



    A & B  & C & D  \\   \hline
    E & \multicolumn{3}{l|}{This is generated by excel2latex macro. I want to let it auto wrap according to the width of (B+C+D) }   \\      \hline



Table test.

\section{Insert a full table}

    A & B  & C & D  \\   \hline
    E & \multicolumn{3}{p{6cm}|}{This is generated by excel2latex macro. I want to let it auto wrap according to the width of (B+C+D) }   \\      \hline

\section{ Input the body of table from a separate file}

\CatchFileDef{\mytable}{table.tex}{}% table.tex > \mytable




假设 B、C 和 D 列属于p以下类型可用的宽度由长度参数 、 和 给出\colB\colC\colD您的示例代码中,这些长度相等2cm全部的但是,B、C 和 D 列的宽度为不是等于2cm。相反,每列的总宽度等于2cm+2\tabcolsep,其中\tabcolsep是控制插入到列左侧和右侧的空白量的参数。(在标准 LaTeX 文档类中,此参数的默认值为6pt。)

合并B、C 和 D 列的宽度(不计算 B 列左侧和 D 列右侧的垂直条的宽度)为

\colB + \colC + \colD + 6\tabcolsep + 2\arrayrulewidth 

(我隐含地假设包array正在被加载。如果不是这样,那么应该省略这个2\arrayrulewidth术语。)您可能猜到它2\arrayrulewidth代表两个内部垂直条的组合宽度——将 B 与 C 以及 C 与 D 分隔开的垂直条。此参数的默认值在0.4pt标准文档类中。

可用的三列的宽度略小一些,因为我们不能在\tabcolsepB 的左边缘和 D 的右边缘施加。因此给出

\colB + \colC + \colD + 4\tabcolsep + 2\arrayrulewidth


A & B  & C & D  \\   \hline
E & \multicolumn{3}{p{\combinedlength}|}{This is generated by excel2latex macro. I want to let it auto wrap according to the width of (B+C+D) }   \\      

完整的 MWE:


A & B  & C & D  \\   \hline
E & \multicolumn{3}{p{\combinedlength}|}{This is generated by excel2latex macro. I 
want to let it auto wrap according to the width of (B+C+D) }   \\      

%% Define some length parameters and set their values
\newlength\colB \setlength\colB{2cm}
\newlength\colC \setlength\colC{2cm}
\newlength\colD \setlength\colD{2cm}

\section{ Input the body of table from a separate file}

\CatchFileDef{\mytable}{table.tex}{}% table.tex > \mytable


我已经通过指定 \multicolumn{ncols}{ p{\tablewidth} }{long sentence...} 解决了这个问题


    A & B  & C & D  \\   \hline
    E & \multicolumn{3}{ p{\tablewidth} }{This is generated by excel2latex macro. This is generated by excel2latex macro. This is generated by excel2latex macro. I want to let it auto wrap according to the width of (B+C+D) }   \\      \hline



Table test.

\section{Insert a full table}

    A & B  & C & D  \\   \hline
    E & \multicolumn{3}{p{6cm}|}{This is generated by excel2latex macro. I want to let it auto wrap according to the width of (B+C+D) }   \\      \hline

\section{ Input the body of table from a separate file}

\CatchFileDef{\mytable}{table.tex}{}% table.tex > \mytable



我使用 tabularx 环境及其 X 列格式并解决了这个问题。




% Table generated by Excel2LaTeX from sheet 'Sheet1'
A     & B     & C \bigstrut\\
\multicolumn{3}{|X|}{This is combined from A+B+C, and the contents is very very long.} \bigstrut\\


