如何将 \thanklessauthor 添加到 KOMA 脚本文档?

如何将 \thanklessauthor 添加到 KOMA 脚本文档?

好吧,我正在处理一个文档KOMA Script,我尝试使用\thanklessauthor我在代码中找到的命令样本Tufte-book。一开始我以为这是一个普通的TeX宏,但事实并非如此。

在网上搜索了一下,我发现这一页在第 531 行和第 543 行之间有部分代码定义了我需要的内容。但奇怪的是,我没有看到\newcommand每种情况下的完整定义。我以前从未编写过类或类似的东西,所以我不明白它是如何工作的。

到目前为止,我的 MWE 是:


%%%%%%% Page Style

% Prints the month name (e.g., January) and the year (e.g., 2008)
\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or


\setlength{\parskip}{3pt plus 2pt minus 2pt}

\extratitle{\vspace*{4\baselineskip}\centering on the quiet}
    \titlehead{Opera Prima Collection}
    \title{Tales on the quiet}
    Copyleft \ccShareAlike\ \the\year\ \thanklessauthor 

\textsc{Edited by \thanklesspublisher}   
Design and typesetting: \emph{Listopad} \\    
\textit{First edition, \monthyear}.
    \dedication{To my thumb.}



在 Johannes BI 的建议和回答之后,尝试将他的建议应用到我的代码中,这是我的 MWE 更新的结果:

\usepackage[english]{babel} % Actually in the document is in Spanish

%%%%%%% Style chapter adjustments

%\renewcommand \thechapter{}

%%%%%%% Page Style
\usepackage{scrlayer-scrpage} %  If I add this line I've got two figures of rulers in the head and the foot, now not.

% Prints the month name (e.g., January) and the year (e.g., 2008)
\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or


%\usepackage[stable,bottom]{footmisc} I want to know how to use the KOMA solution instead.


%%%%%%%% Automation

%JB Taken from tufte-common.def
    % TODO store contents of \thanks command%


%Redefining the publishers
\RenewDocumentCommand{\publishers}{ o m o}{ % I didn't understood this line




\extratitle{\vspace*{4\baselineskip}\centering on the quiet}
\titlehead{State Fund for Culture and the Arts of Tabasco. \\
Cultural Institute of Tabasco}
\title{ on the quiet}
    Copyleft \ccShareAlike\ \the\year\ \thanklessauthor 
\textsc{Edited by \thanklesspublisher}   
Design and typesetting: \thanklesspublisher \\    
\textit{First edition, \monthyear}.
\dedication{To my thumb.}

\chapter{Let's test the result}
\begin{labeling}{the thanklessauthor}
\item[The author] \makeatletter \@author \makeatother
\item[the thanklessauthor] \thanklessauthor
\item[the plainauthor] \plainauthor
\item[the publisher] \makeatletter\@publishers\makeatother
\item[the shortpublisher]\shortpublishers

此 MNWE(最小不是工作示例)有错误,其中之一是我不能\thankslesspublisher\uppertitlebackand中使用\lowertitleback


Tufte 类以某种方式定义作者命令,即吞噬感谢并仅存储名称(thankslessauthor)。如果给出了可选参数\author,则将其存储为plainauthor,如果没有给出, thanklessauthor则和plainauthor相同。

正如您在示例最后一页所看到的,如果谢谢 没有被吞噬,脚注标记也会被输出。

根据您想要实现的目标,可能会有更多类似 KOMA 的解决方案。

对于发布者,我使用了不同的方法,即使用 package xparse。您可以使用\publishers常规方法,但如果您想包含谢谢您可以将其放在末尾的可选参数中。如果您想提供可选的 shortpublisher,则可以使用开头的可选参数。如果没有提供,则 短版出版商将是出版商

xparse使我们能够使用高级语法定义命令。定义\RenewDocumentCommand{\publishers}{ o m o }{ <definition> }我们可以 \publishers[<optional short publisher>]{<publishers>}[<optional thanks>] 在文档中使用。该{ o m o }部分定义了命令可以采用哪些参数。在本例中o可选参数(简短的发布者),和论证(出版商)和另一个 o可选参数(可能的感谢)。


addtokomafont您可以通过添加( ,附加到列表)或设置(setkomafont,重置列表并重新开始)字体和大小开关来更改元素的外观。

scrlayer-scrpage是 的后继scrpage2。全局选项headsepline=true被传递给包,导致头部和文本主体之间的分隔线。

关于脚注,除了使用选项stableKOMA 之外,标准类还提供可选参数。这里的 KOMA 接口更高级,您可以为标题、目录和实际章节标题选择不同的标题。KOMAbottom不提供该选项,因为该包不会干扰 KOMA,所以可以使用。

\usepackage[english]{babel} % Actually in the document is in Spanish

%\renewcommand \thechapter{}


% Prints the month name (e.g., January) and the year (e.g., 2008)
\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or


%JB Taken from tufte-common.def
    % TODO store contents of \thanks command%


%Redefining the publishers

\RenewDocumentCommand{\publishers}{ o m o }{



\extratitle{\vspace*{4\baselineskip}\centering on the quiet}
\titlehead{State Fund for Culture and the Arts of Tabasco. \\
Cultural Institute of Tabasco}
\title{ on the quiet}
    Copyleft \ccShareAlike\ \the\year\ \publishernothanks \\
    \textsc{Edited by \publishernothanks}
Design and typesetting:  \publishernothanks \newline
\textit{First edition, \monthyear}.
\dedication{To my thumb.}

\chapter{Let's test the result}
\begin{labeling}{the thanklessauthor}
\item[The author] \makeatletter \@author \makeatother
\item[the thanklessauthor] \thanklessauthor
\item[the plainauthor] \plainauthor
\item[the publisher] \makeatletter\@publishers\makeatother{}
\item[the shortpublisher]\shortpublishers

