![Pdfpages 不工作-替代方案/原因?](https://linux22.com/image/300051/Pdfpages%20%E4%B8%8D%E5%B7%A5%E4%BD%9C-%E6%9B%BF%E4%BB%A3%E6%96%B9%E6%A1%88%2F%E5%8E%9F%E5%9B%A0%EF%BC%9F.png)
嘿,我想知道为什么 includepdf / pdfpages 不起作用......
\title[Control, fuel and landing gears]{WP3 Wing subsystems}
\affiliation{Technische Universiteit Delft}
\chapter{Schematic of parts}
\label{app:schematic parts}
In this appendix a schematic view of all part positions and their shape is show. Table lists the reference values.
pdfpages 就会失败(只显示空白页而不是 pdf)。我如何才能找到其中的错误?或者是否有其他方法可以轻松地将图像“缩放”到整页?
%% Define the options for the makecover command.
%% Create a purple empty page without margins.
%% We need the this to perform coordinate calculations in TikZ.
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
%% If a back cover is present, stretch the cover image to extend onto
%% the spine.
%% If a cover image was specified, attach it to the top right of the
%% front cover.
\node at (current page.north east)[anchor=north east,inner sep=0pt]{
%% The 'bies' with the TU Delft logo is inserted on top of the over
%% image. If a back cover is present, insert the appropriate image there
%% as well. To ensure the full bies is visible, we anchor the images to
%% the bottom of the page.
\node at (current page.south west)[anchor=south west,inner sep=0pt]{
\node at (current page.south east)[anchor=south east,inner sep=0pt]{
\node at (current page.south west)[anchor=south west,inner sep=0pt]{
%% Calculate the coordinate of the top left corner of the front cover.
\coordinate (top left) at ($(current page.north)+(0.5\@cover@spinewidth,0pt)$);
\coordinate (top left) at (current page.north west);
%% If a back cover is present, calculate the coordinates of the
%% spine box.
\coordinate (spine top left) at ($(top left)-(\@cover@spinewidth,0pt)$);
\coordinate (spine bottom right) at ($(top left)+(0pt,-\@cover@y)$);
\coordinate (spine bottom right) at ($(spine bottom right)+(0pt,\@cover@backboxheight)$);
\coordinate (spine bottom center) at ($(spine bottom right)+(-0.5\@cover@spinewidth,0pt)$);
%% Extend the spine box by 1pt to the left to ensure it completely
%% covers the cover image.
\coordinate (spine top left) at ($(spine top left)-(1pt,0pt)$);
%% Draw a black box on the spine.
\fill[fill=tudelft-black](spine top left) rectangle (spine bottom right);
%% Print the title on the center right of the spine box.
\node at (spine bottom center)[rotate=-90,anchor=east,inner sep=\@cover@margin]{
%% Calculate the coordinate of the corner where the front and back boxes
%% meet.
\coordinate (corner) at ($(top left)+(\@cover@x,-\@cover@y)$);
%% Calculate the top left and bottom right coordinates of the front and
%% back boxes.
\coordinate (front top left) at (corner);
\coordinate (back top left) at ($(corner)+(-\@cover@backboxwidth,\@cover@backboxheight)$);
\coordinate (front top left) at ($(corner)+(0pt,\@cover@frontboxheight)$);
\coordinate (back top left) at ($(corner)+(-\@cover@backboxwidth,0pt)$);
\coordinate (front bottom right) at ($(front top left)+(\@cover@frontboxwidth,-\@cover@frontboxheight)$);
\coordinate (back bottom right) at ($(back top left)+(\@cover@backboxwidth,-\@cover@backboxheight)$);
%% Draw the front box in black.
\fill[fill=tudelft-black](front top left) rectangle (front bottom right);
%% Calculate the width and height of the front text box.
%% Create the front text box.
\node at (front top left)[anchor=north west,inner sep=\@cover@margin]{
%% Print the title and optional subtitle at the top in white.
%% Print the author at the bottom in cyan.
%% Draw the back box in cyan.
\fill[fill=tudelft-cyan](back top left) rectangle (back bottom right);
%% Print the affiliation.
\node at (back bottom right)[rotate=90,anchor=south west,inner sep=\@cover@margin]{
%% Calculate the width and height of the back text box.
%% Create the back text box.
\node at (back top left)[anchor=north west,inner sep=\@cover@margin]{
%% Restore the margins and turn the page white again.
有关为什么需要这样做的信息,请参阅文档第 11 页。
\title[Control, fuel and landing gears]{WP3 Wing subsystems}
\affiliation{Technische Universiteit Delft}
\chapter{Schematic of parts}
\label{app:schematic parts}
In this appendix a schematic view of all part positions and their shape is show. Table lists the reference values.
显然,我的输出包括标准图像,因为我没有您的 PDF,但它显示该解决方案确实适用于我选择的“绿色”: