word; authors using \LaTeX\ may include these at the appropriate locations in their PDF file). The original source files of any illustrations will be required when the final, revised version is submitted. Authors should ensure that their figures are suitable (in terms of lettering size, etc.) for the reductions they intend.

Figure captions should be below the figure itself, therefore the \verb"\caption" command should appear after the figure. For example, figure~\ref{sample-figure} with caption is produced using the following commands:

\subfigure[An example of an individual figure sub-caption.]{
\subfigure[A slightly shorter sub-caption.]{
\caption{\label{fig2} Example of a two-part figure with individual sub-captions showing that all lines of figure captions range left. The parts should be referred to in the text as `figure~\ref{sample-figure_part_a}' and `figure~\ref{sample-figure_part_b}'.

The control sequences \verb"\subfigure{}" and \verb"\includegraphics{}" require subfigure.sty and graphicx.sty.
The former is called in the preamble of the \texttt{rQUFguide.tex} file (in order to allow your choice of alternative if preferred)
and the latter by the \texttt{rQUF2e} class file; both are included with the \LaTeX\ style guide package for this journal for convenience.

To ensure that figures are correctly numbered automatically, the \verb"\label{}" command should be inserted just
after \verb"\caption{}".



您可能正在尝试包含.eps文件并使用 运行pdflatex



  • 跟着“编译路径” latex-> dvips-> ps2pdf(或者如果你的文档有参考书目和/或目录 latex-> bibtex(或者biber如果您使用biblatex) -> latex-> latex-> dvips-> ps2pdf)。

  • 使用包epstopdf(添加\usepackage{epstopdf}前言)并使用pdflatex选项--shell-escape运行--enable-write18

    pdflatex --enable-write18 <name>.tex


    pdflatex --shell-escape <name>


看起来epstopdf脚本适用于MiKTeX 2.9受限制的\write18(如makeindex) 并且选项--enable-write18(或--shell-escape) 不是必需的。
